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north kingstown, ri
... wandering but not lost ...
Interests: music, art, friends, thrifting, napping, dvr, recycling, peonies, photography, museums, coffee, fireflies, lavender, stella, galleries, polaroid, hummingbirds, ginger, coconut, tree frogs, clotheslines, dandelions, mangos, reese's pieces, raindrops, crunchy peanut butter, unfinished lists
Recent Activity
that is a beautiful definition of living in the moment in a truly beautiful way.
In 24 hours I hit Huntsville, Alabama; Atlanta; Nashville; and St. Louis, mostly visiting radio stations to start letting them know about Breathe so they can start playing it on the air. I do love the travel and meeting these people, but the highlight was definitely stopping by my friend David Co...
zoeticism added a favorite at
Oct 16, 2009
LOVE IT!! I wish I could have seen that show! But last weekend was epically amazing too!! Such infectious energy and passion for music!! Love, love, love it!
Ryan Star Back Of Your Car Charlottesville, VA 10/11/09
i'll be at that one too! can't wait!! :)
New Tour Dates With David Cook
Hey everyone, I had a very restful and healing week off and could not be more excited to announce these new tour dates with David Cook. Very excited to get back on the road. See you out there. Tell all your friends!!! Visit the tour page for more details. MAIN SUPPORT OPENING FOR DAVID
zoeticism is now following SarahBeth
Sep 26, 2009
maybe it doesn't matter or you don't want/need to know but ... i had the privilege of meeting her ... she seems as cool as her name. :)
Hi guys... I'm not sure if this is the right place...
Hi guys... I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I had a question about one of Ryan's lyrics and I figured what better place to ask than right here! If I'm wrong and this is inappropriate I apologize in advance. So I've been listening to "Last Train Home" and there's one word i...
zoeticism is now following onone
Aug 20, 2009
zoeticism is now following MikeyT
Aug 20, 2009
As one of those people who wanted to go, but couldn't, I say a wholehearted "thank you!!!". Great to at least be able to get a little taste of the show. Glad to see there were a whole lot more people than when I saw him last week! Looks like a cool venue too! Thanks!! :)
Ryan Star Back of your car
that's awesome!! thank you! i am going to watch it over and over tonight and pretend i am at the CT show!!
Ryan Star Last Train Home St Louis
zoeticism added a favorite at Ryan Star
Aug 17, 2009
omg love that picture!! thank you!!
No title
zoeticism added a photo at Ryan Star
Newport, RI 8.13.09 amazingness!!
Aug 14, 2009
ryan and the guys did a great show in newport, ri...
ryan and the guys did a great show in newport, ri last night!! pix to come!! Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2009 at Ryan Star
zoeticism is now following Ryan Star
Aug 14, 2009
very spiffy. :)
very spiffy. :) Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2009 at Ryan Star
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