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Nunu X9504
The Moon
Recent Activity
Well Heidi, It's best to be honest about the situation. Friendly, yet honest. <3 Nunu
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Hi Cheryl- Well, this means that you will come across each other again in the future. Just relax, live, and let some time pass. You'll see.
Toggle Commented Dec 8, 2009 on Full Moon Tarot at California Psychics®
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Miss Krystal- TYVM! always with love, Nunu
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Hi Carol- One of the most heart wrenching types of relationships are "friends with benefits". We might as well be sleeping with a bear because at least he's trying to eat you instead of daily ripping your feelings to shreds. Perhaps a reading to see if this is what's happening would be a good start to your purging process. <3 Nunu
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Hi Stacey- Sometimes timelines are not only about time but also about the process. There are always a series of events that occur to get other things to happen. Maybe a reading to see what the process is before things finally happen for you will help.
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words can't describe how much i love these articles on living authentically. most of us are taught to hide who we are and it's still going on to this day. we have to hide our real bodies, hair, faces, cloak our feelings with graciousness, etc. it's just the way it is. we have to be civilized. finding that happy medium where we are true to ourselves but not offensive to others is a daily process. it's huge and we may never get there 100%, but being the best "me" is an awesome quest. my favorite quote from my favorite author, who coincidently passed away on my bday a few years ago---I do not think that I will ever reach a stage when I will say, "This is what I believe. Finished." What I believe is alive ... and open to growth.---madeleine l'engel have an awesome day! Nunu
Toggle Commented Sep 28, 2009 on Loving Authentically at California Psychics®
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happy reading everyone! and welcome back, chloe!
Toggle Commented Sep 19, 2009 on Meet Our New Psychics! at California Psychics®
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Toggle Commented Sep 19, 2009 on The Pages of the Tarot at California Psychics®
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Toggle Commented Sep 19, 2009 on The Knights of the Tarot at California Psychics®
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why thank you kindly, sir! i am actually honorary chinese. don't ask me how that happened... maybe i was hawaiian in another life. my brother is always being stopped and asked if he's the rock. but, no one ever asks me if i'm the rock. =(
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ok, here i come to complicate things...i was born during an RX too, but they are awful times for me. i'm not left handed either. why can't i be a cool kid too?
Toggle Commented Sep 4, 2009 on Your Daily Horoscope at California Psychics®
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awww, ((((michael jackson))))
Toggle Commented Sep 4, 2009 on Michael Jackson's Fate at California Psychics®
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yeah. you know, my daughter wanted to grow up to be a mermaid. now she wants to be a cat. i think these are awesome goals. this is a great blog. i really needed it.
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Sep 3, 2009
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Sep 3, 2009
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Sep 3, 2009
Well guys, There will be butter and frosting. There will be tasty info too!
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I love the show Psych. And of course I love That's So Raven. We used to dance around when Raven came on. Of course True Blood is my show! But dog gone it, Lost is my favorite show of all time. Other than Buffy, but the psychics were on Angel. I can't stand Matt Parkman on Heroes. I guess out of all the shows Shawn Spencer on Psych is my favorite. I love the way he and his friend bounce off each other. kisses on all ya'll's cheeks! Nunu
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Hello Again Amor- Ok, without knowing the entire spread you had, this is a general interpretation. The Queen of Hearts/Cups would be a favorite lady, the object of affection. If you are inverted, though, this can refer to an ex that is still emotionally attached or emotionally draining. The Queen of Swords with the Magician in her layers may refer to someone who has a lot of influence or control over him, however if she is inverted it can mean the same with more negative connotations. The Moon reversed in that spread may be saying that he's fully aware of what role she plays but since she's still around he may not mind it. I hope this helps you some. It sounds like you have gotten yourself into a pretty pickle of a situation there! <3 Nunu
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Hi Amor- Sorry it's taken me so long to respond, Amor. The Queen of Hearts is related to the Queen of Cups/Chalices. The difference between the sword suit and the cup suit is basically the swords are about discipline and structure. The cup suit is primarily about emotions and pleasure. The translations do run deeper but that is a basic comparison. <3 Nunu
Toggle Commented Aug 15, 2009 on The Magician at California Psychics®
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Hi Lisa, Thanks for the love! hahahhahaha! Seriously, of course your gifts can be developed. I like to call it "enhanced". Most of us are all born with the tools of the trade it's all about encouragement and exercise. In extreme times they can also whack you upside the head. I'd love to talk with you sometime about some things you could do to nurture your's. Until my lucky day, keep watching for critters! <3 Nunu
Toggle Commented Aug 12, 2009 on Tarot Cards of Patience at California Psychics®
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Hey Lisa! The ladybug is actually one of my totem animals. Whenever I need reassurance there they are. When things have potential for big change, there they are. However, I am someone that needs to be knocked upside the head so, I have also experienced swarms of them. So many that my kids were afraid of going outside. Yeah, the lady bug is very powerful medicine. The treefrog is also one of my totem animals. This summer we had them in droves. Any of my regular callers could tell you that I was finding them in my bed, in my bathtub, by my feet, staring at the tv, etc. The full moon of April (the day before good Friday) we had maybe 3 tree frogs. 2 weeks later we had hundreds of them. So heed your critter visitations, for they may be telling you something big.
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That is great Anthony! Good luck on your project!! Did I mention I dabble in a little softshoe? =P Seriously, I can't wait to see your stuff on tv!! Sending you cupcakey vibrations, Nunu
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this isn't an affirmation but "turn the lights on" usually packs a pretty good punch.
Toggle Commented Jul 31, 2009 on Strut Your Stuff! at California Psychics®
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