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in the black and white days guys like us would have been deranged street corner hobos with "the end is near" signs. we've come a long way, baby.
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Toggle Commented Sep 19, 2009 on Theme Song September 2009 at BLCKDGRD
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weird. i just finished my first Jim Thompson novel, _The Killer Inside Me,_ a couple of days ago. it went like this: i like Morphine (the band) whose songwriter/singer/bass player (late, great) Mark Sandman's wikipedia article says his "songwriting was influenced by the gritty styles of pulp fiction writer Jim Thompson and crime writer James Ellroy." so i read the book. it wasn't bad. and two days later i'm reading about Jim Thompson again. the internet. weird.
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how do you solve a problem like Maria?
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i dig that Jacobs House. seems one of my architectural heroes was also a monumental asshole. which isn't to say this is a trend. some of my best friends are architects.
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LewScannon: we might want to sit down and have a beer with him a little bit less, but we still have to admit that at least the guy speaks in complete sentences, right? i love the construction of your comment, CG. who's more bold the dupes or the guy who duped 'em? which makes it hard to believe why my hometown newspaper fired you from their editorial page in the dream i had this morning.
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A few agents of the Thought Police moved always among them, spreading false rumours and marking down and eliminating the few individuals who were judged capable of becoming dangerous[.]
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did you read forrest gump? i assume sinese played lt. dan in the book as well.
Toggle Commented May 14, 2009 on Obama v Sonic Youth: A Debate at BLCKDGRD
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gary sinese was lieutenant dan in forrest gump.
Toggle Commented May 14, 2009 on Obama v Sonic Youth: A Debate at BLCKDGRD
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he was great in Brazil. and i'll never tire of that scene from the holy grail.
Toggle Commented May 5, 2009 on Dennis the Peasant is 66 Today at BLCKDGRD
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