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Love the thanks you's! If I were having a baby I would love the announcements too! :)
emerging stationer | laura brown art
laura brown is so 'emerging' that she just opened her shop yesterday! i love her delightfully minimalist designs and watery colors. her stationery conveys the simplicity of childhood while maintaining a distinctly adult tone. laura uses all 100% recycled cardstock and envelopes. each card is h...
Love all of it!
buyer's market | glass
the buyers market of american craft was this weekend, in philly. i was lucky to have been invited as a member of the press [eek! that was cool!] as the show was not open to the general public. the point of the market is for crafters & artists to show their work in front of boutique & gallery o...
I love the Create and the Bohemian cool!
emerging illustrator | stephanie corfee
there are few people i know who are as friendly, self-aware, accessible, and effervescent as Stephanie Corfee. I am very lucky to call her one of my bloggy buddies and also to have chatted in person a few times! stephanie is a talented illustrator with a passion for make art that is fun and en...
I thought I posted something the other day but maybe it didn't go through. I wanted to be sure to wish you all the best and congratulate you on all your hard work. You impress me as someone who is always ahead of the learning curve in business and I know you next adventure will be successful! Hope to see you around! I am finally getting around to a blog and an Etsy store and here you are moving on! Luck and best wishes!
growing beauty, letting go & looking forward
Shira Sela's illustrations each tell a lovely story all on their own, and when stitched together one after another like this, they help me tell an emotional tale that I'm having a hard time expressing. Please bear with me while I muddle through ... (I deleted the mushy version for all our sakes!)...
I really appreciate your comments! I recently started a blog and was always wondering if I was doing it "right" but now my perspective has changed! I am going to do what feels right for me and hopefully it's all good!
you have to make it your own.
i'll admit from the start that this post is, as it's not rare that my posts are, inspired by a recent post by seth godin. he's nothing if not articulate, usually makes good points and always churns cogs of the thought machine in my head (a very good thing, right?). this find your voice post ...
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