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LORI 9107
Interests: LIVING
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Hi Gina,
I appreciate your comment. I can honestly say, there are real intuitive skills that come into play that only a very select few readers own. Without the ability to recognize the elements of desire and will, in all of the people involved in the commonly asked question of "when", it would just be guess work. It's good to know I am not alone in my method and formula. You are gifted, no doubt, as are so many that are working with California Psychics! You are consistant with your support of all of my comments and I thank you, sincerely.
Perfect Timing?
By Anthony McBride in Customer Service How can you tell a great reading? Is it when your Psychic can tell you your past? Or is it when your reader identifies current people in your life by name? In retrospect a great psychic reading can be identified, provided you paid close attention and/or t...
Great stuff coming from all of you guys. What an honor to be among you all, clients an associates, alike.
As a Master in TIMING, especially regarding relationship events, I carefully let my clients understand that timing is contingent upon whether the event is "real or wishful thinking."
For an event to be seen on a timeline, it needs 2 main elements...desire and will. If these 2 elements exist, I can see it on their timeline. For example... the most common and frequent question asked of me is " WHEN will so and so come back ?" Really and actually the question should be first, " WILL so and so come back ?" You can't see an event on a timeline on what may not even exist.
There are many variables in each and every case, granted, but if desire and will exist in a potential lover's return, I can see it, grab that energy then bring it home and predict the WHEN.
Free will and desire must be present and consistant. If any element of will and desire are missing, it becomes a moot question and a non issue.
Perfect Timing?
By Anthony McBride in Customer Service How can you tell a great reading? Is it when your Psychic can tell you your past? Or is it when your reader identifies current people in your life by name? In retrospect a great psychic reading can be identified, provided you paid close attention and/or t...
Love them all and love them deeply, but fly solo.
What would you want to tell your 16 year old self if you could?
Submitted by Bea.
Thank You, Gina Rose
Does Death Come in Threes?
You may have heard that Ed McMahon died several days ago, and today brought tidings of the passing of Farrah Fawcett and Michael is there truth to the adage "death comes in threes?" History has countless similar stories. On November 22, 1963 John F. Kennedy, Aldous Huxley and C....
Some people are uniquely beautiful and often just as delicate, like magnificent flowers blooming for a short season and gone as quickly as they appeared. But their splendor lives on in the memories of those who care to appreciate and to remember that true and unique beauty.
Does Death Come in Threes?
You may have heard that Ed McMahon died several days ago, and today brought tidings of the passing of Farrah Fawcett and Michael is there truth to the adage "death comes in threes?" History has countless similar stories. On November 22, 1963 John F. Kennedy, Aldous Huxley and C....
Hi Seth...I don't let my dogs and cats sleep with me, but I always wake up in the middle of the night, sweating and unable to move because, 3 of the dogs and a few of my cats sneak up while I am asleep, anyway. We live in a town in California (Central Coast area) where there are 1, 2 and 3 point earthqukes daily...on the Andreas fault. They sleep right through them. I only get up to move to a different room because of being crowded. Earthquakes don't phase us much. There is a web site that shows earthquake activity in California. You'd be surprized at how often they occur. They are not usually reported unless people feel them.
Typical Day in the Office
I'm sitting at my desk at California Psychics and Psychic Verbena and Psychic Dawn are sitting here telling me fun psychic stories. Dawn is discussing her cat who is a familiar (a Spirit Guide embodied in an animal). Her cat has his own Tarot deck, and when he wants to tell her something, he p...
Boy can I relate to what you are saying. I really like the part where you
mention keeping the door unlocked for returns. Sometimes we have to close
the door and move on, but locking it is another story altogether.
I lived Hollywood life for many years. You are more right than you know
when you say it's surreal. It's not at all what folks see on screen. A
little story before you go. I was passing the old Chaplin Studios a couple
years the direction of the little foot hills, near where the
Hollywood sign a stop light , where there are a lot of older
buildings and small intersections and dirty sidewalks...very early one April
morning around 7 am and hardly anyone on the streets. ..there I was,
admiring the old movie studio on my right and it's old Norman facade, just
thinking of all the great stars that walked the very spot that I was sitting
.. as I waited at this red light . What do you suppose was waiting on the
other side of the street for the cross walk sign to change for him before he
crossed ? A big fat Rat...walking right in front of the car ! ...big as
life ! He waited, I tell you, for the light to change before crossing !
Is this the strangest thing you ever heard ? Does it bring up some great
imagery ? Smart Rat ! Big, too !
I am rambling, too. Anyway, I am glad you were moved by what I said about
responsibility ! Thanks Morgan !
Help! I'm Dating a Commitment Phobe!
You're dating an amazing individual, somebody you'd really like to get to know better. Every date this person smells and looks absolutely "smokin" right down to his/her minty sweet breath - and all is good with the world. Every date just continues to get better and better but... that old exclu...
But, we love them even if the time spent together is too short and we prize them like some might prizes diamonds and platinum.
Fishing is cool. My Dad taught me to fish, too ! He taught me a lot !!! My Mom is the Goose and Horse Lady in the family...a healer and an RN. Talking to animals ? Hmmm... I won't laugh at you. You are a Whisperer, like me. I read animals, sometimes better than people !
I like the name Lady Lake...or even Lady Of The Lake. Can you picture yourself in cloak and mist ?
PS> I moved to La Habra Heights when I was 15. We lived there for 16 years. I lived right next door to a few stars. I even have a famous cousin, here. I was a country girl living in Southern California. That was a shock !!!
We brought all of our horses and animals to Calif. accept for the wildlife we came to bear and deer.
After we moved here to the Central Coast, we began to grow again in numbers, just like when we were in Pa. It's paradise here...a virtual heaven on earth. Great weather and the best of both worlds. City close enough but the country we have come to love.
I used to hang in Venice with my Dobbie, Heidi and at night, Hollywood with my crazy friends and cousin. Musso and Frank was my private haunt for lunches...near CP offices.
I remember The beaches, my string bikini and rollerskates. I still have the skates, somewhere. Is the chainsaw guy still there at Venice ? Next time you go, check for me. I remember the body builders, too.
I miss it sometimes...was down a couple of years ago to do the radio thing with CP. over the course of a few months. but, Dad got really sick so I couldn't travel. He's getting old. He's amazingly better now, but slowing down and I can't leave him.
Thank You Miss Krystal...AKA Lady Lake
Angels, Devas, Spirit Guides and Power Animals
By Psychic Verbena Because things we experience from the Spirit World are filtered through each individual’s personal beliefs and expectations, not everyone agrees on exactly what defines an angel, or a spirit guide, a deva or a power animal. But here are some basics that most mystics and psy...
Keeping them quiet is an art !
Empower Yourself!
By Psychic Phillip I have heard these exact words from callers over and over again: "I hate feeling this way!" These words are generally expressed in response to relationship distress. So then I ask the individual, "Well, describe the feeling." I will present a personal experience which will d...
You know, Psychic Verbena...this is all so familiar to me. My Mom reads and my Dad, although a big corporate owner, reads Auras. I went to visit my extended family in Wales while studying at Cambridge and they too read. I guess it often does run in families.
Angels, Devas, Spirit Guides and Power Animals
By Psychic Verbena Because things we experience from the Spirit World are filtered through each individual’s personal beliefs and expectations, not everyone agrees on exactly what defines an angel, or a spirit guide, a deva or a power animal. But here are some basics that most mystics and psy...
I had one, too. I can remember him telling me his name was Charlie something or other. He isn't as present as he used to be. He protected me from assault. I had a really bad "dramatic stage" (OR 2) in this life some years back. I had a very angry X after me for leaving him. He was an abuser.
Charlie latched on to me at one of the houses I lived in that was built upon an old Alone' Indian burial site, here on the Central Coast of calif. He used to throw things at men he didn't want around me...YES ! It's true ! If I were talking to someone he thought was a danger to me (like my X), he'd toss pictures off of the wall in our direction.
Once, I was having my car repaired and I was talking to the mechanic when some very large heavy chains came flying off of the garage wall...clear accross from the other side. No one was there that could have done it...anyway, they were too heavy to throw like that, but I knew who it was.
Eventually, I took Charlie back to that house where I'd found him...I thanked him and told him he could not come with me. He did as I said and I never had a problem with him again. He was a bit too protective.
It's nice to meet you Matt !
Angels, Devas, Spirit Guides and Power Animals
By Psychic Verbena Because things we experience from the Spirit World are filtered through each individual’s personal beliefs and expectations, not everyone agrees on exactly what defines an angel, or a spirit guide, a deva or a power animal. But here are some basics that most mystics and psy...
I am interested in this, Gina Rose...tell us more about the differences and how a person can tell. I have my own theories, but I am interested in what you have to say on this. You seem very knowledgable
Angels, Devas, Spirit Guides and Power Animals
By Psychic Verbena Because things we experience from the Spirit World are filtered through each individual’s personal beliefs and expectations, not everyone agrees on exactly what defines an angel, or a spirit guide, a deva or a power animal. But here are some basics that most mystics and psy...
I think He's gorgeous ! I am a pet reader, myself..having always been around animals forever. Psychic Verbena and I are kin spiritto animal, (I believe from our conversations in blog)... and probably watches the Westminster Dog Show, like I do. Look at that Champs coat...isn't he beautiful ?
Bo Obama's Stars!
He’s black and white and handsome, and he’s captured the imagination of an entire country. No, I’m not talking about President Barack Obama, but the First Dog, a Portuguese water puppy named Bo. He made his debut last month, nearly pulling the President off his feet as he dashed across the Whi...
I get the destiny thing, Gina Rose...I agree on what you are saying
Empower Yourself!
By Psychic Phillip I have heard these exact words from callers over and over again: "I hate feeling this way!" These words are generally expressed in response to relationship distress. So then I ask the individual, "Well, describe the feeling." I will present a personal experience which will d...
I know that you are a dog lover so I will list my kids in order oldest to youngest so you can get an idea as to what I am doing with my time.
1. "Brandy Dog age 16" is our oldest Brittany Spaniel. She's declining, but has a great appetite and the sweetest personality. Patient and loving with the young ones.
2. "Poppy age 7" is my chubby Golden Shnoodle...she and my deceased boxer (Gwyllm) were best friends and soulmates. She's the BOSS ! She is still looking for him (it's so sad to watch), but the other dogs rally to keep her spirits up.
3. "Daisy Girl age 6" is the catahoula... "Jesse Wolf" come back. Greedy about her food and fiercely protective ! My ALFA female.
4. "Buster age 3" is my HUGE Bull Mastiff. He is a the biggest sweet heart with lots of slobber and kisses.
5. "Beeker age 2", is our Dobbie. He found us in August of 08 and stayed for the food . He's all tricks, kicks, and fun. Very sweet and dear.
6. "Rommel age 13 months" is my new Boxer and ALFA male...also fiercely protective and loyal... my Pride and Joy ! He is truely magnificent and handsome ! My Blue Ribbon winner...and he knows it. It's funny how they do.
*** So there we have it on the dogs in my life...the 4 legged ones. I have other animals, too all special and priceless down to there little paws. claws and feathers.
Now I guess you'd be asking where I keep them ?
Angels, Devas, Spirit Guides and Power Animals
By Psychic Verbena Because things we experience from the Spirit World are filtered through each individual’s personal beliefs and expectations, not everyone agrees on exactly what defines an angel, or a spirit guide, a deva or a power animal. But here are some basics that most mystics and psy...
YES ! I have had my babies come back. The more pain and grief I expressed, the faster they came in, oddly enough. To my delight !
I am reminded of Salem, one of my Black cats. It was a couple of months after his passing that Niki tiki Pooh came to me.
Now, Salem did certain things that no other cat ever did, like put one claw into my pant leg when he wanted a treat and wake me with a tap on my face and a soft meow at 2 am to go outside. There were other things too, like making love to his favorite purple blanket...that's another story !
When Niki ( and his brother, Adrienne) came to me at 6 weeks old, I knew he was my Salem. They are identical in every way...even his love of his own special blanket. He even has the very same brown spot on his right Salem !
I have many special Angels and some have returned to me in the flesh. After Salem passed, everyone started bringing me cats. I assume they are part of my spirit family, now and I recognize them as old friends. After, my boxer died, I recieved, 4 dogs, but non of them are him. I had a beautiful Canadian wolf/Dobbie mix,named Jessie, who I'd lost 8 years ago, and she has come back in the flesh as a Catahoula (spelling?), named Daisy. I love them all. Thanks Psychic Verbena !
Angels, Devas, Spirit Guides and Power Animals
By Psychic Verbena Because things we experience from the Spirit World are filtered through each individual’s personal beliefs and expectations, not everyone agrees on exactly what defines an angel, or a spirit guide, a deva or a power animal. But here are some basics that most mystics and psy...
I love your Irish Setter story, Miss Krystal...and your big Timber Wolf story, Psychic Verbena.
I have 6 big dogs and 1 little one, not including many cats Peacocks, Geese, etc. I love them all. I am surrounded by Angels everywhere I walk.
They love it when the phone rings. It took a long time to teach them manners when talking to clients. Like kids, they'd act up when I was on the phone (sometimes they still try.)
Sadly ( very sadly), I recently lost my 15 year old Boxer. I still hear him calling me. I know he'll always be with me, along with all my other animal mates I'd lost over the years. Thanks for sharing your stories.
Angels, Devas, Spirit Guides and Power Animals
By Psychic Verbena Because things we experience from the Spirit World are filtered through each individual’s personal beliefs and expectations, not everyone agrees on exactly what defines an angel, or a spirit guide, a deva or a power animal. But here are some basics that most mystics and psy...
I am fascinated by reincarnation . You guys seem to be pretty well up to date on the latest information on this subject. You inspire me to do more research. Any more resources I should explore ? Thanks !
Proof of Reincarnation?
Anya Dawn alerted me to this story. This little boy may be a reincarnation of a pilot in World War II. Very interesting, check it out! Do you know about any of your own past lives?
I put my glasses on and now I only see one "L" in your name that I mispelled in my last post, Phillip. Sorry 'bout that.
Empower Yourself!
By Psychic Phillip I have heard these exact words from callers over and over again: "I hate feeling this way!" These words are generally expressed in response to relationship distress. So then I ask the individual, "Well, describe the feeling." I will present a personal experience which will d...
I like your pic, Philip full of life !
Empower Yourself!
By Psychic Phillip I have heard these exact words from callers over and over again: "I hate feeling this way!" These words are generally expressed in response to relationship distress. So then I ask the individual, "Well, describe the feeling." I will present a personal experience which will d...
I love you all so much !!!
Now we can be together after years of being apart...we're family, you know ?
Helping others...eachother...that's POWER !
Empower Yourself!
By Psychic Phillip I have heard these exact words from callers over and over again: "I hate feeling this way!" These words are generally expressed in response to relationship distress. So then I ask the individual, "Well, describe the feeling." I will present a personal experience which will d...
I love you all so much !!!
Now we can be together after years of being apart...we're family, you know ?
Helping others...eachother...that's POWER !
Empower Yourself!
By Psychic Phillip I have heard these exact words from callers over and over again: "I hate feeling this way!" These words are generally expressed in response to relationship distress. So then I ask the individual, "Well, describe the feeling." I will present a personal experience which will d...
I hope this helps...I love the elderly and I have spent a great deal of time talking with them about love and life.
This is what I gleaned from talking to one elderly gentleman, when I was unknowingly on the eve of experiencing my own personal, "Dark Night Of The Soul."
I was curious as to why he was so positive all of the time, when I knew he was suffering physical pain of a long hard life, war, and the loss of his soulmate and wife. I asked him his secret.
He said, "Attitude...attitude is everything". He said, "It sustains us through our difficult times, it keeps us healthy, and it keeps us wanting to live life to it's fullest". He went on to tell me some incredible stories that he had experienced in his own life; stories of heroism and survival, heartache and happiness.
At the end of our talk, he left me with this advice...."life is not always fair. It can be down right mean!" "But", he added, "It's what you make it!" Then he smiled, put his hand over mine and looked longingly out beyond the horizon. Quietly he spoke , "Life is good...yes, very good."
He was telling me to live and choose life and be happy. He knew I would someday need to lean on those words. Little did we both know, tragedy struck me at the very core of my soul, within days of visiting with him.
Maybe it helps you, maybe not, I can't say.I hope it helps someone out there who might be receptive to the idea of living and joining in the dance of life...instead of maybe, sitting it out, getting out or waiting for someone else to be responsible for the happiness they do or don't feel.
Attitude is everything, like the old guy said, "Happiness is in our own hands." Yes, even when bad things happen, we get back in there, after a time and join in the dance again...or we can decline and sit it out, indefinately. Either way, you choose what you'll do. He was right. No one else is responsible for my reaction to those unseen events or people that may have been one else is responsible for my behavior, "attitude" or happiness... but me.
Help! I'm Dating a Commitment Phobe!
You're dating an amazing individual, somebody you'd really like to get to know better. Every date this person smells and looks absolutely "smokin" right down to his/her minty sweet breath - and all is good with the world. Every date just continues to get better and better but... that old exclu...
You are so insightful. Thanks for responding.
Actually, I am a HUGE believer in Miracles, having had alot of them in my own lifetime. But, I don't think God hands them out, willy nilly. I have seen his hand move in some pretty incredible ways.
But, I think that unless there are innocent people involved, or huge lessons finally learned and a sense of humble reception to change, miracles are few and far between. Some of them are actually, unanswered prayers ! Miracles can happen for lesser reasons and for no good reason, I'm sure. But on examination, there may be larger reasons not presently seen.
Yes, I agree it is all very individual. Like snow flakes...each one very unique and lovely and personal.
Prayer is a darned good idea and I recommend it daily. But prayer isn't just for handing our creator a big wish list like he's Santa's more than asking for clarity, direction and truth. Better still... for others who are truely in need.
I am reminded of something here, that I was told about guys that only wanted one thing...when I started dating as a teen...
..."Don't cast pearls before swine ".
Help! I'm Dating a Commitment Phobe!
You're dating an amazing individual, somebody you'd really like to get to know better. Every date this person smells and looks absolutely "smokin" right down to his/her minty sweet breath - and all is good with the world. Every date just continues to get better and better but... that old exclu...
You're a smart girl, Maryanne !
Help! I'm Dating a Commitment Phobe!
You're dating an amazing individual, somebody you'd really like to get to know better. Every date this person smells and looks absolutely "smokin" right down to his/her minty sweet breath - and all is good with the world. Every date just continues to get better and better but... that old exclu...
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