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Revolutionary Sista'
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I don't think there is anyone better to portray Disney's first Black princess. Anika exudes class, sophistication, beauty & she's an awesome talent! I'm so proud of her!
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Well, I'm the last one back from vacation so I guess I'm the last to comment. It's good to finally get a genuine sense of who you are. You have an interesting background which is clearly serving it's purpose in your life right now. Puting all you have into helping people & pushing to be a better version of yourself without taking yourself too seriously. You're definitely destined for greater things! Can't wait for the next blog!
Toggle Commented Dec 1, 2009 on About Ron Eldridge at <!-- AnythingUЯBAN -->
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OK I can already feel my pressure rise. First, I always find it interesting when I hear caucasian people scream racism, looking from the historical standpoint of our country. It seems like when we do it- it bcomes more of a "here they go again" sort of argument and nothing is done about it. But when a caucasian person screams racism it become "poor them". I don't condone racism in any form but lets be realistic in how the media portrays us as a people...It's our "culture"???? No darling, it's your culture!!! We wouldn't know such hate if it wasn't bestowed upon us for so many GENERATIONS. Not just years, or months, or weeks, or once in a while in a classroom...GENERATIONS. The fact that Bill O'Reilly is covering that story makes it all the more unfair because time & time again he's openly shown his true racist colors & no one has shut him down yet. It's still very present in our society and the fact that people want to ignore it and act like it doesn't exist makes it something like a pressure cooker ready to burst. So I lay the question down of which boy really has the right to cry wolf?
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Ah this is awesome. I love to see growth! There is nothing better than gathering everything you've learned thus far in your life & sharing it with others that will in turn help them grow into better people. You go boy! lol
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This is awesome. I love to see a Black man climbing to the top, doing his thing & staying humble. I wish him all the luck in the world! Also, against all odds, him & Mariah seems to be perfect for each other. You go Nick!
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Wow I've never seen a black Yogi before...Interesting!
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This is sad on so many different levels. I too am tired of seeing these young kids die unnecessary deaths. At what point do we learn from the past and stop reliving it.
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Wow I never thought of the "strong Black woman" in this context but it does make sense. Most of our young Black brothers who are chasing love in the streets didn't have a father figure in their lives. Our young Black sista's that are trying to find the love they didn't recieve from a father are trying to find it in the men who don't know how to give it becuase they were never taught. I feel it's a parents responsibility to parent, divorce or no divorce, that's why we have a full generation of loose cannons running around today because these children aren't being parented. I also do agree with it being OK with your children seeing emotion. We have to let them know that it's OK to feel but you just have to keep pushing on and that exemplifies a strong Black woman.
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Call me ghetto but I like it! LOL...I think it shows the undying pride that we've developed through this victory.
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WOW! Now you know this is my area of interest. I've always researched Kwame Ture and his accomplishments. These are the people that I look up to! Miriam Makeba also, I still have her book at my house. Her story was a truly inspirational one. This has to be one of my favorite blogs you've presented! This is awesome, just getting the knowledge out there!
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Definitely hilarious! Look how far we've come!
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LMAO! Thanks for the advice. Your rules make sense.
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Wow this is awesome & I love that quote at the end “Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over”. I really like this one!
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I'm waiting for you to pass on the knowledge on how to go forth with that. LOL!
Toggle Commented Sep 4, 2009 on My Invisibility at <!-- AnythingUЯBAN -->
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This one is pretty deep. I have to say that when I'm having a my "moments of stillness", which I like to call it, I'm pretty much thinking of all the things in my life that I'm grateful for. Then when I'm in a space of gratefulness, I visualize my future & all the things I would Love to see manifest in my life. Those quiet moments are so important because truth be told, it's the excessive mental chatter that's detrimental to our existence.
Toggle Commented Sep 4, 2009 on My Invisibility at <!-- AnythingUЯBAN -->
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Yet another politician caught with their foot in their mouth. I don't understand how they believe so much & live by christian principles when they are absolute heathens. This is just another example of pure ignorance & 5 gold stars to you for setting this blog in an "exposure" style piece rather than an "attack the congresswoman" piece. I think it's better to be the bigger person and let them sit back & reflect on how they conduct themselves.
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LOL! Nice pic :)
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Wow this is an awesome piece. You know, I feel you on this 100%, if I walk by another Black youth who can spit everything that the media has put forefront (i.e. drugs, hustling, disrespect for women) but they can't give me the names of the people who afforded them the right to walk around today as a human being and not as someone else's property I think I'm just going to have a breakdown. The problem is that this next generation and much of my own are not being guided, not being raised with morals and values and live to worship the foolishness on the T.V. I understand what you mean when you say you felt like their was a breakthrough b/c I see that same look when I start spitting knowledge to them. They want to hear it and deep down they crave it, the sad part is that no one is taking the time out to really teach them on a day to day basis.
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You never know, that could be another one of those "Hollywood romances" that's blooming...Again! I think Dorian is a cool actor, however, I don't remember seeing him in 6 degrees of separation.
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Wow can you believe it's been 8 years! I will never for get when my sorority sister came into my dorm room and woke me up to tell me Aaliyah died in a plane crash. I just couldn't believe it! My favs will always be "I care 4 U" & "Are you that somebody".
Toggle Commented Aug 25, 2009 on In Memory Of: Aaliyah at <!-- AnythingUЯBAN -->
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Yes! Can't wait for Whitney, I'm rooting for her to get back on top!
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Wow this is pretty deep, especially since the subject is so on edge. For one, I think you should still blog about the subject of "sexual abuse" because you never know who you might help in the process & what you could possibly gain from dabbling on such a serious subject. My most recent Love/Hate moments has been with the people in my life who continue to underestimate me although I've proven time & again that I have what it takes to thrive at anything I do. That old "reason, season, lifetime" saying rings so much more true to me the older I get. We can't spend too much time stressing over who is coming and going because we have our own mission to fulfill. You know, I really think you should go for it (SA blog). Reason being, you lost one friend/supporter, imagine how many more you will gain as a result of being true to yourself!
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OK first, the NJ corruption sting shocked the hell out of me too...I mean Rabbi's, organs, hundreds of thousands of dollars...Who can we really trust these days?!...In my opinion if these ball players want to use steroids that should be their business, I mean if a contestant in a beauty pagent can get plastic suregery & breast implants to increase their chances of winning then why can't a ball player do what they can to increase their chances. They know the side effects & it should be their decision. Ahh the fat bitch/skinny trick gaining weight has nothing to do with the company you keep. It's about how you treat & what you put into your body on a daily basis. No one can force you to gain weight, unless you're a young girl living in the African country Mauritania (which I would Love to visit).
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Unbelievable...yet, totally believable...This was an awesome clip. It filled me with so much pride & brings me to a place of sadness because there aren't too many people in my generation with that mentality. They worked hard so their parents (& our Black leaders) suffering wasn't in vain...It makes me emotional & I watched it twice!
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OK! First of all that was hard to watch, I mean come on! What's really good these days? First 3-6 Mafia on the oscars with "It's hard out here for a pimp" & now this...OK lets just say she did that because he's her nephew but good lord, in front of congress! Maybe this can be the begining of rap being accepted worldwide or maybe these people are just bugging...I don't know what to say to this, I'm just so alarmed & the fact that others are not, makes me even more alarmed!
Toggle Commented Jul 24, 2009 on Are You Stoopid?? at <!-- AnythingUЯBAN -->
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