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I'm a newbie at this whole mom thing. Follow my mishaps and adventures here.
Interests: knitting, cooking, crochet, french pastries, my husband. our unborn child. our two fur-kids, thor! and hanalei (yes, that is how you spell his name- thor in all caps with an exclamation point). sewing, gardening. spending time with amazing friends and family.
Recent Activity
babystepstomom is now following Champagne, High Heels, & A Little Lady
Mar 1, 2011
Thank you for your prayers, Beth! It's good to know I'm not alone, although I don't want anyone else to have this problem either :) I think that it's a matter of learning the word "No"... I hate saying no to people because I feel like I let them down. I realize now that I don't really want to be one of those do-it-all moms... mostly because I'm not good at it. It stresses me out. I'd rather stick to what I'm good at and what's important, and the rest will follow! I'd love to hear your take on a busy life and how you have dealt with it!
OK, so... WHOA.
I should be posting about how LJ turned one at the end of last month. Or about the fun rustic cowboy/cowgirl birthday party I threw for her and her dad. Or the photos I took of our Christmas decor. Or the sweet NYE photo we took with our friends the Pirates. Or a recap of 2010 complete with a gu...
Hahaha, yes! Thank you, tripod.
It's hard to believe that the trip we have been anticipating for months has already come and gone! Cody and I went sans LJ and I have to say, as much as I adore her and missed her while we were gone, I am glad we chose to leave her with my parents (much more fun for them too!). There's no way th...
Thanks, darlin'! It was such a great trip!
It's hard to believe that the trip we have been anticipating for months has already come and gone! Cody and I went sans LJ and I have to say, as much as I adore her and missed her while we were gone, I am glad we chose to leave her with my parents (much more fun for them too!). There's no way th...
Haha, yes! That's so fun! Love it :)
I Heart Faces: In the Orchard.
I've been tied up the past couple of weeks not only with work, but also with getting ready for Kelly and Mondo's wedding day! More on that later- it was an amazing weekend and I was so honored to stand up for one of my dearest friends as she married the love of her life! I got really excited whe...
Awesome advice, ladies! Thank you SO much! You've really helped me feel better about taking a trip sans LJ... and that being said, I think we really do need this time alone after all the madness that's been going on in both our lives :)
Help us decide- to bring baby or not to bring baby?
Cody and I are headed to Nashville for our anniversary and have run into quite the dilemma as to whether we should bring LJ or not. The thought of not bringing her along bums both of us out big time because we want her with us and can't imagine being away from her that long. On the flip side, t...
babystepstomom is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Client News: The TomKat Studio
Posted Feb 7, 2010 at No Strings Virtual Solutions
Where I've been...
Posted Jan 18, 2010 at No Strings Virtual Solutions
Surviving or thriving: The difference a VA can make.
If you are a small business owner or solopreneur, chances are good that you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list more often than not. Truth be told- and I hate using this phrase because it sounds like a cop-out- we are in the middle of tough economic times. Layoffs happen daily and businesses are closing. As a small business owner or solopreneur, you need help but you can't afford to hire additional, if any, employees. This is the simple reality we live in- for now. In light of this, I also see a transformation happening in the way we do... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2009 at No Strings Virtual Solutions
What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
Posted Oct 22, 2009 at No Strings Virtual Solutions
Learning Garden of Orange County
I just completed the Web site for the Learning Garden of Orange County, a tutoring service for children in grades Kindergarten through Sixth. Owner and credentialed teacher Amber Saldana offers in-home, in-school and library tutoring services in the greater Orange County area. The innovative aspect of this service is that Amber offers tutoring virtually via Skype with an e-mail service for students who may have questions outside of regularly scheduled tutoring sessions. She graduated with her Master of Arts in Teaching from Chapman University and, in addition to working with her tutoring clients, is an active substitute teacher. This was... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2009 at No Strings Virtual Solutions
Seek and you will find... a great tool for new entrepreneurs
The other day when I was browsing B+N, I came across a great planning notebook and organizer for starting up a craft business. I already owned the author's previous book on how to turn your hobby into a profitable venture, and knew without even looking that her newest publication was chock-full of great information and organization tools for those going into that particular field. I almost picked it up, thinking that perhaps I could use some of it for my new VA business, but decided against it simply because there was just too much info pertaining only to craft businesses... Continue reading
Posted Oct 12, 2009 at No Strings Virtual Solutions
Important things your VA will want to know about you.
Relationship is everything in business- that's why it is equally as important for your Virtual Assistant to feel comfortable working with you and your business philosophy as it is for you to feel confident in your professional relationship with your VA. Part of the reason many VAs venture out on their own is the ability to pick and choose the type of clients they will serve. As a result, the initial interview is a two-way street. Because of my experience working in several different types of office environments with all kinds of co-workers, I know what I prefer when it... Continue reading
Posted Oct 10, 2009 at No Strings Virtual Solutions
Back to work at 93!
This woman is fantastic. Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2009 at No Strings Virtual Solutions
Questions to ask when hiring a virtual assistant.
It's a good idea to ask the relevant questions before you decide who your virtual assistant will be. Familiarize yourself with their service offerings, rates, and most importantly, whether you connect with them. Here are a few questions to consider asking when interviewing potential VAs, along with my own personal answers: - What is your relevant background experience? I received my B.S. in Advertising from Northern Arizona University in 2002 and have experience working in advertising and public relations agencies, law, higher education, property management, and the restaurant business. I have also worked as a freelance writer and editor. My... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2009 at No Strings Virtual Solutions
Thank you, Beth! I appreciate that!
No Strings Virtual Solutions
Ta Da! I would like to officially announce the launch of my business, No Strings Virtual Solutions. For the record, I would like to say that I considered No Strings BUSINESS Solutions for a name, but NoStringsBS wasn't quite as flattering a nickname as what I chose. But I digress. Time to talk b...
A cost comparison.
Want to save more than $60,000 in business expenses this year? If so, read on... The following chart compares the total cost to you for a full-time employee versus a Virtual Assistant: COST COMPARISON Full-time Employee Virtual Assistant Hourly Rate of Pay $20.00 $35.00 Fringe Benefits @ 35% (Health/Dental/Life Insurance, Retirement Plans) $7.00 None Overhead Rate @ 50% (Office Space, Equipment & Office Supply expense, UI Insurance, Worker's Compensation, Overtime Pay, Administration Costs) $10.00 None Total Effective Rate of Pay $37.00 $35.00 **Hours Per Year 2,080 hrs. 480 hrs. TOTAL Annual Labor Cost $76,960.00 $16,800.00 Difference = $60,160.00 per year... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2009 at No Strings Virtual Solutions
The power of social networking.
I came across the video below and thought it was compelling enough to share. Social media is a major player in business these days and is worth building into your day-to-day marketing efforts. I am an avid reader of Dooce and was intrigued by the story of her terrible experience with Maytag. She kept getting the proverbial shaft from them when it came to fixing her brand new washing machine, so what is the author of the most popular personal blog on the Internet to do? Share it with her million+ followers on Twitter. Although it is a long story,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2009 at No Strings Virtual Solutions
An introduction.
Welcome to the blog of No Strings! We are here to share relevant information for aspiring Virtual Assistants, inquiring businesses, and anyone else who wants to learn more about this growing profession. I would like to share a little bit about this business as well as my journey toward becoming an independent contractor working from home. Working from home became my top priority when I learned that my husband and I are expecting our first child in January 2010. She indeed came as a surprise, but we always held fast to the idea that once kids entered the picture, I... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2009 at No Strings Virtual Solutions
Pink I can handle- heck, I even like it... princess I cannot!
Am- there's a half marathon and the full. I'm gonna shoot for the half. I would LOVE it if you came out to join me!
Princess or Pioneer Woman?
When I was at the library the other day, I picked up a great book for Cody called Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know by Meg Meeker. The other night, I started reading it and simply couldn't put it down- in the span of three hours, I had nearly finished the who...
I heart Etsy! I'll have to check that out. And I absolutely want to see pictures of the neon nursery- that's fantastic!
The Two Ns.
Names and nurseries. After a post-ultrasound celebratory brunch at Cracker Barrel (yeah, we're redneck like that), Cody went off to work and I went straight to Target to scout out their baby name books. I left with The Complete Book of Baby Names: The Most Names (100,001+), Most Unique Names, M...
Allison- I should have clarified that these were taken pre-popping out- way back in mid-June. Haha! I would laugh too! We need to brush up on our belly pictures- we've been really bad about that.
Settling in... this whole pregnancy thing. The nausea has passed for the most part, I have lots of energy and have gone on a cleaning spree (downstairs at least), and my appetite has returned to normal, although I don't feel like I'm eating all that much more than I usually did pre-pregnancy. However, th...
Thanks, ladies! I love hearing different stories and experiences. Keep 'em coming!
The birth dilemma.
Now that I am a full 17 weeks along in my pregnancy (for you normal people, that is roughly the equivalent of four months... twenty weeks marking the halfway point), I am starting to consider the type of birth I want to have. My doctor(s) have not broached this subject with me yet, but thanks to...
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