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Vanessa Woodard Byers Campaign
Miami, FL
Candidate for Miami-Dade County School Board, District 2
Interests: Miami-Dade County Public Schools, education, Florida, Miami, Miami-Dade County, charter schools
Recent Activity
Today is the eve of the Primary Election. To tell you that the campaign process has been an education itself would be an understatement. There is so much to be done in District 2 and with all public schools. There is a correlation between the lack of education and the crime in our community but all is not lost if we work together for the betterment of the collective. I am motivated by the number of individuals who want to do more for our children and who are truly grassroots people. Education: The lynchpin for the survival and progress of... Continue reading
Congratulations to my cousin Brielle who is graduating from Lincoln High School in Tallahassee. Our family is so proud of her and wishes her the best in her next step along life’s journey. I was most impressed with Brielle’s Class of 2010 motto by one of my favorite authors: "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who will decide where to go." --Dr. Seuss Continue reading
Dear Friend, I don't know about you but I am tired of the attacks on our teachers and students during this Legislative Session. The public education system is not perfect, no educational system is, and causing chaos and confusion under the guise of school reform is not the answer if we truly care about our children and community. SB 6/HB 7189 and a number of other proposed bills continue to pick away at public education. Rather than try to help our public schools, families are being sold a bill of goods rather than quality education. I am asking for your... Continue reading
Vanessa Woodard Byers Campaign is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Several folks have asked if they live in District 2 and are eligible to vote for me? Well, if you live in Miami-Dade County that's easy to answer. Go to the Miami-Dade County website, fill-in your address, click LOCATE and voila! What's great about this service is that you can also get information on: Census InformationCommunity CouncilCommunity Development Block Grant AreaCommunity Development DistrictCommunity Redevelopment AreaCounty Commission DistrictCounty Police District and GridEmpowerment ZoneEnterprise ZoneHurricane Storm Surge Evacuation ZoneFEMA Flood ZoneGarbage Pickup DaysMunicipalityNeighborhood Revitalization Strategy AreaRecycling Pickup DaysSchool BoundariesTargeted Urban AreaTownship-Range-SectionVoting PrecinctZip Code Who knew there was such information at our fingertips,... Continue reading
On Saturday I had the pleasure of spearheading and participating in a Kwanzaa Celebration in Liberty City through my college alumni chapter of which I am president. It was a wonderful event with people from various ethnic backgrounds enjoying the festivities and food. What a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends, reconnect with old friends and reaffirm our commitment to practicing the Nguzo Saba (Seven Principles). Let me not forget to mention this is our 20th year celebrating Kwanzaa. It started as a ceremony presented by my Mom in a member's livingroom. We didn't have an actual kinara; my Mom... Continue reading
Vanessa Woodard Byers Campaign is now following Account Deleted
Dec 24, 2009
We’re fast approaching the end of 2009. Thank you for your support and encouragement. When this year ends, the campaign really begins as we countdown to August 2010. We are only days away from our next quarterly fundraising report deadline. Please donate $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 or even $250 before midnight on December 31. Thanks for your support! Continue reading
Aura Kruger Dr. Elaine Liftin Last week, I was blessed to reunite with several friends from junior high school and one of my absolute favorite teachers, Mrs. Aura Kruger. What you have to know about this woman is that she along with colleague Dr. Elaine Liftin and the administrative team of Allapattah Junior High School changed the lives of several students back in 1969. I was blessed to be one of them. The 1960’s were a turbulent time for this country. On the heels of major civil rights battles and the beginning of major protests of the Vietnam War, an... Continue reading