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Heather R
Picton, Ontario, Canada
. Live on an Island south of Belleville and 1 hour to Kingston to the east or 2 hours to T.O. to the west. Born and raised at R.R. # 4, Harriston, Ontario, Canada. Farming community where my parents raised my 3 siblings and I. The love of animals, music and art I feel all came from our deep rooted but simple, down to earth lifestyle.I have raised 4 children, 2 of which are now adults. I have 3 grandchildren, 2 girls and 1 boy. My second partner and I bore twins (boy and girl) who are now 16 yrs. of age. Sadly enough, we where caught in an abusive relationship until one day I managed to flee with their lives at age 6 and mine. Survivors, and stronger in a lot a of ways because of it.
Interests: "Music is My Life it is not My Livelihood" taken from one of the late, great, Harry Chapin songs. Along with him are other idols of course like Elvis, but I can honestly say that I love all types of music and have a profound passion for the "feeling songs". Great story tellers, old and new. The music played during one of my favorite actors, Russell Crowes movie "Master and Commander" is truly moving as well. Violin, Cello, Mandolin, Harp, piano, guitar, rock and roll, hard rock, soft rock, alternative, country, symphony, you name it, I love it. The emotional, quality performance of Ryan Stars' "Losing my Religion" on Rock Star Supernova burnt a lasting impression that fed my conviction as a "fan forever". I could see his potential from day 1 and to this day believe that it wasn't meant to be that he would reign supreme with Supernova, but go on to be his own self, a great musician and performer. Your name says it all Ryan, a true Star! Other interests include the love of animals and the volunteer involvement with rescue and shelter groups for them and abused women and childrens as well.