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Slightly dodgy Kiwi living in America
Recent Activity
HI Gayle, we are dealing with it one day at a time right now. The time off work has been a killer I have to say lol. I don't mind saying that my son had a breakdown, brought on from post traumatic stress. Years of visitation with my ex husband have taken their toll and when the sob was arrested a few months back for burglary my kids thought they would never have to go back again and started to open up about what they have gone through. The ex was bailed out thinking he was still going to get his hands on my son, thinking he would have to go back and knowing what would happen, tried to kill himself. Since then I have been helping them both through therapy, we have been having court hearings.....I spent two weeks in jail in contempt rather than let the kids go back to him. Things are evening out now like I said, the ex has a trial that starts in Feb....if he is convicted he will be gone for six to 20 years and my son will have a real chance to heal.
And the offer of a good laugh is most welcome!!!!! And perhaps a wee bit of ZQ eyecandy too???? lol
Morning ZQC!!! I've been gone from here for...
Morning ZQC!!! I've been gone from here for several months, dealing with my seven year old's illness. I have missed alot thats for sure. Now that little man is doing a wee bit better then hopefully I can be around alot more. Have a great day guys!
Thanks guys!!! Its a process, he will likely have problems the rest of his life but he is a determined little tyke and he knows he doesn't want it to get the better of him.
Morning ZQC!!! I've been gone from here for...
Morning ZQC!!! I've been gone from here for several months, dealing with my seven year old's illness. I have missed alot thats for sure. Now that little man is doing a wee bit better then hopefully I can be around alot more. Have a great day guys!
Morning ZQC!!! I've been gone from here for...
Morning ZQC!!! I've been gone from here for several months, dealing with my seven year old's illness. I have missed alot thats for sure. Now that little man is doing a wee bit better then hopefully I can be around... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
I would definately fail that class! Yum! And in our neck of the woods I know where all the goodlooking men went.
No title
Very nice!!!!! Always enjoy your musical choices.
Medication [Original Composition: Meditation]
Very excited for this project! Especially as I live not 40 mins from Nashville and it deserves a decent show.
NASHVILLE pilot for The CW: w/ Paisley, Bomer, Dodson, & Schwahn
news from over at my before the door pictures company: This was announced in Variety a month ago or so, and we'll be talking more about it in the new year, along with other projects. But we wanted to officially post something here about our company producing a television series pilot for The ...
Harlee added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Dec 14, 2009
sorry about the triple post, my wireless is screwy at the moment
anyway, australia is not doing too well, i'm not...
anyway, australia is not doing too well, i'm not usually a cricket fan but i've got the ashes on in the background, it may be time for a little sylar action :)
Who are we playing?
anyway, australia is not doing too well, i'm not...
anyway, australia is not doing too well, i'm not usually a cricket fan but i've got the ashes on in the background, it may be time for a little sylar action :)
Who are we playing?
anyway, australia is not doing too well, i'm not...
anyway, australia is not doing too well, i'm not usually a cricket fan but i've got the ashes on in the background, it may be time for a little sylar action :)
Who are we playing?
anyway, australia is not doing too well, i'm not...
anyway, australia is not doing too well, i'm not usually a cricket fan but i've got the ashes on in the background, it may be time for a little sylar action :)
Harlee added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 16, 2009
Harlee added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 16, 2009
Harlee added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 16, 2009
cool how do we all get a job where we can play with lego?
No title
lol that is hilarious!
Heroes Parody - My Name is Earl.... I mean Sylar
Harlee shared a video on YouTube
at Zachary Quinto
Jul 22, 2009
Morning all! Hope everyone is having a great day...
Morning all! Hope everyone is having a great day today! Its raining here, a little cool for the middle of summer and far far away from Comic Con...but hey I have the next two days off and thats worth celebrating... Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
That was awesome, but its dangerous to laugh that hard this early in the morning lol
Robot Chicken - Star Trek
ergh work was awful lol, but thankyou for the good wishes. Unfortunately I work in hell and have volunteered to be back there at 5am tomorrow...I am a glutton for punishment. :-)
morning harlee good luck at work ;)
morning harlee good luck at work ;)
Morning all, thought I would stop in and say hi...
Morning all, thought I would stop in and say hi before going to work (gags) for twelve gruelling hours of customer dissatisfaction lol. Wow last time I was here we were on 12 pages now its 40, we sure do... Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
excellent way to start the day lol
No title
Its fantastic huh? Someone emailed it to me..WITHOUT a warning note attached. We almost had to call the paramedics lol
Zachary Quinto GQ Taiwan Exclusive Photoshoot
Harlee added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jul 17, 2009
its slightly funny lol but definately hair...sorry what was I saying?
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