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Berlin, Germany
Recent Activity
I like it a lot too actually. I like both owls and manically detail-oriented art so I think it's great! :)
Deweaponizing the gun - the gun as a creative tool
Walton Creel's work titled "Deweaponizing the Gun" features a set of images created by bullet holes. Shooting a .22 caliber rifle into aluminum, Creel creates works that flip around the concept of guns as violent, hurtful devices and instead flirts with the idea of guns as a constructive...
Oops that was me. Facebook connect doesn't seem to work.
Deweaponizing the gun - the gun as a creative tool
Walton Creel's work titled "Deweaponizing the Gun" features a set of images created by bullet holes. Shooting a .22 caliber rifle into aluminum, Creel creates works that flip around the concept of guns as violent, hurtful devices and instead flirts with the idea of guns as a constructive...
Henry Hatsworth is fantastic! It's eating up way too much of my - rare - free time at the moment. To me it feels like the platformer and the puzzle part are balanced against each other very well, the whole idea of combining two genres in a way that works so seamless is great enough to make me wonder why nobody else thought of that before (?).
The art direction also reminds me of Rick Dangerous. Which is neat.
CO-OP Review - Henry Hatsworth
As promised, CO-OP is out with Episode 106 this week. While I have a guest appearance in the clip shown above, I highly recomend you go watch the full episode to see Matt and Jay's overview of Eskil Steenberg's stunningly beautiful game Love. Some of the demo footage shown is unlike anything I'...
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