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Patty H
Recent Activity
I remember that process but mom alwasy cut heres off teh cob before cooking, unless she put it in whole. Adn then if it was cut off the cob, whew!! what a sticky mess, you'd have it all over you.
I have to admit, corn is not one of my favorite veggies. I can hear some of you gasp!! I know it'll taste good this winter, tho.
Blessings, Patty
Putting Up Corn
Corn in it's many forms is a staple of the Appalachian diet. Fresh corn, pickled corn, hominy, grits, cornmeal, and yes moonshine all come to mind when one thinks of the uses of corn in Appalachia. Putting up corn is like canning green beans-in the way that each family has it's own method of...
Great music, as always.
Yes, I love blackberries. I remember blackberry pickin with my mom and our dog Sally. We'd go thru the cow pasture, along the creek banks, watching for snakes along the way. Our fingers would be stained from the juices and pricked by the thorns but it was all worth it when we'd sit down to a blackberry pie made in a castiron pan. Yummy!!
lol! wonder how some of this folklore originated.
Patty H.
The Blackberry
Blackberry picking time is almost here-the berries are still green on the brambles around my house-but before long they'll be turning that luscious deep dark black color. Folklore surrounding Blackberries I've heard all my life... Blackberry Winter- a cold snap occurs each spring about th...
Oh! forgot to say that flipflops are $1 this Saturday at Old Navy!!! If you can fight the crowd.
A Flip Flop Weekend
This past weekend the Blind Pig family enjoyed a flip flop weekend. There were lots of: Sisterly Harmony, Boat Riding, Driving Lessons, Swimming, ...
Looks like such fun!!
We'll be camping this weekend!
Have a blessed day.
A Flip Flop Weekend
This past weekend the Blind Pig family enjoyed a flip flop weekend. There were lots of: Sisterly Harmony, Boat Riding, Driving Lessons, Swimming, ...
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