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Mark William Westmoreland
Philadelphia Pennsylvania
I'm a teacher and student of Philosophy and Theology.
Interests: gardening, race theory, mark w. westmoreland teaches philosophy at penn state-brandywine and neumann college, both of which are located in the suburbs of philadelphia, pa. he earned his b.a. in literature and interdisciplinary honors from union university and his m.a. in philosophy from the university of memphis. aft, mark has returned to graduate school for his second m.a. in theology and religious studies at villanova university. his research interests include con, and philosophy of history and culture. he and his wife/partner laura, a ceramic artist, live outside of philadelphia and enjoy hiking, and playing with their kittens. you may reach mark at westmorm@neumann or [email protected] or [email protected]
Recent Activity
As my short six-part series on race theory comes to a close, I wanted to post a little essay I wrote two years ago explaining the origins of the idea of race. Hopefully this will answer many of the questions... Continue reading