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Los Angeles, CA
Recent Activity
Hi Miss Krystal! What a great picture! I want to thank you very much for the past week! I've been so down lately, you know with EVERYTHING we talked about and you've been a huge help. I can feel how much of an Empath I am, I felt you were as frustrated about the "stucked" one as I was, lol. Made me laugh after which I really needed. I hope everything does come to pass as I really need some order and stability in my life right now. I hope you're having a great day! Hugs! Cubes :D
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Miss Krystal, No answer again! :( my fourth attempt. Sooo sad. Cubes D:
Toggle Commented Mar 18, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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Yes Miss Krystal! I DO believe! Hugs right back! Cubes :D
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Hi Miss Krystal! Did you feel the earthquake this morning? about 4:00am? The epicenter was close to where I live and it was a 4.4. So the feeling was a bit strong nothing fell of the counters and now back to normal. hehehe... These allergies are really getting to me, lol! So I'm fully medicated right now and should last the rest of the day. haha. One of the down falls of this weather. ugh! Enjoy the hottest day of the week! Hugs! Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 16, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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Hi Gina Rose! Thank you so much for your pointers. I really appreciate your input. I'm still trying to figure out what I really want to do. I will start with my interests just like you said and go with the flow! Hugs! Cubes :D
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Hi Gina Rose! I'm glad that you had a good time last night. You're too funny! Have a great day! Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 14, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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Hey Miss Krystal! So we sprang forward! About the Spring cleaning, mmmmm, I think NEXT weekend, lol! It's going to be a great weather week and I'm going to enjoy it to its fullest. Time to bring out those shorts and get some sun on the pale looking legs and get some color on the skin, hehe. Have a great day! Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 14, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
1 reply
Hi Miss Krystal, I like really like this artical. I've been single for over three years, but I don't think I have been fully experiencing it. I'm in my mid thirties and sometimes I feel like I'm running out of time and I really don't know why. No one in my family says a thing about my single status, but yet I feel like I need to be in a relationship right now. I really want to enjoy this single time, but sometimes I don't know where to start. Your artical I believe is a great start, I have to change that "chip" that you say. I know I'll get there! Thanks for the info! Cubes :D
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Hi Miss Krystal! We have a beautiful day today! It's going to be even better next week, in the 80's! I just want to say that you really do amaize me...I'm lol because I got called for another interview today not bank related and I have no idea how they got my resume maybe by the career website I'm on, but I didn't apply. That's why it's amaizing because you saw something else other than the bank and it seemed to me like it was not likely to happen. LOL! I should have known better, HAHAHA! I just had to tell you because I'm so excited! Thank you so much! I really do have so much faith in what you tell me. Have a great happy day! Talk soon and hugs! Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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Hi Gina Rose! Doesn't sound like you're looking forward to that dancing, lol! And then with Motormouth, haha. You're too funny! You're doing it for the animals!!!!! Have a great time! Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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Hi Abigail! I'm actually from Southern Cali and just to see the tornados on tv seem scary, like I wouldn't know where to run! I'm very used to earthquakes and those don't scare me. I used to work in a small five story building on the fifth floor right by a freeway. The building very often would sway back and forth but it was the big rigs that would drive by on the freeway and a few times last year were a couple of earthquakes that were hard enough to feel but felt the same like when the big rigs past by. So I'm very used buildings swaying maybe not as strong as how "the big one" might feel and I don't think I'd panic. Hope all is well! Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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Hi Gina Rose! I'm glad to read that you and the animals are ok. Tornados seem to be very scary...hope that there wasn't too much damage. Be careful out there! Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 11, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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It's so sad that's he's gone... Was a true fan in my early teen years! Cubes
Toggle Commented Mar 10, 2010 on Death of a Lost Boy at California Psychics®
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Hi Fran, Wow! That's very deep stuff. You really had a strong bond with her. I don't know if you might have read this before because I have mentioned it on a previous blog long age. The first 4 years of my daughter's life we lived with my ex-inlaws and my ex had a small white-highland terrier (think that's what it's called) Well, when my daughter was about 8 or 9 we were already living elsewhere and the doggie stayed with the inlaws because where we moved it was not aloud. It was about midnight and my ex and I had just gone to bed...about 15 to 20 mins later my daughter went into our room and she was sleep walking and went straight to my ex's side of the bed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. We both got up and he walked her back to her room. About 2 or 3 in the morning his mother called him and said their doggie had past on... (She had been very sick those last couple of months) Until this day we feel that she (the doggie) said bye to my ex through my daughter. Interesting... Love ya too! Cubes :D
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Great story Fran! I'm so glad that Maria has contacted you and now you will always have her by your side. Happy for you! Hugs to you! Cubes :D
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Hey Fran! I don't know how much money I've saved on car washes this rainy season, but I bet it's a whole bunch! Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 4, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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Hi Gina Rose! Wow! Thank you and your Guides so much for "thinking" about me. This really made my day because I really am hope that the postion I interviewed for last week comes through. I really am excited for it and I hope that's the one they feel! Big Hugs! Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 4, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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Hi Miss Krystal! The rain was here...It is a very nice day out. I will enjoy and you do the same! Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 4, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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Hi Miss Krystal! Yes! Another one coming out way! Fran's funny, lol! Have a happy day! Hugs! Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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Thanks Believer! I know it will! I can feel it almost here! Lol! Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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Hi Fran! I'm happy to hear everything went well at your dinner. Hope you have a great day! Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 2, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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Miss Krystal, My car is CLEAN! haha...just needs to be vacuumed. Any natural occurrences you can think of, lol, j/k. Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 1, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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ST, I'm glad you got that call out of your system. That was huge! I'm sure you'll hear from him soon...after all, you have had contact with him already if you think about it...hummm. Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 1, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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Hi Fran, The interview went well I thought. I won't know anything until the middle of March as they have more interviewing to do because they have several postions open. So stay crossed! lol While driving, I do talk about the road to her just need to test her more. Really I'm the one that wants it more...haha. She turned 16 in Nov and took her Driver's Ed class back in April of last year. So we've let it go and now I just want her to be prepared because so many things can happen and she'll be a Senior in the Fall and will get very busy. We'll see what happens, I'll take her again next week. Hope you had a great weekend, I did! lol Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 1, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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Hey ST! I felt the interview went well. I won't know until the middle of March. So I have to keep looking. Cubes :D
Toggle Commented Mar 1, 2010 on Customer Roundtable at California Psychics®
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