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Kids can explore the world this summer through the TD Summer Reading Club at Toronto Public Library. This year's theme is GO!—encouraging children to journey to places near and far, from the backyard to other worlds. The TD Summer Reading Club is a free, inclusive national and bilingual program that... Continue reading
Welcome, Spring! And welcome to a new season of the Shakespeare for Kids Library Club! Shakespeare for Kids is a great opportunity for children aged 7 to 12 to explore the world of magic, wizards, potions, ghosts, swords and witches in some of the greatest stories ever told. Actors and... Continue reading
Today, Toronto Public Library launched Let's Get Ready for Reading, a fun and handy research-based guide for parents, caregivers and educators of children from birth to five. The guide was developed by our expert children’s librarians and is full of book recommendations, rhymes, songs, finger plays, activities and reading readiness... Continue reading
Are your kids feeling a little dramatic? Are they looking to chase away their wintertime blahs? Don't miss this chance to act out! Shakespeare for Kids is a great opportunity for children aged 7 to 12 to explore the world of magic, wizards, potions, ghosts, swords and witches in some... Continue reading
As the holiday season quickly approaches, look no further than TPL for great gift ideas for the young children in your life. The 2012 First and Best Booklist has just been unwrapped! It features the year's best in Canadian books for children from birth to age five that are fun... Continue reading
Looking for some dramatic fun for your child this fall? This is a great opportunity for children aged 7 to 12 to explore the world of magic, wizards, potions, ghosts, swords and witches in some of the greatest stories ever told. Actors and educators from the Shakespeare in Action Theatre... Continue reading
Tips for encouraging kids to read include surrounding your child with books, magazines and other materials to choose from. We do this in our home. Books are on shelves and in bins in almost every room of the house, and they're an important part of our daily routine. We buy... Continue reading
There's a new book obsession in my household and I bet you'll be able to relate. My husband and I kicked off the summer by signing the kids up for the TD Summer Reading Club (which now has a preschool component!) and heading north to a cottage for a week... Continue reading
Looking for some dramatic fun for your child this fall? This is a great opportunity for children aged 7 to 12 to explore the world of magic, wizards, potions, ghosts, swords and witches in some of the greatest stories ever told. Actors and teachers from the Shakespeare in Action Theatre... Continue reading
Does your child like to write? You'll be excited about these creative writing workshops for older children offered at select library branches across the city this fall. There are seven Sophie's Studio Workshop series (four weeks each), facilitated by a variety of artists, including Anna Humphrey, Frida Wishinsky, Megan Crewe... Continue reading