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The Concierge
Interests: People, Travel, GOOD COFFEE, Unique Restaurants, Special Events/Entertainment. Shopping. LOVE MY WORK. The World...Life!!
Always at the beck and call of my valued Clients. As long as it's legal, ethical and kind!
Recent Activity
Been away in Italy. Love the new community. Ciao,...
Been away in Italy. Love the new community. Ciao, M Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
And thank you Zach. We are your loyal fans forever. You will definitely get to Host SNL soon. Enjoy your R & R. You've earned it. Ciao :D
S. N. Love it...
5.19.09. all is settled... it has been a while. travels have brought me home. took a few days of relative solitude to let things breathe. the last leg of the trip was absolutely raucous and exhausting. mostly because all of us realized the imminent conclusion of such an epic adventure
I really enjoyed reading about your adventures. That's a great trip. Thanks for sharing. Your site is very informative...great pics. I look forward to more of your updates. It's very kind of you to take the time to share with us....Greatly appreciated! Hope that you are able to get some rest.
homeward bound...
5.6.09. i am flying... literally. right now. we're 29,000 feet above somewhere - benefiting from the newfangled technology of a certain airline experimenting with in-flight wireless. gives me a chance to catch up with myself a little bit actually. when i last dipped into the blogosphere
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