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Joe Taibi
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McDowell said the satellite's delayed demise demonstrates how unreliable predictions can be. That said, "the best guess is that it will still splash in the ocean, just because there's more ocean out there." So Jim, based upon this eloquent quote we can safely assume that satellite decaying orbits and reentry slopes are not rocket science? :) Joe
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So video the people that don't pick up and turn them in to the apt manager.
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It's not in the interest of the military industrial complex (our chief economic force remaining other than the private prison industry) to clarify the events and let it go. That's why, rather than rebuilding the trade center as the newest, tallest structures in the world as a show of US Strength and resolve, they chose to immortalize what by all official accounts was the worst historical failure of our defense forces with a giant crater/waterfall instead. It keeps people sad and angry! So they'll keep wanting to fight whoever they're next told is against us and might do it again.
Toggle Commented Sep 13, 2011 on I am tired of hearing about 9/11 at ShowMeBlog
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Most of those issues were brought about by horrific deficit spending as a result of 6 wars initiated over 9/11/01. We need a war profiteers tribunal!
Toggle Commented Sep 11, 2011 on I was not the only one at ShowMeBlog
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Jim, I don't know what happens to my posts here. I type and hit post and never see them. As a test I just tried preview and it flashed across the screen and vanished. Now there's nothing here to go ahead and click "post" on w/o retyping the entire comment. Guess I have to give up?
Toggle Commented Sep 11, 2011 on I am tired of hearing about 9/11 at ShowMeBlog
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OK found this entry and now the other one I asked about needs no explanation! Your train of thought often requires people to have been there previously in order to follow. lol I guessed right though didn't I? I just knew it would be some Google arbitrary bullshit. lol
Toggle Commented Sep 6, 2011 on I heard from Google Again at ShowMeBlog
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btw this is the newest entry on the rss feed link you gave me.
Toggle Commented Sep 6, 2011 on The History Boys at ShowMeBlog
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Now I think I understand why your blog vanished from G+ Sparks! You terminated your Google adsense Affiliations? I don't understand what was difficult? Google is actually giving away free business websites on Intuit in Missouri right now! lol Curious what the issues were and why you wanted to disassociate from Google? Did they accuse you of click shenanigans in order to avoid paying a meager amount again?
Toggle Commented Sep 6, 2011 on I shut down at ShowMeBlog
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btw please email me at G+ or on FB or my reg email (available here via the post or by info on FB) because I currently have no way of being told you've replied to this. As I said, the links seem to have been severed.
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Couple of questions for you Jim. If I can +1 this why can't I A)Log in using G+ B)Find it under sparks (I had you there at one time)and 3)Where is your RSS feed link? I had you feeding into G+ under sparks and your feed vanished. Now I don't see an RSS option on this page. Am I missing it? I read all blogs via RSS feed.
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They're talking about the world wide web as we now know it and Jim, we were there running portals so people could connect to those WWW pages. They were almost strictly TEXT based but their time line is correct. Prior to the www sites we ported people into USENET! which was NNTP that acted just like our Fidonet Echomail forums.I think you're upset because you're confusing jargons here.
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Who makes a $300 android tablet?
Toggle Commented Jul 22, 2011 on New cell phone or android tablet at ShowMeBlog
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Only just now? This service pack has been available for months!
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Files can be converted so size is less of a concern. All HD files are hugemongous! lol
Toggle Commented Jun 25, 2011 on JVC Everio GZ-HM300 HD Camcorder at ShowMeBlog
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Jim I'm confused. I can post an article without moderation yet not respond to its comments without it. There's something wrong with this picture. Don't post the last reply please.
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There rae two ways to look at it. I don't believe it can grab your password due to the fact it never asks for it and it's not one of those facebook "apps" that demands access to goodness knows what on your profile but simply a script that goes down your wall one article at a time starting after the last number you told it to keep and clicking X and responding to those repetitive questions you otherwise have to do yourself to delete each one manually. Could they make it go rogue and change your password? I don't think so because even if it did try there's a FB safeguard that sends you a confirmation email to do that! There's even one for changing your default email address so, foiled again. Your pw isn't available in clear text and again,it isn't an app that can get the code! Do what you wish. So far I've used it and nothing has happened other than I now have only the most recent 20 posts in my profile on any given day I choose to run it. It is a script however and there is a risk it could change some settings but if it has,it's put them back every time so far. All in all. I use it but I must admit I'd prefer to be able to download and see the script I'm executing so yeah, use at your own risk. Clear as mud?:)
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You do know they already decreased the individual social security contribution as of January 2011, right? They're obviously intending the system to end.
Toggle Commented Jun 12, 2011 on Hands off Social Security at ShowMeBlog
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The moral of this sad story is this. Don't buy Samsung products and expect to get updates.
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Just because he's the boss doesn't mean he coerced any of the women to sleep with him. The reality is that the majority of people in this society do strike up relationships with coworkers and often times these relations may or may not lead to anything more than a few sexual encounters. You're drawing some major conclusions based on nothing more than supposition. Falling prey to what's truly wrong with what passes for news reporting these days. People are tried in the media and convicted in people's minds long before anything approaching factual evidence is presented. Unless it comes to light that there was in fact coercion involved in getting anyone to have sex with him, it will turn out that there was nothing newsworthy about this other than the attempted extortion. Even if it happened during the mere 7 months since the man was married. He is not an elected official but merely a late night entertainer. Nothing to see here and nothing creepy about it unless it's proven he harassed the women into the encounters.
Toggle Commented Oct 3, 2009 on David Letterman not so funny at ShowMeBlog
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The man plead guilty and jumped bail. There is no statute of limitation pertaining to his admitted crime and any subsequent settlement/forgiveness arranged between himself and the victim are immaterial to the charges of which, again by his own admission, he is guilty.
Toggle Commented Sep 29, 2009 on Filmmakers DEMAND Polanski’s Release at ShowMeBlog
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They're saying these things as a preemptive strike because they know full well the injections are going to outright kill and otherwise sicken thousands so that they die later from the complications or other abnormalities said injections will adversely affect or otherwise create in recipients. They're so sure of it based upon the data from the 70's that they've already legislated immunity from legal action for restitution from the Doctors and pharmaceutical companies involved ahead of time.
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The government should, at the very least, replace every penny they've misdirected from the SS funds going back to about President Carter when it was seen as a huge surplus of funds sitting there to be "borrowed", rather than continuing to buy and operate every failed corporation in the US while allowing the people to continue sliding into abject poverty.
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The things you weren't allowed to say were precisely the things that gave it such a threatening tone as presented in the pages explaining the form itself.
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Excellent points. There is always danger in generalization. Of course the fact the loudest hate mongers in the media these days purport themselves to be conservatives doesn't help matters in the least and what's needed is an equally loud denunciation of those tactics from the comparatively silent majority of clear thinking non bigoted conservatives. The statement wasn't worded properly such to be aimed strictly at extreme rightists as intended rather than everyone who is a conservative. So the entire group of which you speak (all conservatives) was not intentionally being stigmatized. Put another way, Unless you consider yourself to be an extreme rightist, you weren't included in any way shape or form and I'm relatively certain you were aware of the intended differentiation even as you made your response. Not everyone left/right of center is extreme although those with the simplest minds believe this to be the case because it's just easier that way.
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The census last time did seem to ask an awful lot of personal information that quite simply had nothing to do with getting a head count of who lives where. There was quite a bit in it of a controversial nature coupled with an extremely threatening tone concerning lack of cooperation. If it's similar in nature and content this time it will certainly provide plenty to cause the paranoid to go off half cocked. I don't remember doing anything more than filling out the very large packet of information however, no census people were directly involved.
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