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Melissa Gayle West
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Melissa Gayle West is now following Lynda Hill
Oct 6, 2012
Delighted it helped, Lisa!
For a New Beginning
For those of you celebrating new change, and for those of you sooooooooo ready for new change. What I love about this poem is how O'Donohue emphasizes the mystery of Rebirth. Few of us, at the beginning of Rebirth, received a detailed 10 year plan of how our life will unfold. Rather, it's ...
Laila: I love your "soulful composting." And may yours, too!
No Shit, No Flowers
The Wonderful Husband received an generous gift from a landscape design client several months ago: 6 bags of aged, weed-free steer manure. Wow. A gift, you ask? Well, yes, in the right context ;-) Several weeks ago David and I were happily putzing in the garden. One thing led to another, a...
No Shit, No Flowers
The Wonderful Husband received an generous gift from a landscape design client several months ago: 6 bags of aged, weed-free steer manure. Wow. A gift, you ask? Well, yes, in the right context ;-) Several weeks ago David and I were happily putzing in the garden. One thing led to... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2011 at The Grace of Change
For a New Beginning
For those of you celebrating new change, and for those of you sooooooooo ready for new change. What I love about this poem is how O'Donohue emphasizes the mystery of Rebirth. Few of us, at the beginning of Rebirth, received a detailed 10 year plan of how our life will... Continue reading
Posted May 16, 2011 at The Grace of Change
What Doesn't Change, In Change
This is one of my favorite poems to read aloud toward the end of a retreat on big life transitions... ...mmm, I love the hushed and fertile quiet of a group of women listening deeply, with the ears of their hearts, to a good poem. In a big transition, so... Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2011 at The Grace of Change
Delighted to be back!
Your Big Yes
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This aliveness is what’s most important to me, and what I most wish — from the very core of my being — for us all. I don’t know about you, but I regress to toddlerhood when my life falls apart. Those times when the cherished whatever that defines me and gives my lif...
Ronnie: I love the idea of using common daily events - the stoplights, the phone ringing, walking through the front door - as reminders to breathe, wake up, and offer a Yes to our lives. Thank you!
Your Big Yes
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This aliveness is what’s most important to me, and what I most wish — from the very core of my being — for us all. I don’t know about you, but I regress to toddlerhood when my life falls apart. Those times when the cherished whatever that defines me and gives my lif...
Hi Callin,
yes, so many questions, so little time... I encourage you to simply sit with the questions, breathe into them, and notice which one calls to you from some deeper place within. Then give yourself space and time to just hang out with the question, without looking for the "right answer." Just the act of asking changes things. One of my favorite poets, Rilke, invites us to love questions, and live into answers. I couldn't say it better.
Big Questions to play with
I just remembered this handout from years ago. I used to give this to participants in transitions retreats I used to lead. I'd hand this out and ask the women to breathe into all of these questions for a few minutes and notice which question most spoke to them. We'd then go around a circle and e...
Big Questions to play with
I just remembered this handout from years ago. I used to give this to participants in transitions retreats I used to lead. I'd hand this out and ask the women to breathe into all of these questions for a few minutes and notice which question most spoke to them. We'd... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2011 at The Grace of Change
Your Big Yes
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This aliveness is what’s most important to me, and what I most wish — from the very core of my being — for us all. I don’t know about you, but I regress to toddlerhood when my life falls apart. Those times when the cherished whatever that defines me... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2011 at The Grace of Change
The Anniversary of My Death
Sometimes I wake up and wonder, is this it? For The Anniversary Of My Death Every year without knowing it I have passed the day When the last fires will wave to me And the silence will set out Tireless traveller Like the beam of a lightless star Then I... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at The Grace of Change
Defeated by Constantly Greater Beings
I read this to my Bastyr University students about midway through the Life Transitions and Initiations class. Many look at me like I'm crazy after I read it - they just don't get it. I think that's what I like about the poem - I just don't get it, too.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at The Grace of Change
Life Is A Garden, Not A Road
So here's something to chew on: What if life is a garden, as this poem says, and not a road? What does that say about the directionality we all assume about our lives? I, for one, sure behave differently in a garden than on a road. Makes me realize how... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at The Grace of Change
No Upholstered Ruts
When I read this poem, I think about all the lovely upholstered ruts in my life. Damn, they're comfortable. One of the great graces, and the great sufferings, of big life transitions is how they rip us right out of those ruts. Done. Easter Exultet Shake out your qualms. Shake... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at The Grace of Change
Want the Change
Nothing I can say about this poem that the poem doesn't say better ;-) Sonnets to Orpheus, Part Two, XII Want the change. Be inspired by the flame where everything shines as it disappears. The artist, when sketching, loves nothing so much as the curve of the body as it... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at The Grace of Change
Oh lordy, this is in my top ten favorite poems of all times. The backstory is that Wagoner created this poem around some instructions a Pacific Northwest Native American (can remember which tribe right now) elder gave to a young man heading out into wilderness on his adolescent rite of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at The Grace of Change
The Path Is Made by Walking
David - aka The Wonderful Husband - gave me a necklace several years ago with the first lines of this poem inscribed on 2 rings, one silver, one brass: "Traveler, there is no path/the path is made by walking." Isn't that what a big-ass life transition is about? No pre-made... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at The Grace of Change
Writing agin...
Ahum...hmmmhmmmhmmm...ack ack... What you're hearing is the sound of my writing voice coming back to life. Lots of frogs in my writing throat. As readers of my now-defunct newsletter know, I stopped writing 18 months ago. I couldn't stand the sound of my own voice any more. All I was... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at The Grace of Change
To Enter Life, Be Food
Today is the fourth anniversary of my mom's death. I miss her sometimes so much my bones hurt. This poem helps me remember that all of my life - the grief as well as the joy - is food for the great feast of life itself. The Way In Sometimes... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at The Grace of Change
The Light That Can Shine Out of a Life
A client gifted me with this poem last week (almost, almost as good as chocolate). She is in the midst of a tough divorce. Beauty and love have always been guiding lights for her, and Mary Oliver's poem "Singapore" brought her back to the grace of a light shining out... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at The Grace of Change
Well, I've never ripped a crotch in my pants, but last week a good friend died unexpectedly. Ouch. I'll miss you, Emma. Here I am in the middle of a lot of transitions, and how easy it is for me to forget to stay awake and marvel at what I... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at The Grace of Change
We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For
I sat there, all googly-eyed ecstatic on my friend Carla's couch, watching Obama give his acceptance speech. I liked to’ve died and gone to heaven. (note to y’all who who were grieving the loss of McCain: stick with my story! It isn’t about the guys.) Obama actually won my heart... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at The Grace of Change
Meet My Lulu
Sisters, I want to introduce you to one of the original members of our sisterhood. She's been in hiding, but she's coming out now. I was meeting last week with my spiritual mentor Alexandra. I'm feeling this tiny but growing call to be a sensual, playful wisewoman. (Please don't ask... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at The Grace of Change
Caressing Your Sweet Spot
I probably don't need to be reminding you, sisters, how crazy and anxiety provoking the world is right now. So I won't. But a wild thought came to me the other day, after lovemaking with The Wonderful Husband: Wouldn't it be loverly to have the same kind of sweet spot... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at The Grace of Change
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