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Gus Lequerica-Calvo
Brandon, Fl
Interests: Ask me.
Recent Activity
I just heard the entire podcast episodes, they were freaking hilarious! Love them!
"Yoda & Me" podcast (ZQ Guest Stars)
Zachary did a guest appearance on "YODA & ME" - a podcast created by and starring Loren Tarquinio and David Hornsby (a fellow CMU alum, and writer/actor on "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia"). Check
He made a couple of songs that are difficult to watch into something wonderful, I never imagine that songs that were made from Britney could be sang in such a romantic and mellow way. I'm downloading them next week, thanks for sharing
chris dallman - sad britney (spears) album is released
my dear friend christopher dallman is a singer-songwriter with a new e.p. that came out today on itunes. it's an amazing set of four acoustic covers of britney spears songs. check it out and download your own copy HERE if you dig it. he's an amazing, talented guy.
It was funny in such a twisted way much like King of the Hill
PILGRIMS - Happy Thanksgiving Video
Does anybody know what kind of breed is Noah?
noah quinto
noah and i will be at this saturday.
Probably as a Shinigami or maybe as a 1950 reporter.
what are you dressing up as for halloween? any...
what are you dressing up as for halloween? any spocks? any sylars?
Congrats and given by one of the femme fatale of sci fi! neat
ZQ and STAR TREK win Hollywood Film Festival Awards
Zachary attended the Hollywood Film Festival Awards on Monday night, where he was awarded a Spotlight Award for 2009. He also accepted the award for Best Film of 2009 for STAR TREK, on behalf of the cast and crew.Read more about it on
Gus Lequerica-Calvo is now following Zachary Quinto
Oct 14, 2009
So cool! you should come to Tampa Comic Con
BEFORE THE DOOR: Long Beach Comic-Con
BTD partners Corey Moosa and Neal Dodson headed to the Long Beach Comic-Con this past weekend along with "LUCID" writer Michael McMillian, to speak about upcoming comic projects published with Archaia. They got to connect directly with fans, and Michael signed limited edition posters, as well. ...
I love the design it looks a lot like a poster from a Quentin Tarantino movie.
HOSTAGE: Outtakes (Poster)
The "HOSTAGE: The Outtakes" video is coming as soon as possible. In the meantime... Here's a poster for this side project.
The ending was so unexpected, the perfect twist and so many uses of the word F uCk
Funny Or Die & Before The Door present "HOSTAGE: A Love Story"
I loved Bordeaux, I saw a part of the short film it was so refreshing to see it technically a story without words.
BORDEAUX - poster for short film
Here's a previously unreleased poster for our short film project "BORDEAUX". If you never had a chance to see the short film, check it out below. It was made from over 15,000 still photos, and features ZQ and features five other HEROES cast members on the set.
That's a cool interview
Newsarama Interviews Michael McMillian (re: LUCID & Before The Door)
See the blog post on the Before The Door website, about Michael McMillian and our Archaia project with him: LUCID. LINK
I can't wait to see volume 5
HEROES: Season 4 - Redemption
HEROES. Season 4. Volume 5: Redemption.
Has anybody checked today? There is a...
Has anybody checked today? There is a really interesting note about Zach Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
Looks so cool, what I could read from the synopsis. Does anyone knows when is going to be in the market?
LUCID - an original comic book series
Those photos from the comic con looks cool
Those photos from the comic con looks cool Continue reading
Posted Jul 28, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
That's so cool I want to read Archaia as soon as I can!
Comic-Con 2009 : Before the Door / Archaia
Zachary and his partners at Before The Door (Corey Moosa, and Neal Dodson) attended Comic-Con this past weekend in San Diego. The main purpose of their visit was to announce a three-book publishing deal with Archaia Comics. More details on those specific projects will be trickling out over the ne...
just to add something like it was said on the...
just to add something like it was said on the intro of the community: Is more easy to dream than live, but is boring to live without a dream, there is no matter to be normal if we are going... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
Cool! I will
The ZQ Community
After a bit over a week of early Beta Testing - a new feature is launching on a COMMUNITY section. This is an innovative web experiment,
I will really appreciate it. Thanks.
The sneak peeks... # 2
Archaia/BTD sneak peek # 2
Cool previews, now take a look on mine
The sneak peeks... # 2
Archaia/BTD sneak peek # 2
Cool! that is really cool, a positive way of getting more spotlight
ESPY Awards
From - About Zachary's presentation of an award at the ESPY Awards. LINK TO
Gus Lequerica-Calvo is now following Tadashi
Jul 17, 2009
Those photos are really cool, I hope you can come next year to the Tampa or Orlando Comic Con at Florida.
ComicCon 2009
San Diego ComicCon, 2009. Saturday, July 25th: 5:30pm - ARCHAIA panel - Archaia: New Titles-- Come
That was really hilarious and clever I really enjoy it.
buddy 'n' andy
6.24.09. medium well. brian jarvis and i used to sling hash together at a hipster coffee shop in hollywood. that is the cornerstone of our friendship. i have never laughed so hard over a plate of
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