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Dana Leigh
Recent Activity
Everything is so cute! Wasn't it fun to participate?
Toggle Commented May 27, 2011 on swap goodies! at Vodka and Soda
Fun! I've also wanted to try those nails stickers.
Toggle Commented May 27, 2011 on summer must have swap! at Welcome to the Good Life!
I am glad to hear about your friends! You are always so busy but I bet if you didn't have much to do you wouldn't know what to do with yourself. I haven't started the photo hunt yet. I've been too busy and it might be an incomplete hunt for me.
Toggle Commented Dec 18, 2009 on Friday Randomness at Mi Vida Ocupada: My Busy Life!
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I've heard baconnaise is really good. M LOVES bacon and has a few of the Bacon Salts. He even has bacon flavored toothpicks!
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After reading your list and all of the comments, I am reminded of my favorites too....Weird Science, Breakfast Club, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (Saw that SOOOO many times when I was a kid), Space Camp, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and what about Teen Wolf?
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I like the new layout!
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Great list. I LOVE green bean casserole. It's my job to make that this year. Have a good turkey day!
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You guys are cute! I'm craving sushi and hoping my sister will come with me to Akita tomorrow.
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Aw, I love food too! Tacos, Sushi and Filet Mignon are on my list. Hormel Beef Wranglers (hot dogs) are awesome!! Some of my other favorites: a good salad, Byerly's ranch dressing, broccoli in garlic sauce, Cossetta's and Punch's pizza, guacamole (I'm picky with this one,)and whipped cream cheese from Einstein Bros.
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I drink pop about once a month. I also do not drink caffeine so I am limited to what kind I can drink and I don't like the thought of having aspertame with diet pop. I usually drink the same as you...Sprite, Sierra Mist or my favorite, root beer.
Toggle Commented Nov 21, 2009 on TFT: Drinking Soda at Mi Vida Ocupada: My Busy Life!
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I don't know anything about that camera but I did do a lot of research on Nikon's and Canon's in general and while I was set on Nikon, I changed my mind that I would go with a Canon....when that day comes that I have enough money to purchase one! I hope you get what you want for Christmas!
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I share 5 of those bands with you that I've seen in concert. Tom Petty was amazing!
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Fun! I love your pic of the Epic sign!
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It's always nice to go to a game at least once a year for me. Glad you got to go for free!
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Love the tree photo!
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I share about half of the places on your list of places I'd like to go.
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Looks like fun. I've been wanting to go there.
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That's awesome you got to meet up with Chaitra. We used to play on the same softball team when we were younger. Did she move in 10th grade? I can't quite remember.
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Cool pics. It's fun to explore places you've never been.
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That sushi looks delicious! Glad you got to come home at least for a little bit and enjoy normal life.
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Looks like so much fun! M would love that hot sauce store!
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Austin looks fun. I'll only been to the Dallas area but would like to go to Austin. Try and see a live show. It's the music capital of the world!
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Those bats are just crazy!
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I love all of your pictures. I would love to go to that temple!
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