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"He kowtows to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the jihadists in Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, etc., and alienates solid allies again and again. His delusional arrogance is lethal."
Why do these people continue to visit with him after they've been abused by him? It's their own fault. Everyone including the likes of Boehner and the rest, continue to work with their abuser, when they should be telling him to take a hike. Someday they're going to realize they've been working with nothing but a con man and bum. Then they'll be asking themselves why they let him do what he did. It's like they're hostages, identifying with their captor. Stockholm Syndrome.
I look at the people in OK, or CT, or anywhere else after disasters who meet with him? I wouldn't want to be used the way he uses people, yet they go right along. I have no sympathy for Britain. They're destroying themselves, just like the useful idiots in America.
Obama Threatens The UK If They Leave The EU
Obama continues to reinforce his status as the most anti-freedom, un-American president ever to hold the Oval Office. He kowtows to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the jihadists in Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, etc., and alienates solid allies again and again. His delusional arrogance is letha...
Where is General Ham? We are in deep trouble in this country because one half are Quislings and the other are cowards. We have Senator Saxby Chambliss and Bob Corker golfing with this stealth Jihadist in the White House, and the Air Force recruiting Jihadists posing as Chaplains through the Muslim Brotherhood. Just how high of an IQ, or a total lack of ability to reason, does it require to be employed by the United States Government anymore? Apparently very low in the Air Force.
Who golfs with someone who calls Bill Ayers a friend and lets Americans die in Benghazi? Saxby Chambliss and Bob Corker. I hope one of their kids are at the next attack. They just don't get it.
Impeach: Murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens’ Deputy Tells Congressional Investigators Special Forces were told "you can't go" to Benghazi during jihad attacks
If ever there were grounds for impeachment, it is this. The Obama administration stood by and did nothing while Americans were being slaughtered. "Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told "you can't go" to Benghazi during attacks" CBS News: The deputy of slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Steve...
I hear no one talk about treason charges against all of those who lied, and blamed our right to free speech. Will there be any charges of treason?
Treason charges are designed for people in a position to commit it. The average American doesn't have the information you would need to commit treason. So when will charges be brought? They can't be allowed to walk away from this, and just go on with their lives. I can only imagine what they've done, that we don't know.
We tried to tell them, what he was. No one would listen. It's amazing that the American people had to wait to vote this guy out. That they just let him commit a four year act of terror from within, without stopping him. We need to remove so many from this govt. They aren't doing their job. They aren't being the stewards they're supposed to be.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Obama's #savage cover-up of an act of war against America: What really happened in Benghazi
Photo: Ambassador Stevens being paraded through the keffiyeh-clad streets of Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 Despite the lies and blame-game of the Obama administration, we finally have an accurate account of what really happened during the jihadist attack on our consulate in Benghazi, fr...
I won't watch it. I know what it is. I don't hear Muslims speaking out, all I see are front groups for terrorism speaking out. You aren't the victims, we are.
Hamas-CAIR launches pro-jihad campaign in DC #savage
DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG More dissembling, dawah and taqiyya from Hamas in America -- CAIR. Hamas-CAIR is panicking that people are waking up and questioning the jihadic doctrine, inspired by our wildly successful ad campaign. There are two forms of lying to non-beli...
I think all they've accomplished is embarrassing this little girl. Nice people.
Media hatred
My ads are hate? No, but AP bias is hate. And this child's parents ought to sue the AP for millions. "Media Bias Summed Up in Two Photos" Photos Breitbart (thanks to Paulo) There was a nice human interest story on the campaign trail yesterday, but the AP found a way to muss it up. You ra...
This Rice creature above, Clinton, Obama, and the various other Muslim Brotherhood operatives are not on the side of America. They are working for the enemey. Yet, they are allowed to stay where they are, why? They should be arrested, tried for treason, and executed. I hope someday we will see it happen, God willing.
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Don't let her pearls fool you. Horns are her main accessory.
Libya: The Obama Administration's war on America
In an extraordinary cover-up in the continuing campaign of disinformation and treason, the Obama administration blamed our freedoms and system of governance for the bloody act of war in Libya on September 11, 2012 that his administration was ultimately responsible for. Read this. Obama administ...
I remember seeing this movie. It was a good movie. I didn't know where to put this, but I wanted to share it. Apparently the EPA is experimenting with gas chambers.
An Eco-Fascist Gassing Experiment with Diesel Fumes at the EPA
Read more:
Mark Levin will be on FOX tomorrow at 9 P.M. with Brett Baier talking about the EPA. We need some treason charges and executions in this country. This is evil. They should start with that creepy Lisa Jackson.
Saturday Night Cinema: Not Without My Daughter
Tonight's Saturday Night Cinema is "Not Without My Daughter," a cautionary tale for infidel women. Love jihad. This film would never be made in today's sharia-compliant Hollywood. In August 1984, Michigan housewife Betty Mahmoody accompanied her husband to his native Iran for a two-week vaca...
Ignore them. This is all part of their stealth Jihad. Get out of America. We don't want you here. You should have never been left in.
Lewiston, Maine: Muslims Demand Mayor's Resignation for Asking Them to Assimilate
This is how far we have fallen: an American mayor asks immigrants to America to become Americans and adopt American values, as all immigrants did in the past, and they're demanding his resignation. Of course, we've seen it many times: Muslims do not adapt. Non-Muslims must adapt to them. And so ...
You are so right. It's not good, noble, or vituous to not fight back against these savages. It is suicide. God did not want us to sit there in the face of such evil. He wouldn't do it with Satan, and we won't do it with Islamic Jihadists. We need to destroy this evil, before it destroys us. I can't take these self appointed "do gooders," anymore. They'll get us all killed. Someone needs to tell them, since they're too stupid to fight for themselves, I guess good people will have to do it for them. To not fight against this, is an insult to humanity and good itself. If they want to kill themselves tell them to move over there. We aren't going to have it here.
In Defense of the Indefensible
These are the same rabbis who reassured the German Jews that "arbeit macht frei." These "faith groups" are faithless, soulless tools who say nothing in the face of the mass slaughter and ethnic cleansing of their own people at the hands of savage Muslim jihadis. Here is my complete interview wit...
You know, I'm tired of the numb nuts in the media calling treason, "back door moves," and "back door amnesty." Until we have people in office who will do their job, and prosecute those who are seditious and treasonous, this will not stop. This kind of thing is out of hand. Zero has usurped the White House, and everyone pretends he's just another American who ran for president and won. They have this treasonous charade going on every day while soldiers die, Navy Seals are murdered by him and his Muslim Brotherhood ilk in the govt. They sit there, and say, oh well, what can you do.
These establishment types who have done nothing to stop this, need to be removed from office. They're as guilty as those who are directly committing the acts of treason. I just can't take this anymore. All of this for someones half black face? God, please do something with this man, those who surround him, and those who won't stop him. The greatest country in the world, lets this stealth Jihadist Obama do whatever he wants. I spit on these people that won't do anything to stop this degenerate, pot head, coke head, stealth Jihadist monster.
Bev Perlson, Band of Mothers, on FOX fighting against bringing GITMO jihadists to Illinois
Watch the latest video at Bev Perlson leads the grass roots organization Band of Mothers (military moms for freedom). Bev is a national treasure. I have been honored to work with her on mnay fronts. She spoke at our 911 SION conference for freedom of speech. Watch her interv...
Fake Military ID? You don't say. But Obama couldn't have a fake bc, could he? Hmmm?
I want to send a simple thank you to John Roberts who made it easier for Hezbollah to cross into the country too. Heck of a Chief Justice, that guy. We aren't safe in this country. Not so much because of Zero, Clinton, Rice, and the rest of their treasonous ilk, but because no one stopped them.
Jihad interrupted: Texas Muslim arrested with fake military ID, weapons, access to chemical agents
TEXAS: SAUDI MUSLIM arrested with fake military ID, weapons, access to chemical agents Azeez Al-Ghazian, 29, a Saudi national from Fort Worth, TX, is in custody after authorities found counterfeit military identification documents and weapons in his wrecked truck behind Hurst shopping center, whi...
The children and grandchildren of those in the media will pay for this too. They're more loyal to the scum of the earth, the bottom of my shoe, than to their own flesh and blood. Why is he allowed to get away with it? If someone is robbing the bank, and the police do nothing about it, you have to blame the police at some point, don't you? I blame Congress, the Courts, the FBI, the CIA, and the sludge in the media.
Drunk with Power: Obama family 'costs taxpayers $1.4 BILLION per year'
$1.4 billion. Wow. I am not surprised at the Obamas' utter contempt and scorn for the hard-working American taxpayer, but the media's silence on this is criminal. Who can forget the grand mal seizure the frothing media had when Sarah Palin had the audacity to wear a couple of new suits while cam...
Obama's dangerous consistency
Hussein Obama is working as a Muslim Brotherhood agent. Why is this charade presidency allowed to continue. He is their agent. Will he be arrested and tried for treason in the future? He shouldn't be allowed to just leave the White House and go to a mansion in Hawaii. He needs to pay a price for what he's done, as well as others, who worked secretly to destroy America.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
sunday Marcus Tullius Cicero
Largest Islamic World Body calls for global law against criticizing Muhammad
It took centuries of intellectual, philosophical development to achieve political freedom. It was a long struggle, stretching from Aristotle to John Locke to the Founding Fathers. The system they established was not based on unlimited majority rule, but on its opposite: on individual rights, whi...
ff to 1:59 min. Madonna said we have a "black Muslim," in the White House.
"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam"
Who said that? a. Sheikh Qaradawi b. Osama bin Laden c. Anwar al-Awlaki d. Barack Hussein Obama Answer here.
This might help them understand. Speed up to 8:47. Walid Shoebat and his son.
The Jewish Press: "Savaged For Daring To Name Savagery: Pamela Geller Attacked by Critics of Free Speech"
Finally, a sweet breath of intellectual fresh air in what is otherwise a fetid, squalid cesspool of media bias and sharia-compliant tools (aka journalists). Kudos to Lori Lowenthal Marcus. Brilliant! Savaged For Daring To Name Savagery: Pamela Geller Attacked by Critics of Free Speech Lori Lowe...
SHOCK VIDEO — Islamists Crucify Accused ‘Spy’ in Yemen
See, Erin, savages. It's not going to help anyone to pretend otherwise. You do live in NY, don't you? Do you really feel, you'll never be attacked again? So you want to pretend this doesn't exist. You may be at the next ground zero, when these savages, oh excuse me, nice men attack again.
VIDEO: Pamela Geller on CNN's @ErinBurnett, abruptly cuts segment at Hamas-CAIR description, FULL AUDIO secretly recorded
Here is the video of my interview with Erin Burnett on CNN earlier. The video cuts off at the end of the description of the ADL. Here is a transcript of the portion that CNN didn't run. I secretly recorded my interview and included the audio of the missing portion in the video as well. The inte...
If we're attacked on US soil in the near future, will it be because they've ignored it? I think we will need to blame, Zero Dark Thirty, the movie made by the Hollywood types who want to prop up their, Cult Leader, Jim Jones Obama.
Al Qaeda ex-GITMO detainee was leader of Libya US Embassy attack and assassination of US Ambassador and US Diplomats
Obama lied, Americans died. Breaking on FOX news -- right now. The lowlife Obama administration is referring this to the FBI, as if the cold blooded murder of a US Ambassador and three US attaches was a law enforcement matter. That is how die hard Obama is for jihad. "Al Qaeda, ex-Gitm...
He needs to be removed, arrested, tried for treason, and executed, along with Clinton and Susan Rice.
US Political Prisoner released from Federal custody
The US government is saying that these anti-freedom riots have nothing to do with America or US policy. They have everything to do with America and US policy. This is about freedom of conscience and freedom of speech. The Obama administration is putting a huge target on the head of the first ame...
I long for the days before YouTube when our embassies weren't stormed in the Middle East.
~Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) September 14, 2012
Obama stands down again, enforces more sharia Obama asks YouTube to "review" movie clip, violates establishment clause
This is horrible. Horrible. Obama is enforcing the shari'a. He is unfit to serve. The establishment clause prohibits the establishment of a national religion by Congress and the preference by the U.S. government of one religion over another. Obama is preferring Islam over all others. Obama is ...
Robert LeChevalier,
You're right. We aren't stupid. Washington, D.C. is officially Germany in the 1930's. They let a stealth Jihadist in the White House, and we're now bearing the fruit of that. Obama is here to finish what 9/11 didn't. When did he appear on the scene, around 2004? You idiots, you elected a Muslim Brotherhood stooge. Hey, FBI, are you still breathing? How about the wonderful General Patreaus, Betrayus, or whatever the heck his name is, is he working for the right side, or not? Don't count on anyone in this govt. to protect you, rely on yourselves. They're going to get thousands killed, just like on 9/11 or worse. Please let it land on the media, please.
They're all siding with the Jihadist, Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro(legal name.)
Obama's #epicfail: America 'was warned of embassy attack but did nothing'
Maybe if this epic failure of a President wasn't skipping over half of his daily intel meetings, maybe lives would have been saved. During 2011 and the first half of 2012, Obama's attendance at Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) — the meeting at which he is briefed on the most critical intelligence ...
Gee, keep searching those little white old ladies at the airport, TSA. Don't forget children with disabilities too. FBI, Congress, CIA, you're all bastards, who let an impostor sit in the White House. You did this to America. I hope you all rot in hell, right next to Hitler.
FBI and DHS Warn Violent Muslim Riots Could Spread To U.S; Joint Bulletin Puts First Responders On Alert
The FBI and DHS are warning of Islamic related violence here in America. In the wake of widespread riots and violence in the Middle East following the 911 al Qaeda attacks on the US embassy in Libya that led to the murder of 4 US diplomats, in concert with the agitation for the release of Sh...
If there's an attack here in this country, I hope these degenerate American hating media types are ground zero. Either their homes or places of business. They created this monster, along with their stealth Jihadist President, it's only fair, they suffer the consequences. Please, land at their headquarters, right on their desks, or where their children sleep. They think they're untoucheable. I hope they find out their not.
PHONE CALL AUDIO: Newsweek's Marlow Stern, The art of the smear The Media targets innocent civllians
I have spent the better part of yesterday fiercely arguing with the enemedia: Mike Taibbi of NBC and Rose Arce of CNN. They called me repeatedly, not to interview me on the epic failure of Obama's anti-freedom foreign policy (as I have long predicted), but on the alleged filmmaker or the financi...
I'll go throw up now.
Egypt still playing the Obama administration for dhimmi dummies
You can't blame the Muslim Brotherhood. While they were attacking the US embassy in Cairo and raising the flag of jihad, the US embassy was apologizing for "hurting the feelings of Muslims." The US under Obama is begging to be kicked in the face. Funny how Islamic supremacists demand "respect" f...
Obama is a Muslim Brotherhood operative. Congress, the Military hierarchy, the FBI, and CIA, allowed this to happen. They're all covering for each other, because they let it happen. Obama works for the Muslim Brotherhood and Weathermen. After 9/11, you would think they would have considered the possibility of something like this happening, and at least forced him to release his papers. He's an infiltrator.
He's appointed various members of the Muslim Brotherhood into DHS and the State Dept. Someday, I hope we can hold our own version of the Nuremberg Trials. I believe he's as evil as they come, and I believe he and those he appointed are responsible for the deaths of the Navy Seals. They were set up for murder by him.
Muslim Brotherhood In Our White House – Vetting Obama
Intelligence and Special Operations forces speak out against treason: Countless leaks, interviews and decisions by the Obama Administration
Gd bless these men and women who risk serious retribution. But they do, and they do it for their nation. Intelligence and Special Operations forces are furious and frustrated at how President Obama and those in positions of authority have exploited their service for political advantage. Countl...
"The media is made up of two types, those that won't admit what they helped elect and keep giving this man the benefit of the doubt, and those who are evil and working towards Americas destruction. Obama does nothing "i inadvertently."Obama didn't need any convincing, he is as responsible for this as those mentioned. They need to stop treating this evil man, Obama as though he is misguided. He isn't , and they need to quit protecting him.
Obama creates a terrorist haven in Mali
There are no accidents, and Obama's anti-freedom foreign policy continues to wreak havoc on the free world. Even the notoriously liberal Boston Globe is saying it, calling it "inadvertent," but that's leftist scrub. It is the job of the Obama administration to know. It's called statecraft, and i...
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