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Mansfield, OH
Lifelong Ohioan dork, married 35-year-old mom of 2
Interests: Music (obviously!), writing, knitting, my wonderful friends and family, and most of all, my Lord Jesus.
Recent Activity
Hawthorne and Hampstead are my favorites. I love those bright colors!
New colors from Lorna's Laces... and a contest!
"Woah." It's a common exclamation when knitters see our wall-o-Lorna's-Laces for the first time. Every color of Shepherd Sock plus lots of Solemate and Sportmate stretched out over a long wall of our 3500 square foot shop, ready to be squished between fingers. It's intoxicating. Our wall of...
First, your blog made me wish I had an older sibling. I'm the older sis, but I've always thought I could've used an older brother or sister to help me make my way through. I'm not sure I was the best guide for my younger sister growing up. (Of course, I was also only 18 months older, haha.)
Second: driving. I still remember my first driving lesson, which happened to be in our backyard, since my dad was too nervous to let me start driving on an actual road. (In fairness, I was nervous too, so it worked for me as well!) We had the scariest car in the world: it was a green Hornet. I had never even heard of a Hornet before we bought it, and it was the ultimate junker car. I guess my dad figured if I somehow crashed it (because we all know how dangerous head-on collisions with trees at 2 mph can be), it wouldn't be a huge loss.
Thirdly: spiders. (Yeah, I'm skipping the make-out session - painful memories, don't feel like dredging those up, lol.) I don't think much of them, but I still remember one night when my sister woke, started letting out the most horrific-sounding moans and cries I've ever heard, and ran out of her bedroom and leaped into bed with my mom & dad. I think she was maybe 10 or 11 at the time? Anyway, the next morning I found out what had set her off so bizarrely. She'd had a nightmare in which she had woken up covered in spiders. I don't know if this scarred her for life, but frankly, just the mental image kind of scarred me!
Thanks for writing, as always. Love reading your thoughts. :)
Be Cool
If I am at all deserving of the word "cool" it would all be because of my big sister, Lauren. It started the day I was born-when asked by my parents, she clearly said that I should be named Star. Thankfully, my wiser guardians decided to save me from the elementary school beatings and settled wi...
Comment #2.
Okay, kidding aside… I do love reading your writing. You have a way of bringing us into your experiences that I love. And topping it off with a roadtrip playlist was a great touch. Thanks for sharing your heart with us.
The Beautiful Road
Late the other night, I had to do a much easier drive than usual, but we had a 3 hour trek from Dallas to Houston. It's amazing what 3 hours can do-how much can change. Granted, since then, we traveled 14 hours to Atlanta where I write this. It's one thing to get out of a plane in another climat...
Comment #1.
The Beautiful Road
Late the other night, I had to do a much easier drive than usual, but we had a 3 hour trek from Dallas to Houston. It's amazing what 3 hours can do-how much can change. Granted, since then, we traveled 14 hours to Atlanta where I write this. It's one thing to get out of a plane in another climat...
I believe there will ALWAYS be poets, philsophers, musicians, and painters. Oh, and writers. (That's me. ;) ) I love your writing, Ryan. You always make me think. Take care. <3
Blog time
I'm in a good old fashioned yellow taxi on my way back from an exhausting and great 5 day trip around the country visiting radio stations to introduce myself and play some music. These trips are interesting because, as a musician, you kind of wear a different hat when you are going into conferen...
Congratulations to Hiedi! And Ryan, this video made me cry. I am so freaking proud of you for what you're doing with this video. Awesome to hear what it's doing already! love you!
#Breathe4Jobs #5 on Twitter ... Keeping a Promise
Hey everyone, is going incredibly well. I'm amazed we were able to get it up as the #5 trending topic on Twitter last week. Almost 200,000 people Tweeted it. We've already received nearly 100 emails from employers inquiring about the candidates on the site. That
Sounds about how I felt when I first saw you on stage... and every time since then. Everyone I know has loved you from the moment they saw you live. I love to see people become Starlinged like I have! :D
My Fans Rock
Sometimes I can't believe how incredibly kind you guys are to me. I found this really nice blog post by Saraah that I thought I'd share with all of you (below)... "Last Friday night, I went to go see David Cook, live in concert!! I told myself, after he won American Idol (Season 7) that if he e...
AHHHHH! A bunch of my local stations are on that list! The day I hear one of your songs on the radio is the day I will run around my house (or just jump up & down in my car) screaming. So excited!
Clear Channel Names Ryan Star "Artist To Watch"
Hey everyone, I have been selected as an Artist To Watch on numerous Clear Channel radio station sites as well as Clear Channel's own I have also been selected for inclusion in their NEW! Discover & Uncover digital channel. Check out a few screen shots below. Ryan Star featur...
NLeigh added a link at Ryan Star
Aug 24, 2009
NLeigh is now following Kristen81
Jul 25, 2009
NLeigh is now following TheBav
Jul 25, 2009
NLeigh is now following JennfromAR
Jul 25, 2009
*sigh* Love hearing "Breathe" on Billboard. Can't...
*sigh* Love hearing "Breathe" on Billboard. Can't wait till I can buy it and take you everywhere with me and listen for a few days. :D Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2009 at Ryan Star
NLeigh is now following becks
Jul 22, 2009
LOL you posted this just before I posted how much I love "Breathe"! Well, let me say it again--that song gives me CHILLS, and I hope it's as big of a success as it should be. I absolutely cannot WAIT to download it! I sense a few days of listening to it nonstop. :D
Ryan Star
I am SO excited that Breathe will be your next...
I am SO excited that Breathe will be your next single! That song gives me chills every. Single. Time. Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2009 at Ryan Star
NLeigh is now following celticfish
Jul 21, 2009
Okay, I think I'm in love with this site already. Going to add it to my bookmarks, I think! Love your music, love you!
Welcome all to the new It feels like a...
Welcome all to the new It feels like a private cub. Love it. It is here where you will find out all of my deepest secrets. Like the meanest thing I have ever done or what I did to get my hands on my first playboy magazine.
NLeigh is now following Ryan Star
Jul 21, 2009
NLeigh is now following Rstarfan1124
Jul 21, 2009
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