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Tsvetan Tsvetanov
42.37773, -71.242599
Recent Activity
eddy, we logged this into our issue database and we'll look into it.
DWF Improvements
In this entry I would like to focus attention to what was done to another mechanism for visualization of Revit Models - Export to DWF. Prior to the 2010 release, our DWF implementation was divided into two parts: 2D export was done through our graphics engine and 3D export was done independen...
Could you please elaborate what is confusing about those two buttons and what you would expect their behavior to be?
DWF Improvements
In this entry I would like to focus attention to what was done to another mechanism for visualization of Revit Models - Export to DWF. Prior to the 2010 release, our DWF implementation was divided into two parts: 2D export was done through our graphics engine and 3D export was done independen...
Agree and as I said there are couple of items that needs more work.
As to the size of DWF in the new UI we exposed a control over the format in which we export the images. In our old DWF Export we always used lossless compression. In 2010 we added additional lossy compression with 3 levels of quality.
DWF Improvements
In this entry I would like to focus attention to what was done to another mechanism for visualization of Revit Models - Export to DWF. Prior to the 2010 release, our DWF implementation was divided into two parts: 2D export was done through our graphics engine and 3D export was done independen...
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