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Katrina of Southern California
Recent Activity
I Just love, love this layout!!! Thanks for sharing...
It was fourteen years ago today we became Mr. & Mrs. Dickinson. Since then we've experienced the highs and lows that make up life - smiles and tears, laughter and anger, celebrations and losses, beginnings and endings. And just a few beers thrown in for good measure. We're not a perfect couple, ...
Your so sweet! Thank you for the good wishes...I look forward to the BEST year yet!!!
To: [email protected]
Turning 50
My 50th Birthday has come and it is one I have dreaded. Yes, I know the alternative and I am greatful. Yet I feel like I have gone from being a miscievious, carefree girl to suddenly the older women who was young and lovely. I notice now that Pat and I are not the youngest in the room. I try...
Turning 50
My 50th Birthday has come and it is one I have dreaded. Yes, I know the alternative and I am greatful. Yet I feel like I have gone from being a miscievious, carefree girl to suddenly the older women who was young and lovely. I notice now that Pat and I are not the youngest in the room. I try to make lemonade from lemons and face challenges head on with such grace, gratitude and humor. And just when I have my birthday epiphany. I realize I am loved and will have this wonderful family, hopefully for the next 50... Continue reading
Posted Jun 23, 2012 at This is our story
Such a darling photo! Hang in there it will all be OK...
the BEST.
18 months old is the best age in the WORLD. Hands down. I forget every time and I fall in love with this age all over again. Chubby legs running, slobbery kisses,snugggles,chattering,laughing.The BEST. On another note,yes I'm around and okay. I've been out of town 2 weekends in a row...finding...
Wordless Wednesday, Sandy Boy
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Posted May 16, 2012 at This is our story
The Coconut Experience
Free slideshow customized with Smilebox"> Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2012 at This is our story
Mother's Day
Yesterday was a special Mother's Day for me. Nothing fancy just thoughtful and lot's of love. Saturday Kaden asked Pat to take him to the market so he could make breakfast in bed for Momma. Pat told me he knew exactly what he wanted to serve and how he was going to do this. Sunday morning as we laid in bed I heard banging and bar stools moving. Pat told me to lay quietly and be patient Kaden had everything under control. Soon after I heard those sweet words "Momma Happy Mother's Day". He was so proud and I was... Continue reading
Posted May 14, 2012 at This is our story
Your layouts are amazing...Thanks for sharing!!
Give-It-Away Thursday: JBS Mercantile!
Well hello Thursday! Looks like a perfect day to share some Jenni Bowlin kit goodness with y'all...and if you stick around, there's a giveaway, too! Here's three of my pages from the May Mercantile kits, which contain all the bright colors and vibrant hues of spring. You can see the entire team'...
What a Cutie!!! Great idea for a party gift....
They call this one The Flirt.
Last Saturday, Riely went to a friend's birthday party where one of the party favors included a variety of self-adhesive mustaches. Who knew that a sticky little piece of faux fur would lead to hours of posing fun? The particular style she's modeling here is named The Flirt. On a grown man, I ...
Thanks Annie!!! He sometimes makes out since there is such a gap in age with the children. He never complains and either do the older ones. I hope you had a wonderful Easter also. Hey I have to apologize my nieces showed me how Instagram works. I could not figure out how you were commenting on my photos. Now I know how... I use the program for Project Life. Some days it is so much easier than hauling out my Big Daddy of a camera. Enjoy your week :)
To: [email protected]
We spent the weekend in Newport Beach but headed home for Easter Sunday. The weather was perfect and the company was just as nice. It was so wonderful to have a brunch at my Mom's with my In-Law's and my Sister's Family. Nothing fancy just a time to get together and visit with each other. ...
We spent the weekend in Newport Beach but headed home for Easter Sunday. The weather was perfect and the company was just as nice. It was so wonderful to have a brunch at my Mom's with my In-Law's and my Sister's Family. Nothing fancy just a time to get together and visit with each other. My niece is involved with a Volleyball Team and they do quite a bit of traveling and Mackenzie is deciding on which college she will be attending in the Fall. Life seems to get so busy as the kids get older and then they are... Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2012 at This is our story
Looks like a class I could use...this is my kind of Spring Training!!!
Give-It-Away Thursday: Ella Spring Training!
Well hello, neglected little blog. This week post-vacation hasn't allowed much time for blogging. Rather, I've spent the majority of my waking hours working my tail off to catch up. All while alternately having meltdowns about never being able to catch up and whining about having to work my tail...
THe layouts are amazing!
sprout | april 2012 cocoa daisy kit...(and a giveaway)
it's that time, again! the april cocoa daisy kit it live! subscribers can order add ons now and non-subbers can purchase on sunday. want to see it? it's GORGEOUS!! one of my faves, so far. the main... a close up of the main... bloom | add on #1 polka dot wellies | add on #2... (i just lo...
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