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Adrian Haythornthwaite
Wexford Town .County Wexford, Ireland
If you are buying or selling property in Wexford and need clear accurate fully qualified advice, contact me- this is what I do for a living!
Interests: I specialise in solutions to your property-related questions in Wexford and surrounding areas.As a Chartered Surveyor, Auctioneer and Real Estate advisor based in Wexford Town, I bring 30 years of professional expertise and experiences to the correct solution for you; whether you want a sale result, a letting done, or just sound valuation advice. I am a fully qualified property specialist,a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, A Fellow of the Society of Chartered Surveyors, a Member of the Irish Auctioneers and Valuers Institute and an Arbitrator on both the panels of the Chartered Surveyors and Auctioneers Institutes. These are the foremost professional bodies governing the property business in Ireland. It takes many years to earn this level of professional recognition.
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Read this one folks-When Irish Eyes Are Crying Business: Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2011 at Wexford Property Zone
Adrian Haythornthwaite is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Here are the contact details of a man who can do 360degree presentations of a property for a reasonable cost, €50 per house plus Vat when I last spoke to him Look at the presentation he did for me on Im delighted and so are my clients obviously; their properties are selling! Adam Hankin Unit 14 Main st, Swords Co Dublin Ireland Company: The Virtual Tour Co Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 0871222793 Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2009 at Wexford Property Zone
Perhaps its the sunshine , or maybe people are starting to look for a little joy again; whatever is driving it I am finding property sales picking up again.Not that the houses are cheap, just good value. In St Helens golf resort we have agreed the sales of 4 houses at €175000 each (beside a beach, on the course) and we have agreed the sales of 3 other houses in the Hookless holiday village on the Hook peninsula in Southwest Co. Wexford. You can see these houses, and the other ones we have for sale on Anyway its all... Continue reading
Posted Jul 30, 2009 at Wexford Property Zone
Adrian Haythornthwaite is now following Anil Dash
Jul 21, 2009
I believe we are facing into a dramatic change in the way property contracts are being handled, and I would be most interested in other peoples opinions.... Here is the issue. Up to now it has been possible to agree the terms of a binding contract with a purchaser, in that if they had a letter of offer from a bank saying that they would get the money, they could sign a contract that was binding on say day 10 having agreed their purchase on day 1. The sale would then complete on say day 30 ; and all parties... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2009 at Wexford Property Zone
In general property in Wexford is extremely good value. Of particular note are the properties in Portside, Rosslare Harbour. You may know that you can buy a good house here for under €200,000 ( but you might not have realised what this really means for you. If you are in a position where you are worried about the future because your pension savings have been hit by recent events, you are probably worried about tomorrow with reasonable justification. When you can buy a house, in a Rosslare Harbour village you get excellent transport links (central London every day, Dublin, Limerick... Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2009 at Wexford Property Zone