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At the line where your imagination is your passport to travel
"The Pizzaonian" a different perspective, Diverti Mento,editor
Interests: The world and its people
Recent Activity
We are entering a transitional time in the evolution of our species.
The old order is dying and is ...yet to be replaced! Continue reading
Posted Aug 28, 2018 at GIOVANNIANDFRANCO.COM
The in between time - when old values systems die and new values have yet to arrive...
Much has been said and written of the new times we are entering. As history reveals, we have had episodes like this before... Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2017 at THE PIZZAONIAN
The Bible --- literal vrs metaphor - and the beat goes on and on and on......
As the world’s consciousness expands, and as we become a worldwide, globalized community there has to be some recognition that God is, and was, in a historical sense aware of this inevitable progression of human consciousness. If so, for each of us the process, by which all generations come to accept the written world as true, must go beyond the word itself, regardless of whether we accept it is literal or metaphorical in context. Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2017 at THE PIZZAONIAN
Always so much more to know!
What an interesting combination – more experience, but still haven’t make a dent in what still needs to be known. Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2017 at musings
Faith, morals and political integrity
Faith, morals and political integrity, three subjects that most Americans believe they have. The question, however, always comes to mind, how much of these belief systems are real or just a matter of convenience? As we listen to the caustic and angry rhetoric of our politicians, where does integrity begin?... Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2017 at THE PIZZAONIAN
At the heart of all success is not your belief in its inevitability
"At the heart of all success is not your belief in its inevitability -- at the heart of all success is your ability to overcome the fear that permeates and surrounds your belief." Pizzaonian proverb
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Posted Sep 25, 2017 at GIOVANNIANDFRANCO.COM
Faith, morals and political integrity - real or a revolving door?
Within each of us a need for certainty exists – a certainty that cannot exist in the world as we know it. From this premise, we begin a journey to seek an uncertain truth that can only exist in faith. Within the intuitive understanding of this concept, we begin our journey. Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2017 at musings
The fine art of wandering - a true art form
How many people practice wandering today without appreciating what a fine art it is. I suspect we all do it. Simply said, it is that moment in the day when you know you cannot keep doing what you are doing and stay sane. That is the signal to wander. Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2017 at THE PIZZAONIAN
Thoughts to ponder on a lazy afternoon ….. from a Pizzaonian perspective...
How many Americans are even considering the fact that their current political two party system is obsolete? The world is simply different now and radically new ways of democratically governing need to be explored. Should not the world’s oldest democracy and free enterprise system be the best framework for positive change? Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2017 at THE PIZZAONIAN
The era of “Barnum and Bailey” returns
Webster defines hype this way: “to stimulate, to enliven” These are the daunting task advertisers and politicians are faced with – to stimulate where there is no-interest – to enliven where there is no- life. Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2017 at THE PIZZAONIAN
"To simply be" --- no longer as easy as it used tobe
Once you have done this, simply be, nothing more, nothing less, and everything else falls into place. But in your world, there is virtually no place where that is allowed to happen. Here in the fictitious world we simply, be. Not to be or not to be, but simply, be. Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2016 at GIOVANNIANDFRANCO.COM
Election 2016 - Beware of the impossible - it keeps showing up - like it or not!
Why do we have such division in the United States today? Obviously, at this point there is nothing untied about our country. Not only are we divided, we seem to be enjoying the division. If you don’t accept this, just check the television ratings. Our news networks spend most of... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2016 at THE PIZZAONIAN
On growing older and the continued need "to rediscover."
The question remains: As we grow older, how do we do stay fresh and willing to continue to seek our life’s goals with enthusiasm? Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2016 at musings
Pizzaonian National Health Plan - a model for the future
Council members declared their faith-based health plan as a model for the United State as well. As we all know their health plans require the financial backing of their government and what requires more faith than that?
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Posted Nov 15, 2016 at GIOVANNIANDFRANCO.COM
Living the Authentic Life - for those with the courage to do so
The world or its people will leave its imprint on you. We are the sum total of our experiences and they have left their psychological mark. Make no mistake about it; it is as true as the coming of death. The question is what to do about it. Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2016 at GIOVANNIANDFRANCO.COM
Campaign 2016 - The American elections
Campaign 2016 The American elections - photo of a human brain after listening to a Donald Trump campaign speech. Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2016 at THE PIZZAONIAN
Conjectures of a recovering dilettante - Random musings on writing
Recently, I read an article on writing that said we should never be writing just for ourselves, especially if we expected anyone else to read what we wrote. Continue: Continue reading
Perhaps the only real teacher is experience.
Experience is a wonderful teacher. It is too bad that all learning is in retrospect. -To continue reading: Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2016 at THE PIZZAONIAN
An observation while reading the obituaries - Why is it that only good people die?
Why do only good people die?, I still take a peek at the obits thinking I might find someone in there who wasn’t all that good. The kind of obituary that says – “he really was a jerk, but we loved him anyway.” It might be reassuring to know that once in a while not just good people die. Continue: Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2016 at THE PIZZAONIAN
Big government is always more efficient when it cannot get much done.
So we did the obvious. By changing our volunteer officials every two weeks and limiting their service to every five years, it just became too expensive for even our rich to buy them all. Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2016 at THE PIZZAONIAN
Conjectures of a recovering dilettante - A Christian perspective Bonhoeffer style - "a life of cheap grace" - or?
I think much of the problem goes back to the premise Dietrich Bonhoeffer called “cheap grace.” By that he meant it is easy for us to do the basics of acting out our faith and little else - but real tolerance and love? Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2016 at GIOVANNIANDFRANCO.COM
Conjectures of a recovering dilettante - "Why the Golden Rule no longer works.”
As the world expanded and grew bigger with each new discovery, it became virtually impossible for people to keep up and to see beyond their tribal perspectives. Everyone’s moral compass went awry. Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2016 at GIOVANNIANDFRANCO.COM
"Redefining community in a evolving world" - Conjectures of a recovering dilettante on the road to Utopia
History is filled with like periods. Uncertain times make us vulnerable to unscrupulous leaders who are quite willing to take advantage of the circumstances. Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2016 at THE PIZZAONIAN
Conjectures of a recovering dilettante while traveling the road to Utopia - the search for meaningful relationships
To see the absurdity in life and in ourselves is a gift from heaven - to be able to do this is to embrace yourself as fully human. By accepting our inconsistencies, we become compassionate and more open to those around us. Continue: Continue reading
Fading stars past their prime - but they go on and on and on.........
An interesting thought occurred to me this morning. Nothing corrupts a process more than money.
CONTINUE: Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2016 at GIOVANNIANDFRANCO.COM
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