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Heather S
Recent Activity
I would love to win this as I've heard great things about it's effectiveness, and I think it could help even out my skin.
My biggest skin concern is acne/discoloration. Many products I've tried have irritated or left my skin feeling oily or worse than before I used it.
STA x Perricone MD Giveaway! -- Win A Jar Of Perricone MD's "Cold Plasma "
If you're an avid Sicka Than Average reader, you might remember my glowing review of Perricone MD's Cold Plasma, a revolutionary new product that ushers vital nutrients past the cell membrane through an ionic carrier suspension system, hence helping to hydrate the skin, promote cellular turno...
I miss Domino terribly too! I cried when my best friend called and told me they folded :(
My only condolence is I have saved every single issue they printed + I love to flip back through and reminisce
Domino Summer, originally uploaded by habitually chic. see the sun! I must sound like a broken record, but I am really ready for warmer temps, the sun to breakthrough for at least a second, a new chaise lounge with a black and white chevron print lounge pad, underneath a yellow and ...
Heather S is now following Account Deleted
Jan 23, 2010
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