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Brooklyn, New York
I'm an artist living in Brooklyn balancing a full time job with my personal work.
Recent Activity
Taking advantage of the morning commute. Haven't read this stuff since art school. :) Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2016 at ereisa wells gentile
Awhile back, I posted some images of my sketch book in which I was using small shapes to create larger organic ones. I had it in mind to translate them into paper cuts and to try to do them pretty large. This is my first (work in progress) attempt at it which I actually started many months ago. It's really time consuming and, because I am doing them without more than a vague idea of a final shape, it's both fun and challenging. There are some things I wish I had done differently here but I'm looking at it (like... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2014 at ereisa wells gentile
It's been quite awhile since my last post. Life got busy, another baby arrived, and my blog was put on the back burner. I've been in a bit of an artistic drought to be honest - I just haven't had the motivation to do much painting or work on paper. I suppose most of my creative energy has gone toward my kids. I've also been spending time on maternity leave rediscovering my love for cooking (well, when my 5 week old son allows it). I've felt kind of badly about not getting into the ole studio in so long -... Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2014 at ereisa wells gentile
Recently I've been trying to utilize my long subway commute to draw a bit in my sketchbook. I'm working on something for some papercuts I'm planning on doing. Putting together these tiny shapes has been relaxing. I also started to try a little on paper to see how it will translate. I'm envisioning doing some pretty large pieces but the thought of zillions of these tinycuts is a little daunting! Still, it feels great to be working again. Happy New Year! -Ereisa Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2013 at ereisa wells gentile
This week I had to do a little demolition on the triptych I've been chipping away at. The trees weren't working for me. I tried salvaging some of it but they look like they're in a wind storm which bothered me. Sometimes, you just have to accept that you have to undo what you've done to make a piece better - even though you've spent a lot of time on something. It's a little painful but it has to be done. I need to spend some time thinking about what I want to do with the doors. I also spent... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2012 at ereisa wells gentile
SO. Last week I challenged myself to work at least 10 minutes a day to try to finally get a painting done (well, to start to). For the most part I did pretty well - although there were a couple of nights I was too tired to do it. I know it's hard to believe I could be too tired for a measley 10 minutes but between work and our toddler it's true. I doubled up my time on other days to make up for it though. I discovered two things from my little experiment. One is that 10 minutes... Continue reading
Posted Jun 22, 2012 at ereisa wells gentile
I have been lamenting the fact that I have had such a difficult time getting into the studio to work and that I haven't blogged in what seems like forever. Having an 18 month old is more wonderful and tougher than I ever could have imagined... tough in the sense that finding a minute to myself is nearly impossible. Recently, a friend asked me how the blog was coming along. I had to confess that it had been months and months since I had worked on anything or written a post. To which she responded, "Well, there's a season for... Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2012 at ereisa wells gentile
Several years ago my mother gave me some embroidery kits and embroidery floss that she had stored away. I wasn't much into needle work of any kind and the few times I tried I was always a little frustrated that I was so bad at it. Recently, though, I have been craving doing something creative and have had little or no time to do anything in the studio. By the time I get home from work, I just want to enjoy the few precious hours I have with my daughter and husband. But I know I have a deep need... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2011 at ereisa wells gentile
"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become." - Steve Jobs Thank you for everything you have contributed to the world. A true creative genius. Rest in Peace... Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2011 at ereisa wells gentile
Last week was a bit of a milestone for me (you know, turning 40 and all). I hadn't thought it would be much of a big deal but I have to admit, I do feel a little different... as though I'm on the other side of something. And getting "up there" has reminded me I had better do some work. Time's a-wastin'... as they say. So, I finally finished the paper cut of Kurrajong tree pods I mentioned in my last post. It was nice to finish something and I think I may take some time to complete other projects... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2011 at ereisa wells gentile
A couple of posts back I showed a paper cut study of a Kurrajong tree pod I worked on in anticipation of doing a larger piece. I think I was envisioning something REALLY big but have sort of settled for kind of big (compared to the size of most of my work). Below is the paper cut in the initial drawing stage and then in it's painted (pre-cut) stage. I probably could use this opportunity for a tutorial but I am saving that for later when I can be a bit more organized about it. I plan to work on... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2011 at ereisa wells gentile
ereisa is now following Art Dolls by Du Buh Du Designs
Jun 15, 2011
ereisa is now following Account Deleted
Jun 15, 2011
An artist cannot fail; it is a success to be one. - Charles Horton Cooley Though I have been away for months I am cooking up some things to share... stay tuned... :) Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2011 at ereisa wells gentile
So, I'm working on some small paper cuts at the moment and trying to incorporate some embroidery. The idea came about because I wanted a way to attach multiple layers of paper without relying on glue. As you can see, I am not so talented with the needle and thread but I figure I just need practice... and alot of it. I'm still trying to decide if the thread adds to the work or is distracting but I'm enjoying doing something new and being able to do some of it in the few evening hours I have after the baby... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2011 at ereisa wells gentile
In my work at the moment, I am clinging to anything nature or plant-related in my work - a result of being cooped-up by this Winter weather. There has been snow on the ground here in Brooklyn since the blizzard last month and, with a newborn making it next to impossible to go out, I am going a bit stir-crazy. I was looking for a bit of inspiration and came accross these seed pods my friend Grace brought back to me from California last year. After a little digging around I'm pretty sure it's from a Brachychiton (or Kurrajong Bottletree).... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2011 at ereisa wells gentile
Happy New Year! Here I am... back again at last. I feel badly that I have been away from the blog so much but my beautiful daughter was born the day before Thanksgiving and preparing for her arrival and taking care of her has obviously been my priority. There have been many times here that I've talked about how I have struggled to do my personal work while being employed full-time. I almost laugh about it now that I am Mother to a two month old baby. Ha! I never knew how much time I did have before! Despite the... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2011 at ereisa wells gentile
It seems that, unbeknownst to me, the Anniversary of this blog quietly came and went back in July without any fanfare. I had long planned to have a giveaway to mark the occasion but I've been so lax about writing lately that I'm not sure how many of you are still out there. I do plan on giving a piece away before my due date in November so stay tuned. ;) The Summer has come and (almost) gone in a blur (well, an uncomfortably hot blur) and suddenly, I have reached my third trimester. Most of my time has been... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2010 at ereisa wells gentile
Hello again...! It's been ages since I've posted though, believe me, I have wanted to and thought about it many times since May. The truth is, I haven't had much extra creative energy as I've been working on the ultimate creative project - a baby! I wanted so much to get into the studio and post some things here but - Woah, Nelly - the first trimester struck with it's overwhelming fatigue and bouts of queasiness and all I could do was lay on the couch eating rows of saltines and doing face plants on the throw pillows. Happily, I'm... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2010 at ereisa wells gentile
I have a studio space. It may not seem like a big deal but, for me, it's huge - it's everything. It wasn't always the case that I had a real space to work in. Oh, sure, I had an easel and my supplies neatly tucked into drawers and a drawing table I could share with my husband but I didn't have a space of my own. I didn't have a place to lay out my materials and keep them out or a place to leave work in progress displayed so i could think over what my next steps might... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2010 at ereisa wells gentile
Remember me? I suppose I took a bit of an unplanned vacation from posting recently. I've been working on a pretty big project (which I hope to share with you soon) that has taken up most of my time during the past month or so. I do have a little something to share though... done in cut canvas pieces (yes, I am still trying to recycle those old paintings that were never really finished). I can't bring myself to get rid of them but I have to admit I'll be glad to finish with them as the cutting is far... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2010 at ereisa wells gentile
It's been a hectic few weeks both at home and at work and I haven't been able to do as much in the studio as I'd like. I have my eye on a couple of other juried shows (with deadlines looming) so I really need to focus and get my new piece finished. I worked on a few of the small paper cuts last week (that together will make one large composition). Though I'm not sure how I will incorporate all these little guys into something cohesive, I am having so much fun playing around with them... it seems like... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2010 at ereisa wells gentile
FINALLY. Finally, it's Spring and the weather the past two days has been absolutely beautiful. I took a trip to the city yesterday with my husband to collect some much-needed vitamin D from the sun and in search of inspiration. Julia Cameron in The Artist's Way talks about the importance of "filling the well". That it's important to take in other people's creative work and to have interesting experiences outside of the four walls of your studio. I feel like I have done quite a bit of work so far this year and it was time to get out and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2010 at ereisa wells gentile
ereisa is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I am so glad everything turned out ok and that everyone is well... a good reminder not to put off that Cheeto-eating. Carpe Diem!
Toggle Commented Mar 15, 2010 on feeling like caroline's socks today at tollipop
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