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Jen Ruhl
Rollin' through A-town...
Interests: Design, photography, and scrapbooking!
Recent Activity
These are a few of my favorite things...
Oh scrapbooking fans, another CHA is over and of course we can't wait for all the new and exciting things to come to the store. We decided in celebration of the close of another convention that we would each take... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2010 at Sweet Memories Scrapbooks
Jen Ruhl is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Jen Ruhl is now following SouleMama
Aug 25, 2009
Jen Ruhl is now following Ali Edwards
Aug 25, 2009
Need more coffee!
Looking for Road Map??
We've been getting lots of questions on this so... we thought it would be a good idea to let you all know that the Road Map collection started shipping a couple of weeks ago - and more boxes are still being packed and shipped every day (things go out in the order in which they were received)...
Here is mine! I have ya'll over in my sites I frequent. Forgive me, I am restarting my blog so I am still building content. Can't wait for Road Map!
Jen Ruhl
Looking for Road Map??
We've been getting lots of questions on this so... we thought it would be a good idea to let you all know that the Road Map collection started shipping a couple of weeks ago - and more boxes are still being packed and shipped every day (things go out in the order in which they were received)...
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