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Photographer, Writer, ZQ fan
Interests: music, writing, photography, photoshop, singing, graphics
Recent Activity
That's just too spooky!
I may have to rethink my plans. ;/
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Wonderful! :)
I'm going to be looking for them now. Hm, there are cemeteries near me... I wonder if I have the guts to go alone at night?
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My friend AJ says this is very bright for a ghost. It's my first experience with one. I walked up and down that hall, but in the center. I didn't pass through the area where s/he was, so I don't know if there was a cold spot. I only wish I'd looked at it while on the scene. I would have checked it out!
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fenraven added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Sep 14, 2012
Your acknowledgment means more than you know, Sean. Thanks. I totally understand why you made the choice you did and I don't hold it against you. You're doing what's best for the community, which is right.
The future is always unknown... unless you're psychic, which I'm not. We'll see what happens, eh?
Thanks again.
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I didn't always know when to leave the party, but these days, I know. ;/
It's time, guys. I'm super busy working and writing and doing other things, but I'll still be watching Zach's career path and keeping up with most of you in other ways. Enjoy!
My feelings about FB are strongly negative. I...
My feelings about FB are strongly negative. I won't be moving over with you guys. I was a founding member of ZQC. In fact, I was the one who named it. :) It's been one hell of a ride these last four years. Thanks for everything. I'll keep talking to many of you on twitter. I'm easy to find. Fenra...
My feelings about FB are strongly negative. I...
My feelings about FB are strongly negative. I won't be moving over with you guys. I was a founding member of ZQC. In fact, I was the one who named it. :) It's been one hell of a ride these... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2012 at Zachary Quinto
So that's it then. Thanks for a good run, guys. I wish you the best. Enjoy your new home.
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I suppose she's done everything she can, including talking to the mortgage holder about refinancing, etc.
I'm very sorry. No one likes leaving their home. *hug*
In the end, though, it's only a place. Perhaps she will end up somewhere that will make her happier; find a nice apartment somewhere close to work and shops. Maybe she can even walk! I would love to live in a walkable neighborhood. There is good in everything bad. I'm sending good thoughts your way.
My mom and I are going through some tough moments...
My mom and I are going through some tough moments right now. She's very upset. She's afraid she might have to foreclose on our home. Keep her in your prayers. I hate to see her so sad.
I like it very much.
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That was me last night, when I thought I'd lost a file I'd been working of for six hours.
However, computers bow to my superiority and I found and restored a copy Windows told me was corrupt.
Take that, computer!
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Thanks for posting the link, Lindsay. :) Sunfell posted it on G+, too. I feel almost famous tonight.
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Lindsay, add a link to your page so people can follow you by email. Welcome to WP!
I think you're going to like it. A lot. :)
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I heard about this a day or two ago but hadn't seen the tweets. Wow. Frightening! Elwes was remarkably calm.
He's right. These wars are bad bad bad! They must stop!
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I saw Somewhere in Time again recently after many years. It's a romance with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour, and Reeve reminded me so much of Jon Groff, it wasn't funny. Maybe because Reeve was so young in this film, but the resemblance was there.
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I'm not going to bother with a caption, but I do remember this was Lee Ann Meriwether (who followed me on Twitter when I RPd Sylar a few years back; not kidding!) and her big line in this episode was, "I come for you, James T Kirk."
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A good reason never to let a cat roam outside. I do hope she returns to you soon.
Well I spoke face to face with Animal Control, as...
Well I spoke face to face with Animal Control, as they actually work on Sundays. They have not picked up a cat of her description nor have they had any reports of her at all. They haven't had any deceased cats either. So hopefully she's just hiding out somewhere.
He lost ctrl.
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fenraven added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 19, 2012
I'm wishing myself out of the country until this election mud-slinging and stupidity is over.
Instead of addressing important issues like job creation, health care coverage, equal rights for everyone, they waste our time and money and their energy on crap like this. I'm so fed up with childish behavior from people who should be presenting a calm, mature face during a time of much change and stress.
I don't want kids in politics. I want grown-ups with vision holding office.
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Very nice! I like it a lot. Wonderful thing to have if you live in a climate that includes long cold winters.
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You're both welcome!
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fenraven added a link at Zachary Quinto
Aug 17, 2012
No idea how he puts up with this crap. It would drive me nuts.
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fenraven added audio at Zachary Quinto
Caribbean Blue
Aug 16, 2012
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