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brenda helgeson
Recent Activity
My wish would be a kindle, so i could download everything i need to study
Back-to-School 2.0 - Enter to Win!
Back-to-School Upgrade: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks to Kick Off the School Year. It's the most wonderful
these are simply beautiful
One World One Heart Giveaway
I am participating again this year in Lisa Swifka's One World One Heart Blog Giveaway. You can read about the history of this event on Lisa's blog A Whimsical Bohemian. This years theme is "Magic Carpet Ride" and if you rub the lamp for luck You have a chance to win: Jewels! Baubles! ...
brenda helgeson is now following Account Deleted
Jan 25, 2010
i'd love to win this. i hate my new phone & i'm already to replace it
AT&T Matrix Pro by PanTech: The "Tween" Test and GIVEAWAY!
**Winner is AuntieThesis!! CONTEST is CLOSED. Due to the large number of those that entered, the winner will be announced on Thursday April 30 by 11pm. I had the opportunity to take the The Matrix Pro smartphone by Pantech for a test run as part of a promotion that culminates with a giveaw...
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