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Brooklyn DoLL
Ask maybe I'll tell
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damn max...thats crazy 75 yrs..where frenchy at??? where his homies...whats really going on
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rofl...damn she just know realized she made a fool of her self...she should have never went up there..
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rofl Mozilla thug of the day perhaps?? I dont have a "babyfather"....but nice attempt @ a diss..but your funny as hell but I havent said anything to you oh and I can say whatever the fuck I want...and I do not entertain e-beefs and/or e-threats only pussy ass niggas do that...if you so BROOKLYN as you state you know niggas dont bang on the keyboard or follow niggas around on the internet...nuff said nigga have a nice day
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i was just asking about beans....apparently the courts dont know where his ass is at either
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Obama: And the award for Jackass of the year goes to you Kanye
Toggle Commented Sep 15, 2009 on Barack Obama & Kanye West at
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rofl...people want to see what went wrong...other then what happened the vma's were very boring...lil mama embarrassed the hell outta herself...atleast she got a photo
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lol I have to agree...last time a artist stayed relevant on bad boy more then 6 months, last time bad boy had a hit???
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why is ross still rapping, he has lost all is cred...time to hang it up
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this blog war still going on....I actually forgot what the real post was about...*goes back to read* Oh what happened to Neef?? and what is Beanie doing is he still signed
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awww Ja....I dont even remember the murder reigns video..But Ghost was that movie...RIP Patrick Swayze
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Why is he worried about Ye' nigga needs to worry about producing some hits instead of trying to dip into the limelight
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Def a good look....I wish I could go
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alright fif its time for u to drop the album sheesh
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Brooklyn DoLL is now following Bigup2bk
Jun 10, 2009