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Native Maryland female, in the process of getting divorced, and dealing with it as best as I can. Huge Zach fan, and I'm starting to get my mom into him too. I'm predicting he's going to be a big name for years to come.
Interests: watching movies, reading, writing, watching the baltimore ravens play, listening to music, and of course watching my two fav shows: Heroes and True Blood
Recent Activity
Okay, it's official. I am a nerd. I convinced my...
Okay, it's official. I am a nerd. I convinced my boss to let me go to Best Buy this morning to get Star Trek, since there's one near where I work in Annapolis, and today's the day it was released.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
He's one of the few men I've seen look good with scruff. And those lips ! My god ! Man knows how to make my heart race, without even trying ;)
The man makes the wife beater shirt look sexy ! -faints-
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Oh yeah ! That's something I'd like to wake up to in the morning ! Zach is Heroes's version of McDreamy ! I could get lost in those eyes for days, and I'd tell people not to send out a search party for me. lol ! Damn that man's hot !
Helenka, I feel your pain. We're getting dumped on here in MD...With glasses, or without Zach is just too darn cute !
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Everytime I see something like this pose, I want to make some sort of joke about headache medicines. But I won't. I'll let one of you sick puppies do it for me instead. LOL !
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Glad to hear you're feeling better...I think the next time I get sick, I'll just stay in bed and have a Zach marathon. Maybe that'll help me get better faster. I mean if you have to sweat out a virus, what better way than to watch that man in action. His presence alone always makes me hot ! Ok, back outside in the cold I go, or I'm gonna overheat. LOL !
Hey peeps! How you guys doing? It's been a while....
Hey peeps! How you guys doing? It's been a while. Still nursing my cold but luckily most of it is gone; got to spend most of the day today watchin' episodes of So NoTorious. Something about ZQ speaking in Arabic makes my symptoms vanish ^____^
All hail Lord Zach ! We'll help you with the world domination. LOL ! ;) I'm getting goosebumps just thinking of the fact that you're working on projects ! My creativity sensor is going off the wall, so I know it's going to be great !
working on before the door's quiet takeover of...
working on before the door's quiet takeover of everything, shortly.
I just love coming to this site. Like I said, I...
I just love coming to this site. Like I said, I always have to get my Zach fix...Tuesday can't get here fast enough. I was talking to some friends at work, and one still hasn't seen Star Trek, so the... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
My god ! I still can't get enough of these pics. I think the motorcycle pics are my fav. I've never been on a motorcycle in my life, but if Zach showed up on one, I'd hop on without thinking twice.
GQ Germany Photoshoot
Shots from Zachary's Photoshoot for GQ Germany. Photographer is Chiun Kai Shih, with whom ZQ has worked before. Link to their site (& full article in German) is at GQ GERMANY.
Hand over the heart ? That's usually the way I am just looking at the man, and it's followed with a lot of heavy breathing ! The man is just stunning ! I think I need a cold shower now !
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LOL ! That's pretty funny !
i just relized i referred to Zach as our baby O_o...
i just relized i referred to Zach as our baby O_o weird lol
Yeah there were a few minor holes there. I had wondered those things too. Wish they'd just let Peter go back to the way he had been. This switching off to various abilities thing is a tad annoying in my book. Maybe Matt's kid could fix him, afterall Hiro did nickname him "Baby Touch and Go". So hopefully that'll happen. I'm enjoying Sylar's role this season. He just keeps getting darker and darker, and I'm loving the show down between him and Matt. Very intriguing !
Stupid question: If Peter can now heal, why...
Stupid question: If Peter can now heal, why doesn't he lay hands on Emma and bring her hearing back?
Zach that is a killer costume ! I feel so jealous now, because I didn't dress up this year (that's what happens when you get a surprise announcement of divorce). Can't wait to see what next year's costume will be like (You'll rock in it no doubt)
halloween '09 los angeles. check out the photos w/...
halloween '09 los angeles. check out the photos w/ @coreymoosa & @nealdodson - good times -
Darling, you know I'm going to vote for you ;) If you don't win, I think I'll cry. You deserve this ! I'm so proud of you Zach !
RT: @Mabetini - Attention #Sarmy! Vote for...
RT: @Mabetini - Attention #Sarmy! Vote for @ZacharyQuinto and Star Trek for the People's Choice awards!
It's so cute and yet so funny ! It's awesome your brother would dress up with you. My brother would've left me hanging, looking like a total arse.
last year's brothers quinto halloween costumes
bert and ernie. zq and jq. halloween 2008.
Stop that ! I don't need a reason to pick up smoking again ! LOL ! My god what a sexy man !
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God I love coming to this site ! I always need my...
God I love coming to this site ! I always need my Zach fix ! Less than a week to Star Trek ! YEAH ! I think People magazine ought to put him on the front cover of their Sexiest... Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
Rio is now following Zachary Quinto
Nov 11, 2009
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