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Interests: tarot, astrology, numerology, spirit guides
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hey guys! I have been thinking about getting a reading from somebody here at CP for some time,.but who? There are so many unique perspectives and ways on how to do what we do.I think everyone of us does a reading a different way. I will add that I am in daily contact with my main spirit guide Lucinda every day,.and she is in essence my psychic,.who somehow never tires of me when Im going through a tough,.or multiple transitions,.(isnt it great when they all happen at once?).Lucinda told me that while Im working at CP,.Im a spirit guide in the flesh,.which helped me make sense out of doing what we do."do for others what I do for you",.she explained in simple terms. I also cant resist pulling tarot and especially medicine cards between calls for myself and working on myself almost non stop.When I get a card that I dont like,.I try to discover where im hung up,..fix it,..and then pull again.In my medicine cards I get the same animals over,over,and over again,..they will just keep coming until I accept and really understand how to apply there message.(Especially,..the Big Cats.) p e a c e matt 5152
Toggle Commented Jul 9, 2009 on Divining for Myself at California Psychics®
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ever since I discovered Jane Roberts and the Seth books in the late 80's I have been trying to create my own reality..Phillip,.your post is a blueprint,.or that sign at the bottom of the mountain path that leads to the top.Thanks for a great post on the art of manifestation. peace. matt 5152
Toggle Commented Jul 1, 2009 on The Power of Thought at California Psychics®
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hey guys!,. well I feel that the intuition were speaking of is the soul trying to get you to move towards something you need to work on,.and sometimes the only way is through is to face fear,change,and even a negative experience if the problem your working on within your self is so deep that it has to be brought to the surface and even purged if needed. People choose VERY difficult lives for this reason if its a problem they have carried over the course of several lifetimes,.some souls seek out extreme experiences in pursuit of "evolve at all costs"..or,."learn, matter the cost",.. sounds like drama,.but hey,..are we not all Living the greatest story of all time? (: matt 5152
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hey guys! There's an author named Eckhart Tolle who is DEEP on the power of now.moving beyond thought,.awakening to presence,.relinquishing attachment,."cease seeking",.(losing the obsession with the future),.transformation,..and unfolding to divine purpose,.he goes there and then some. somehow we all still receive the bright moments that remind us what life and humanity is about,.and in today's world they can happen so fast or were so deep in process they can blow right by.I have an analogy I like use called,."your the star",..we write our story on the other side,.(with the help of guides and soul family),.then once were here we direct and star in our own leading role,..ever in search of.. bright moments...(: matt 5152
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greetings Kim,. So sorry about your Loss.. I would say it was a goodbye dream without a doubt."i have to go now",.and a strong enough connection that he felt he needed to let you know. I had a cat named Zues who was really LONG,.had a lot of soul.I had a super vivid dream one night just starring at Zues looking right in his eyes and reaching out and touching his face,.when he said,."I have to leave." Zues was an outdoor cat and I never saw him again,.the next day he was gone without a trace,.and had vanished! I never heard or found anything out about him being in an accident or anything like that. I believe cats are masters of astral travel,.going all the back to ancient eygpt. matt 5152
Toggle Commented Jun 7, 2009 on A Goodbye Dream? at California Psychics®
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Hey Jen! hmmm,..I might add The Pleiadian agenda,the Cosmos of Soul,Weather Shamanism,the Seth books,.and the Explorer race series.FUN! FUN! FUN! (: Matt 5152
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hey guys,. I would add that science and the spiritual are on a collision course that cant be stopped at this point.Post 2012,.many,many people are going to start remembering just how alot of this stuff works on a technical level.should be fun when we get more and more ESP.(= Its happening as we speak. peace. matt 5152
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Thanks Gina rose,.and likewise.Indeed,.the trans-medium experience can be interesting to say the least. A funny memory comes to mind:I was channeling for a group of people once,.a spirit guide that was pretty unusual and humorous.There was an empty paper bag under my chair. A cat jumped in the bag and got stuck. "somebody please,..Let the cat out of the bag.",.the guide said,.getting a round of laughter from the group! (: have a good one! matt 5152
Toggle Commented Jun 4, 2009 on Psychic Forum at California Psychics®
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greetings Abigail thanks so much!,.I never saw that until you mentioned it here. transformation in action, it.(: matt
Toggle Commented Jun 3, 2009 on Psychic Forum at California Psychics®
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Hey guys,. well,.as for wild experiences,.Ill mention that when I first started talking to the other side,.I had alot to learn about the balance required and how far we can go in regards to channeling. I was working mostly not with a spirit guide,.but the deceased brother of a dear friend of mine,.a jazz trumpet player named Frank.Im a trumpet player myself,.and was in a band with Franks living brother,.Hildred. One night on a gig,.Frank showed up and asked me if could,."blow for a minute". In other words,.he wanted to play my trumpet,.through me. I allowed him to do it,.and stopped the place cold.It was another mans sound from another place,.and the feeling of another time.It shocked everyone,.especially me,,.was this possible? I never allowed Frank to do that again,.and he didnt really want or need to,.he just needed that one last blow. Its something ill never forget.The begining of learning the parameters of speaking with the next vibration. peace. matt 5152
Toggle Commented Jun 2, 2009 on Psychic Forum at California Psychics®
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Greetings fellow Psychics,. in regards to Manifestation,.Has anyone seen that crop circle? (my favorite).. Id like to add how very,very,specific we must be when using this power.Every detail should be worked out once you allow the feeling of the goal acheived to begin the manifestation.There must be 100% no fear allowed to interfere.Id also like to add how important patience and trust are once the manifestation begins.(: peace,..paz,.. matt 5152
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hey guys! the Fool for me means,."expect the unexpected",. time to take a chance I advise my callers. I have another deck I love called Medicine Cards,. which connects us to animal spirit guides,.its powerful and fun.You can even find your Totem pole. There are several Tarot cards in the major arcana I would to explore in depth here at CP.Its great to get different card,and deck,..perspectives.
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hey guys,. Ive been dwelling on the tempo on the path.Sometimes its SO fast,.sometimes SO slow,. (watching the planets move around can be like watching Paint dry.) I think everyone has a tempo their comfortable with as well.
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hey guys! autobiographies for me. James Earl Jones who overcame stuttering and being mute,.and Richard Pryor,.with all KINDS of adversity to overcome.
Toggle Commented May 31, 2009 on Weekend Reads at California Psychics®
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Capricorn Rising folks can be pretty funny to.(:
Toggle Commented May 28, 2009 on Funny Astrology at California Psychics®
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Hi Joyce and CP,. Its amazing how many times parts of us die and are reborn in pursuit of learning,.and sometimes that process gets as real as Life can be. I once lost the ability to sleep for a week and and was really losing it. It was when I realized and accepted that I loved my father that sleep returned. Years later I discovered a pluto transit right during that period.zap! peace to all.. Matt
Toggle Commented May 28, 2009 on My Dark Night at California Psychics®
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Hi Gina Rose,.. nothing like a different perspective to provide a good wake up call.The majority of my callers are woman,.so I tend to see their perspective,.but i know it can Flip if you will.I will say I have seen men from venus and woman from mars at times,.and that men really do need space at times.Ive got to spend some time with what you propose,and maybe talk to some other Male psychics on the line,.none of whom Ive met yet.hey guys,.where are you at? (: peace.matt
Toggle Commented May 28, 2009 on Empower Yourself! at California Psychics®
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hey guys!,..Matt here,.(new in town),.and POWER is one of my favorite subjects.I offer my favorite book and author,.Jeffrey Wolf Greene,.and the evolutionary journey of the soul,.as my number one signpost to PLUTO and the essence of POWER. All of us here at CP have it and have learned how to use it for good,.Im sure we all have an original story on what we went through to get to the nature of each of our own version of personal power.The power of MANIFESTATION is what Im working on now myself.(:
Toggle Commented May 26, 2009 on Empower Yourself! at California Psychics®
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Hi Verbena!,. I was so into spirit guides when i started that Yoga class,.that my instructor took me over to that mirror to make his point,.which at the time i was like,.what? But since i can talk and work with them,.I still really enjoy that aspect of my ability. I see our preparation before the lives we are in now as you mentioned.Lucinda is always saying to me,.."I have your chart right here",.when were getting into some stuff.Indeed,.soul family is a great way to describe those people we love and trust enough to entrust our new lessons with.Im sure everybody on CP has big soul families and ill bet some of us are even connected.(:
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hi Gina! I love seeing Psychics as spirit guides here at our vibrational level.Im an 11 in numerology,.a spiritual messenger,.just about the same thing,.with that compulsion to keep the lines open between us and home if you will.(: matt 5152
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I cant resist the simple power of someones birthday. A persons Destiny and the latest year Life challenge is right.there.Then here comes the Venus(Love)and Mars(work) transits,.and we almost have an actual map!,.(ALMOST,..thats where we come in at CP). Tarot to,.they CANT LIE,.and are so useful in breaking down how we block ourselves and each other,bringing a positive affirmation to just break down the door.
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I once went to a native american sweat Lodge and the medicine man showed me a deck he had called Medicine cards with which you can work with as many as 52 animals spirit guides and even figure out your own totem Pole.Its FUN. My spirit guide for the last several years is named Lucinda,.who always brings the right message at the right time with an extra special does of SOUL.(:
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My first Yoga teacher had a big mirror in the entrance to his studio that said,."your the teacher",.and whatever someone else brings you,.you have to apply that to your natural instinct. However,.I am,..a big fan of help from the other side,and have worked with spirit guides for years. With access to your chart from someone that was there when you wrote it,.you can get down to why you really became you,..let the learning begin! (:
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