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Great to hear some more news from your adventures! To be sure :) I love how at the Tokyo photo call, you were there taking pictures right back at them! It's not often you get that perspective of a photoshoot. Viewing from the other side of the lens is certainly interesting. All those cameras pointed at you! Must take a lot of getting used to, and yet I imagine it's still pretty intimidating at times. Happy to hear you're back home for a well-deserved chillout now. Enjoy lying low while you can, I guess things will only be getting more hectic from here on out! I'm planning a fourth outing to see Trek this weekend. Hopefully at the IMAX again, because a movie with such scope really thrives on the big screen. The bigger the screen, the better. Stay healthy, stay safe, stay awesome. Alice x PS. I have some of those blue light glasses! Bought them last year on a whim before realising there's actually not many occasions to wear that kind of stuff. Ahh well.
Toggle Commented May 21, 2009 on S. N. Love it... at Zachary Quinto Official Website
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I bought this today! The Star Trek feature was excellent - it included a nice mini-interview with Zach. SciFiNow also did a cover feature this month with a free DVD of trailers. Great stuff. And jeslil7, I always feel awkward buying SFX for that very reason! The heads of the people on the cover always cover the bottom of the 'E' so it looks like I'm buying "SEX" magazine. Not that it's much less embarrassing to actually be buying SFX magazine. Luckily I'm totally unashamed of my geekiness ;)
1 reply
I bought this today! The Star Trek feature was excellent - it included a nice mini-interview with Zach. SciFiNow also did a cover feature this month with a free DVD of trailers. Great stuff. And jeslil7, I always feel awkward buying SFX for that very reason! The heads of the people on the cover always cover the bottom of the 'E' so it looks like I'm buying "SEX" magazine. Not that it's much less embarrassing to actually be buying SFX magazine. Luckily I'm totally unashamed of my geekiness ;)
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