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Hi, Molly - great idea! I'm actually doing the same thing for a different reason. We're packing to move in 2 weeks, and I am hoping buy no more food except some fruit and vegs for that time. I plan on making a LOT of bread, bean tacos, and granola. Here's one recipe you might try if you have the ingredients. My kids love this! It's a pumpkin polenta. Heat 1 small can of pumpkin plus 2 can-fulls of milk; mix in 1 1/2 t ground ginger and 1 t salt. Mix 1 c cornmeal with 1/2 c water in a bowl. When the milk/pumpkin mixture is hot but not boiling, whisk in the moist cornmeal. Stir constantly until it thickens, just a few minutes. You can add some raisins, brown sugar, or maple syrup, or just eat it plain. It's a bit more of a fall dish, but then, that's why I still have that stuff hanging around in my pantry! I hope you enjoy it. Good luck with your experiment!
Toggle Commented May 30, 2009 on Up for a challenge? at MommyCoddle
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