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Guest post by Young Voices Comic Artist in Residence Tory Woollcott Hi there! Do you love comics in all their wonderful forms? Manga, graphic books, superhero comics, webcomics and more? Do you want to create your own? Good! Me too!! I’m Tory Woollcott and I’m the first Young Voices Comic... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2017 at TPL Teens
“A story that broke my heart and put it back together again. You won't want to let Gem and Dixie go.” —Sarah Dessen Gem and Dixie by Sara Zarr. Gem has never known what it is to have security. She’s never known an adult she can truly rely on. But... Continue reading
Posted Jul 16, 2017 at TPL Teens
I absolutely agree.
1 reply
The book is amazing.
Toggle Commented Jun 20, 2017 on Staff Picks: Spill Zone at TPL Teens
1 reply
Scott Westerfeld is famous for his Uglies and Pretties series. In his new book he ventures into unknown territory with his first graphic novel, words by Westerfeld and art by Alex Puvilland and illustrations by Hilary Sycamore. This graphic novels finds us in Poughkeepsie N.Y., where three years prior to... Continue reading
Posted Jun 18, 2017 at TPL Teens
In his second novel Jeff Zentner explores the idea of what if you could have one more day with someone who is dead? One day Carver Briggs absolutely had it all. He was popular, handsome, a talented writer and his home life is supportive and his time with his three... Continue reading
Posted May 28, 2017 at TPL Teens
In the follow up/companion novel to "Openly Straight" Bill Konigsberg takes us back into the world of Ben Carver. Ben's life is back to normal and he has put the difficult relationship with Rafe behind him and he is doing very well. He is captain of the baseball team, has... Continue reading
Posted Apr 23, 2017 at TPL Teens
In 2014 Danielle Paige introduced a new chapter in the Oz mythology; well researched and true to the originals, this new novel was about how Dorothy had returned to Oz and was ruining this magical place. Three years later and 7 novellas, 2 novels and we are finally coming to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2017 at TPL Teens
Many times young people and their love of reading gets ignored by more traditional book clubs or by the fear that the book club will be too much like a high school English class room. But that is not to say that youth do not enjoy a good read and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2017 at TPL Teens
Every once in a while a group of books come along that are all very well received by the critics. These are the books that we look forward to as we have a sense that we are getting something precious, something insightful, something that we will want to read and... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2017 at TPL Teens
This book had me by the cover. And I am not saying that you should judge a book by it's cover, but keep in mind that cover does a lot in selling the book. In Nina LaCour's new title (wonderfully being made to the public on valentines day) we have... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2017 at TPL Teens
In the mystical and magical land of Brooklyn lives Vassa and her not so pleasant stepmother and constantly bickering step sisters. The wealthy and glamorous people put on their absolutely adorable shoes and go out partying often. There is a huge cultural divide between the upper class people and the... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2017 at TPL Teens
Danielle Paige burst onto the scene a few years ago with her re-imagining of the land of OZ. In her new title "Stealing Snow" she has taken the fairy tale of "The Snow Queen" (think Frozen but the original story" and re-imagined it as a modern day pilgrimage of a... Continue reading
Posted Dec 25, 2016 at TPL Teens
The library offers many resources for students to help them improve on their research, studying, skill learning, memorizing, etc. Here are a few items offered from "Safari Tech and Business Books Online" that will make your studying and learning a bit more streamlined. Critical Thinking Skills for Dummies (2015): Just... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2016 at TPL Teens
The library offers many online resources for the use of our patrons. Here are a few online resources to help make your school life and education a bit more virtual. All of these items are available from Overdrive. How to Learn Almost Anything in 48 Hours (2016): Three-time Australian Memory... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2016 at TPL Teens
You are the first one to get it right!
1 reply
Mark you were the first one to get it right.
1 reply
I could not agree with you more. This book is a very compelling read and deals with very mature themes in a deft and impressive manner.
1 reply
I highly recommend giving it a shot! This could be your favourite new book!
1 reply
It is interesting. You should check it out!
1 reply
See it is an awesome read, if you don't believe me or Sophia believe this commentor.
1 reply
Janet thank you so much for taking the time to read our reviews. It is amazing to have you the author taking the time to comment, we REALLY appreciate it!
1 reply
This was another of those books I was unsure of before I picked it up and then could not put it down.
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History and artifacts are amazing! I love the way they can resonate with us and show how things have changed!
1 reply
You got it right first July!
1 reply