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Great find! Kx
Admiring these handmade table accessories sold under the Japanese paper craft brand. OEY. Mizuhiki is a seventh century tradition of knot tying. Designers Ken Yokomizo and Mariko Murai created this collection that includes napkin rings, glass markers and chopsticks. What was once used for tying...
Oh I LOVE them!! Great find :) K
i've been distracted
Okay, well...I'm a little bit behind, but I *just* figured out that Easter is next weekend. Next weekend. Ugh. (I mean, YAY! Hooray!...Easter.) Anyway, for all you fantastic crocheters out there, with perhaps a spot or two to fill in the baskets? These are for you. From Fox In The Woods, t...
Oh that sweater!! Do you mind if I re-post? I just love it :) K
rainbow mine
A quick run-down of a few of my flickr faves always cheers and inspires me. These colors keep popping up, and I love them... Check out this incredible hand-made sweater from eanie-meany. It's knit, crocheted, and patchworked! A sweet, sweet wreath from haru... Another wonderful color-...
I love her work too... couldn't agree more :) K
this tiny world
Hello, sweet friends! Perhaps you know of Hannah Waldron? She is a wonderful UK-based artist with many collections of work, all of them worth spending lots of time with. But my very favorite is her "This Tiny World" collection. Here's a sampling: (Actually, that's the...
This is the most beautiful post. We all need to play this 'game' with our children if only to appreciate just how privileged we all really are. I hope the sun starts shining more through those beautiful windows. The most wonderful people I have in my life are the ones who've gone through some struggle or tragedy. Your post is so moving for me. It's not what happens to us but what we choose to do with it I think. Take good care :) K
shadows and light
So, as you all know quite well, we've been under-going a period of intense adjustment, lifestyle-wise, at our house. Admittedly, it was long overdue, although we never lived an "indulged" life, by any means. The changes have been tough, and sometimes painful, but almost universally good. S...
The penguin is very cute - another one for the cute ratio! It's so good to read your comments on how these production lines really work. I find it so dispiriting to do that I'm always limiting myself to one-offs. Every time someone says, why don't you sell your creations? All I see before me is a dreaded production line! Handmade is supposed to be about the unique item anyway - good luck with your happy medium! :) K
My Creative Space
When I started selling toys lots of people told me that I would get faster at making them, that I'd be able to be super efficient and that my business would blossom with staple lines of toys that were all unique and somehow quickly made. I'd like to set the record straight for anyone else out th...
Holy Toledo, Wee Ones! This looks like a fun place to be :) Enjoy this treasure. K
4 lbs of mixed legos
This ought to keep us busy and keep our mind off the fact that the pool will soon be closing. We all have legomania around here. I think I have it worse than Oscar. It's the collector in me. I can hardly stop myself from buying out-of-production batman sets on ebay for hundreds of dollars. Why i...
They look so fabulous :) K
sparkly cupcakes
Oscar and I finally got a chance to make some cupcakes with the "fun cups" we snuck in the cart when we bought Phoebe's heart pan. Now to find an excuse to use the gold glitter dust. We sure love that cake aisle at Michaels.
Oh, this I love so much! What a fabulous idea :) K
hex top
Thanks again for the hex's Jennifer! I found a plain top for them in Phoebe's drawer. Now I'm hunting for more plain tops for more embellishing ideas I have floating around. Trying to ease myself into some Fall clothes sewing.
Oh how wonderful! They are just fabulous - loveliest of giveaways + thank you for doing it! Oooo, I can't choose!! Mlle Colette - no, Mlle Matilde!! No, make it Mlle Colette....! Best feature... I accept people for the way they are :)
sweet sweet life give-away
Hello, again! I've been wanting to do a give-away for a while now, because I love my readers so much, and you all deserve a little something special. But I have this secret fear that I will put the items I made out there and nobody will want them. Well, that is, as they say, a "me" problem. An...
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Jun 7, 2009
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