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Such sweet, sweet cards! That oversized lemon is just too fun. I'm always smitten over your use of color. You are a true artist in every sense of the word, Dawn!
~ Birgit Norton
More Garden Party From The Greetery
Hello there and welcome back for more Garden Party fun with The Greetery! Lots to show you today, so let's dive right in! First up, I recently painted a lemon painting in my studio, so this giant lemon set brought a big smile to my face! How fun is it?! I die cut the lemon with the new Lar...
Your cards are all gorgeous! Fine Chine is top on my wish list.
Birgit Norton
The Greetery - Garden Party Collection
Hello there, friends! The Greetery is at it again, with a DARLING new collection of goodies that I think you're going to love, called Garden Party! (Doesn't that already sound like it's right up my alley?????) ;) To start things off, let's chat about this super fun stack of teacups. The...
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