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@sarahi: please don't feel lynched. I saw your post and immediately assumed that it was in response to some previous post that you saw earlier and that I have not as yet come across. I get it. And you are loved. We are all imperfect, but we all have to live on this planet together and misunderstandings will happen. Sending love your way.
Toggle Commented Oct 29, 2009 on No title at
Well, my lovelies, I must away! It has been delightful, but I must now take care of the homework so that I can enjoy my weekend completely. Have a great, groovy, and wonderful night! Continue reading
Posted Oct 22, 2009 at
Who won the Best Actor award in 1952? or 1977? or 1935? Now...who is one of the most beloved and easily recognizable icons in television and cinema? Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock. So is William Shatner as Captain Kirk. So take that Oscars!! It's like the Olympics. People fight for the prize and train for it, and most of them we can't even remember.
Numbers are just solid. We just go on and on in English. With math, you get the solution and it's done. Reading is my love. I just don't analyze it as deeply as my English prof seems to want me to. Nor do I want to. Analyzing it too much takes the fun away for me. It's like rolling in luxurious sheets or savoring the first bite of a delicious dessert...I don't want to analyze it, I want to enjoy the moment. Discussion can be fun, but not if I must be graded on it. :D I am going into accounting and all of my life-long friends tell me that I am the anti- accountant. Not that I couldn't do the job; they just feel that I am too free-spirited for that type of career. But I see the beauty in numbers now. Eventually I want to be client-based and able to have a flexible schedule.
Went to a matinee. Half the regular price. Cool!
Oh, I already planned to watch it. Didn't know there was the friend connection. It just looked like it would be fun. If it makes you happy too, we have a win-win situation. I just love it when that happens.
1 reply
And another thing! Went to see "Surrogates" with my mom - she loves sci-fi too- and it was creepy/funny! The moral of the story was painted kind of heavy-handed, but it was sort of interesting. But a couple of moments... Continue reading
Posted Oct 22, 2009 at
"Sup, my peeps? Been missing you all. Been peeking in now and then, but not much time to post. Supposed to be doing English homework now. You know what's funny? I have English and Algebra right now. I have always... Continue reading
Posted Oct 22, 2009 at
I LOVE THIS!!!! Me and my crazy sister would SO do this! You have just made my day by posting this. Thank you ZachsFire! Thank you!
Toggle Commented Oct 22, 2009 on Grocery Store Musical at
1 reply
I hereby present Zachary Quinto with the ZQC award for best actor in my favorite movie of 2009. You know you da man! **Crowd goes wild***. And I do see him winning an Oscar one day. He is on that path.
It was all about Michael Jackson back then. And Spock. Yes, I'm strange. LOL!
1 reply
Name: Michele Where are you from? Michigan Where do you live? Michigan House/apt/estate/castle? House in real life. Castle in my mind :) Where did you first really notice Zachary? Star Trek Favorite ZQ character: Spock Favorite TV show: STOS, Clean... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2009 at
poinciana shared a video on YouTube at Zachary Quinto
Oct 16, 2009
I've been here with you a while now. Just a little post to say "hi!". I am also watching Star Trek (Original series). My nightly ritual lately. Star Trek, then the Nanny. When I know that I should take my... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2009 at
I can't even focus on anything but the smiles. Mega-watt!
Toggle Commented Oct 15, 2009 on No title at
Yep. He does. It is adorable.
Toggle Commented Oct 15, 2009 on No title at
I like to see Zach perform. He entertains me - that's his job. He does it well. He is very easy on the eyes - which is a perk- but not important. It is not the reason that I like him. I like how he handles himself. He interviews well. He seems like a nice guy. I hear that he treats his family, friends,co-workers, and fans with respect and kindness. I feel like our values show themselves in all that we do. His values, from what he chooses to reveal, seem to go in a certain direction. If they ran counter to what he has consistently shown, I would be surprised. Even the greatest actor can't play an offstage role indefinitely. Who we are eventually comes through. Zach seems to know who he is and to be O.K. with it. We all have flaws. He is not perfect. He is a human being. I am the type of person who likes to give the benefit of the doubt to all. If someone offers me their opinion of another, I like to see for myself and form my own opinions. Opinions are highly subjective. This is true at work and in personal life. Zachary Quinto has the kind of job that, while obviously rewarding to him, requires some huge sacrifices and can be very high-pressure. If he at times reacts like human beings do, I would give him the benefit of the doubt. All of us are in a constant state of growth and change. That's life. I hope that he always has smooth sailing, but life happens. And when life happens, people handle it in different ways. But Zach seems like he'd be the same person if he were a plumber or a garbage man or my manager. I have observed, and from my vantage point, he seems to be a certain way. Each vantage point comes with a different view. All I can speak on is what I can see. With additional data, I would be able to formulate a better hypothesis. Thus far, I find what I have seen to be "fascinating". :)
Loved it! Watching it as I check out the Original ST. I dearly love silliness!
Toggle Commented Oct 13, 2009 on Star Trek 2009 Gag Reel at
I am obviously living in the wrong state. Pennsylvania grows 'em gorgeous. LOL! On another note, get rid of butt-head's picture! Unless, of course, holding on to it firms your resolve to avoid all future butt-heads.
Toggle Commented Oct 13, 2009 on No title at
poinciana added audio at Zachary Quinto
Lion Dance
Adding to the musical fun! Love this song.
Oct 11, 2009
Hahahaha haaaaaaa!
Toggle Commented Oct 12, 2009 on No title at
1 reply
I LOVE IT!!! I'm glad that I checked back in for a minute! I have GOT to learn how to sing that so that I can add it to my repertoire! Can't wait for the vid. Hope you find a version of this that you like. I'll look too.
Toggle Commented Oct 11, 2009 on HAPPINESS IS A THING CALLED JOE at