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catalina island, ca
music therapist, cardigan enthusiast
Interests: aqualoafing, being true, eucalyptus trees, spring, maslow's hierarchy of needs, camping, letting my hair grow long like samson, twilight, moonlight, sunlight, candlelight, fireplaces, the ocean, the mountains, sunday drives, taking a chance on me, in-between times, riding the peace train
Recent Activity
wow...38 pages! geeze, i go camping for a weekend...
wow...38 pages! geeze, i go camping for a weekend and this thing explodes!! what's going on everyone? Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
why, thank you...
hi everyone! this is awesome!
hi everyone! this is awesome!
thehoboestate is now following coreymoosa
Jul 18, 2009
thehoboestate is now following Zachary Quinto
Jul 18, 2009
hi everyone! this is awesome!
hi everyone! this is awesome! Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
petra. petra. petra.
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