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Psychic Maryanne Ext. 9146
Recent Activity
It is possible to become emotionally stunted, regardless of age, due to emotional pain in one's past. The good news is, each and every one of us can overcome that and the vast majority of people we read for really do want to overcome it.
Your postings reflect you are doing marvelous growth on your own-congratulations!
Help! I'm Dating a Commitment Phobe!
You're dating an amazing individual, somebody you'd really like to get to know better. Every date this person smells and looks absolutely "smokin" right down to his/her minty sweet breath - and all is good with the world. Every date just continues to get better and better but... that old exclu...
As Gina Rose mentioned, neither the mood of the psychic doing the reading nor the mood and/or emotions of the client affects what we see and read for you. I work as a clear conduit to deliver information to a client from the universe. When you feel "mesmerized" by a reading with one of us, you are experiencing a true connection with the psychic. Best wishes,
Ask What You're Ready to Hear!
By Miss Krystal One thing that can really help a client before I conduct a reading is for them to ask themselves, "What am I ready to hear?" Sometimes people are not ready to get into certain truths about their life. However, they may be well ready to hear about other things. There is nothin...
Excellent article! I couldn't agree more. It's human nature for us to focus on what (or who) we want, but that focus won't make someone want to commit to us. I do believe it makes us actually less attractive to the person we want to commit to our relationship.
Help! I'm Dating a Commitment Phobe!
You're dating an amazing individual, somebody you'd really like to get to know better. Every date this person smells and looks absolutely "smokin" right down to his/her minty sweet breath - and all is good with the world. Every date just continues to get better and better but... that old exclu...
Morgan, great post. I agree one of the most important things we can do for our clients is to lead them to the realization that we can re-write many of the items in our own script. What a tremendous freedom that brings them, along with joy.
Your Destiny and the Future
I was reading for a delightful young lady recently who voiced a question that I had heard many times before, "What is my future destiny?!" It did not really take me by surprise as I hear that all the time. Now part of my job is to provide the impetus for thought. So I posed to her this question...
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