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"If the notion in my mind finds footing it will be that my primary place of online interaction will be at First Things.."
It so happens that I found First Things (via The Anchoress) about the same time I was introduced to your writings. Belmont Club is an old friend. I stand in awe and humbled at the quality, depth and breadth of prose coming from
American Digest.
You are in high company there; earning your chops and moving on.
I'm in your field and getting ready to put it aside after after 30 years; it's time. God bless you and may His grace give you strength, wisdom and insight.
A New Virtual Community
“There are no great men. Just great challenges which ordinary men, out of necessity, are forced by circumstance to meet.” -- Bull Halsey If the notion in my mind finds footing it will be that my primary place of online interaction will be at First Things as I slowly put this blog to rest. I thin...
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