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Lisa Flowers
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Mar 15, 2010
The Trees Are Sad
My three and a half year old son, Alejandro, and I pass by a construction site every morning on our way to his school. A large area of land is being cleared to put up a shopping center. Alejandro loves construction trucks and always looks for them, especially if they are actually moving around working. This morning, he exclaimed, "Momma, oh my goodness! Look! The trees are sad!" "What do you mean, honey?" I asked. "The trees are sad because they have been broken," he said. The entire area had been cleared of all the trees. They lay uprooted and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2010 at When Life Gets in the Way
A Sudden Stop
Over the last two weeks, I have spent three days snowed in at my house and four days snowed in with my ex-husband and cranky toddler in a very small room. All the while waiting on my flight to Louisiana to be rescheduled for the umpteenth time. My week long trip to see family ended up being only three days. Plus I had tons of school work I could have been doing had I had Internet access. I had a lot of stuff I needed to do! I was extremely frustrated with my situation. But I decided to remain calm... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2010 at When Life Gets in the Way
How many times do we really just listen - with no...
How many times do we really just listen - with no tv in the background, no Internet showing us a million more things, no cell phones, no noise. Just listening. Listening to each breath moving in and out of our over stimulated bodies. Listening is learning. When was the last time you visited your school? Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2010 at When Life Gets in the Way
Sweet moments never forgotten, but sometimes...
Sweet moments never forgotten, but sometimes missed. Make sure you're there when you spend time with a little one. Make sure you're there when a well seasoned elder starts chatting with you. Make sure you're there. Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2010 at When Life Gets in the Way
Everything I thought it would be.
I just had a great meeting with some folks from Wilmington University. Going to school at WU has been a great experience. And I must say meeting their University Relations staff was everything I thought it would be. A great experience just like my school experience. I am hoping to go back! Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2010 at When Life Gets in the Way
Find a way to get back to it.
I've got to get back into marketing and public relations. I attended a presentation by Peter Shankman on Social Media this week. Carol Arnott's group, Wine4Women, put this event on up in Wilmington. Talk about a hyper guy who talks ninety miles a minute! And has tons of really good stuff to say about being online, being offline, being where your customers are, etc. The excitement I felt with all the ideas running through my head just confirmed, I've got to get back. I've got to get back to marketing and PR, my passion. Everytime I speak with someone, even... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2010 at When Life Gets in the Way
Mirror, mirror, on the wall
I had dinner with a friend who is going through some issues right now. And aren't we all in some way or another? I told her I waded through my own issues by finding the courage to look at myself and be honest with myself. And then had the balls to show that to someone else. However, this morning as I was looking at myself, I broke my mirror! So, where does that leave me? :-) Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2010 at When Life Gets in the Way
Lisa Flowers is now following SouleMama
Jan 10, 2010
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