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South Florida Pond
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Froggy is now following LittleBro
Jun 4, 2009
Froggy is now following MOM x 2
Jun 4, 2009
Froggy is now following windowsugar
Jun 4, 2009
Froggy is now following jg
Jun 4, 2009
Wait just a minute here! I also am one of those young boys that were abused at school by bigger boys than me; I lived in a small rural area of Kansas at the time. It left me scarred for life; I have never had a trusting relationship, nor feel comfortable around a bunch of guys. I am pushing 50 now, what a life! My perpetrators were raised as bullies, and haters. I suspect these boys have been raised the same way. I don’t have enough hate in me to say they should be put in jail, or a hole to rot for life as some of you have said, but I think they should not live at home with their hate training parents. These boys need the chip knocked off their shoulder, and some serious tuff love shown to them. As for the 13 yo boy, bless his heart, I know what he feels like, and healing will take a lot of time an love.
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Wait a minute ! Look again! this story... says ... Deputies called to a home at 3551 Oakwood Drive at "2:15 a.m." That is way to late for teens to party ! Maybe a neighbor that rises early for "WORK" couldnt get any sleep with all the noise at that late hour and lost it ! Still the wrong way to handle it,and I am very sorry for the injured teens, but again where is the respect for your neighbors, and why do adults allow these parties in their homes and let it go on into the wee hours ? They are asking for trouble. Furthermore, the parents that allow their kids to be out that late "anywhere" need their butt kicked.
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