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Judy Sims
Recent Activity
Thanks Shafqat, you make a really good point. I'm afraid far too many publishers are doing exactly what you say they shouldn't.
I Love You Earl, but Engagement is an Activity, not a Statistic
Newspapers are places where marketing and branding are not only given little value, they are often viewed with suspicion. I remember being told not to call the paper a “product” in front of people from the newsroom. Unless it’s their face on a billboard or bus somewhere, many journalists believ...
Thanks for your comments Howard and Steve. I've found that for the most part, neither editorial or executive staff even understand what it really means to engage a community. Their resistance is more in the form of willful ignorance.
If Newspapers Cease to Be, There Will be Two Causes of Death
Last month, there was all kinds of excitement about the recovery of American newspapers. Share prices were up and both the Atlantic and the Economist wrote fluffy, happy pieces about the state of the industry and its future. But print executives know otherwise. They know because in Q1 they wer...
Good grief, I've always got a typo somewhere. Thanks Michael!
Why Newspapers Aren't Winning Online: Until You Believe It, They Won’t Buy It
I’m continually amazed by the work Journal Register Company CEO John Paton is doing to transform JRC into a media company that will survive well into the 21st century. I devoted a post to him and have Tweeted about him so often, I’d be in danger of becoming president of his fan club if not for ...
Judy Sims is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
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