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New York State
Interests: love to draw,paint and so on with all the arts. I love shows and they inspire my art
Recent Activity
YAY!!! good luck on the new film Zach can't wait to see it.
to clarify...
GREAT JOB!!! ZACH I love that ahah cant wait to see more
buddy 'n' andy
6.24.09. medium well. brian jarvis and i used to sling hash together at a hipster coffee shop in hollywood. that is the cornerstone of our friendship. i have never laughed so hard over a plate of
Great photo i love it being in black and white
CONGRATS!!! that is so awesome I hope it makes more money when it comes out on DVD which i cant wait for
Box Office for STAR TREK
The movie keeps on rolling... STAR TREK crossed $240,000,000 domestic box office this past weekend. See article below. A
ahaha Zach u rock 100%
360 degrees at MTV Movie Awards
Zachary attended the MTV Movie Awards last night with "HEROES" star Hayden Panettiere. Click HERE to see ZQ in 360 degree Matrix-style photograph on the red carpet. LINK
your amazing Zach truly amazing. Star Trek was mind blowing and Im glad you got to do all this. Congrats Zach. I also hope you end up hosting SNL it will be awesome.
S. N. Love it...
5.19.09. all is settled... it has been a while. travels have brought me home. took a few days of relative solitude to let things breathe. the last leg of the trip was absolutely raucous and exhausting. mostly because all of us realized the imminent conclusion of such an epic adventure
man I need this magazine :) I love the new photoshoots
ZQ in GQ Germany - Magazine Scans
Actual page scans from the GQ GERMANY feature article. LINK to article HERE.
This was awesome. It would be great for you all to Host SNL. I can't wait to see Star Trek again. I loved every part of it. Love ya all :D
VIDEO: Saturday Night Live (with Chris Pine, Leonard Nimoy, & Seth Meyers)
Zachary appeared on NBC's "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE" on May 9th, alongside castmates Chris Pine and Leonard Nimoy during Seth Meyers' "Weekend Update" segment. See below via
awesome Zach ahah that looks like so much fun. Must have been a rush to the head
ZQ Sky Jump in Auckland, NZ
As promised on Letterman, here is the video of Zachary bungy-jumping from the Sky Tower in Auckland, NZ, and falling 53 miles per hour.
Wow Zach this awesome. Im so happy for you. Have fun in Japan that has got to be great to go there. I have always wanted to go there. And I loved seeing you on the talk shows. This is amazing
love ya and good luck
la. ny. la. ny.
5.6.09. i am flying... literally. right now. we're 29,000 feet above somewhere - benefiting from the newfangled technology of a certain airline experimenting with in-flight wireless. gives me a chance to catch up with myself a little bit actually. when i last dipped into the blogosphere
this was a great interview. Zach u looked like u were about to blush it makes me smile and makes my day when u smile :D
VIDEO: British Talk Show - Zachary & Chris on GMTV
Zachary and Chris Pine were interviewed this morning in London on GMTV with Lorraine Kelly, in anticipation of tonight's London Premiere of STAR TREK in Leicester Square. LINK HERE.
ahaha Lucid thats great :D i cant read lips not at all :D
VIDEO: British Talk Show - Zachary & Chris on GMTV
Zachary and Chris Pine were interviewed this morning in London on GMTV with Lorraine Kelly, in anticipation of tonight's London Premiere of STAR TREK in Leicester Square. LINK HERE.
oh man this is gonna be fun seeing you guys live oh man :D
lovely vid your so handsome in that suit :D
VIDEO: Berlin Premiere of STAR TREK - on the red (blue) carpet
Zachary and the cast of STAR TREK on the blue carpet at the film's Berlin premiere at the Sony Center. He joined Chris Pine, Eric Bana, Simon Pegg, Zoe Saldana, John Cho, Karl Urban, and of course JJ Abrams.
wow dont u love coincidences. That vid is great it must be very pleasant in France Ive always wanted to travel to Paris. Its so great what your doing Zach :D
why i want to live in paris (in three photos and a video)...
4.15.09. two years ago today - i put myself on tape to play the role of spock. this was on the wall of the bar where we went last night. coincidence? i don't believe in coincidence. so this first photo doesn't count as one of the three. i just thought it was a crazy little anniversary present
oh man Zach u have quite and experience here man this is awesome :D
kuwait a minute...
4.11.09. in the middle (east). one of the most fascinating and remote destinations on the whole trip is with out a doubt kuwait. we travelled almost 19 hours from new zealand through dubai to get there and then spent less than a day before heading another 9 hours to paris. i have never been...
wow I didn't know they invented that. Well I guess you learn something new everyday wow.
That jump sounds fun but scary.Oh man its so beautiful there :D
auckland adventures...
jump!!!! 4.10.09. two down. what can i say about new zealand... other than i wish we could have stayed much longer. the premiere went really well. people were excited - but not frenzied. i have noticed a kind of ease about the people in this part of the world. understandable
It makes me haooy that you can show our Troops a good time :D
Kuwait - Link to Photos
Here's a link to some early photos of Zachary and the cast, and an article coming out of the Kuwait stop on the STAR TREK WORLD TOUR. LINK
my god Zach this amazing I hope Kuwait is great :D look at u and ur bro :D aww
bye bye and have fun
i can't believe...
4.9.09. ... i'm still awake. just got into my hotel room in auckland after a couple of incredible days in sydney. the world premiere was a thrill. could the lit up sydney opera house look any more like the starfleet insignia?! even in the face of some trekker upheaval - it seems obvious
oh my how nice oh Zach I am so happy for u. You really are going somewhere and your such an inspiration to keep pushing on with my dream.
preparations underway...
4.6.09. down (under) day. first day in sydney. spent it walking about and absorbing this phenomenal city. also reconnected with an old friend who lives here - and whom i haven't seen in over five years. that was a blast. tomorrow won't be so leisurely - but probably infinitely
oh man this is so awesome Zach I so cant wait for this movie
my first post
4.4.09. and so it is underway. the future may begin may 8th for the rest of the world. but tonight it begins for us. the adventure. the circus.
yea I feel ur pain college is expensive lol
STAR TREK - World Press Tour
Zachary, Chris Pine, J.J. Abrams, Eric Bana, Zoe Saldana, John Cho, Simon Pegg, and Karl Urban leave this Saturday, April 4th for a Worldwide Press Tour in support of the release of STAR TREK on May 8th. Cities include: - Sydney, Australia - Auckland, New Zealand -
I really want this mag
Heroes Magazine - Cover
Zachary appears on the cover of the UK's Heroes Magazine.
hmm maybe I will go to the NYC one
STAR TREK - World Press Tour
Zachary, Chris Pine, J.J. Abrams, Eric Bana, Zoe Saldana, John Cho, Simon Pegg, and Karl Urban leave this Saturday, April 4th for a Worldwide Press Tour in support of the release of STAR TREK on May 8th. Cities include: - Sydney, Australia - Auckland, New Zealand -
yea I come from NYS so I understand
STAR TREK - World Press Tour
Zachary, Chris Pine, J.J. Abrams, Eric Bana, Zoe Saldana, John Cho, Simon Pegg, and Karl Urban leave this Saturday, April 4th for a Worldwide Press Tour in support of the release of STAR TREK on May 8th. Cities include: - Sydney, Australia - Auckland, New Zealand -
ya i am also a college student in debt. I have to pay for everything my dad is making me. I wonder if he would like give this to me as a bday gift lol
STAR TREK - World Press Tour
Zachary, Chris Pine, J.J. Abrams, Eric Bana, Zoe Saldana, John Cho, Simon Pegg, and Karl Urban leave this Saturday, April 4th for a Worldwide Press Tour in support of the release of STAR TREK on May 8th. Cities include: - Sydney, Australia - Auckland, New Zealand -
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