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Shakespeare, Oregon
Teen Librarian
Interests: I read 400+ books a year. Interests are characterized by or exhibiting variety; various; diverse; diversified.
Recent Activity
I get paid to be on the computer and read... a Library Media Specialist. I run three libraries in my school district and contribute books and my personal time to two more libraries in the county. During the summer I raise my 8 year old and teach fun classes.
So, aside from spending much of your days on this...
So, aside from spending much of your days on this page, what do you guys do? I mean for a living. (And why can't we get paid to chat all day?)
I won't spoil it for you, but I really enjoyed listening to parts on the audiobook that did not make it into the movie. Zachary reads so expressively and fluently that I am looking forward to anything else he might chose to read. I know a couple local actors that read audiobooks. It is always interesting to talk to them and ask them what they pictured in their mind while reading. I wish I knew if Zachary was picturing his fellow actors from the Star Trek movie.
STAR TREK - Zachary Quinto Narrates (Audiobook)
I'm teaching a class for 6-10 year old girls which combines reading the American Girl doll series (historical fiction) and then sewing costumes and creating poli-clay props. The end goal is for the girls to have educational fun and create little plays using their American Girl dolls.
I've just had an acting lesson, I am EXHAUSTED!...
I've just had an acting lesson, I am EXHAUSTED! And he left me loads of homework, best get on with that I suppose! Tsk....anyone else doing anything exciting today? I'm going to go grab one of the horses and go for a pootle round I think, chill out for a bit...
I think Leonard looks like my father (same generation) but Zachary does not. How can that be if they look so similar?
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WontGoThere is now following Mabes
Jul 31, 2009
Hi Mel
My libraries accept advanced reader copies (I'm just saying) and the teens love graphic novels! Will the Jim Henson company allow a Zachary Quinto look-a-like Fraggle to be created??
My name is Mel Caylo, marketing manager for...
My name is Mel Caylo, marketing manager for Archaia. If you went to the panel at Comic-Con, I was the guy moderating until Jeph Loeb took over. I was also the guy having the technical difficulties with the display monitor. :/ I just wanted to add that Zach, Neal and Corey are three of the greates...
I think he would be Halo (have to change the hair color) from Halo and Sprocket by Kerry Callen. I noticed that Archaia is working with the Jim Henson company and may produce "Fraggle Rock" comics. Which came first, Zachary's singing Fraggle Rock or Archaia's interest in teaming with the Henson company?
If Zachary was a cartoon character which one would...
If Zachary was a cartoon character which one would he be?
I have that video bookmarked ( Bahahah stripey sweater). Zachary had written a speech that showed his commitment to bringing change to our(at that time) present political agenda by encouraging people to vote for Obama. In the speech he pointed out Obama's record on discouraging the influence of political lobbyists. I think Obama has a long way to go on that. The rest of Zachary's speech reflected my hopes for what Obama would do if he were elected. Great speech!
ok a few people have been asking to discuss more...
ok a few people have been asking to discuss more intellectual things so has anyone seen Zachs speech for the Obama Campaign and if so what did they think? I personally thought he was a very passionate spokesman who felt very deeply about the things he discussed and if he had stood for candidate w...
I am going to agree with supporting local coffee shops. There are many in this town, and I was sad to see our first Starbucks move in and take over. My 20 something neighbors are struggling to keep their funky little shop open.
ImaJen8--There's a kiosk at the mall called New...
ImaJen8--There's a kiosk at the mall called New River Coffee Co.; they're a "mom and pop" local business so I usually give them my business instead of Starbucks. I got a Funky Monkey Mocha--chocolate, macadamia nut, and banana flavored coffee drink. They also make an excellent chai tea latte. And...
I am not SARMY, but have found my way here....
I am not SARMY, but have found my way here. Zachary Quinto posted that he is at ComicCon. Do you read comics? Which ones? One of my favorites is Tintin. It is being made into a film. Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
WontGoThere is now following Zachary Quinto
Jul 22, 2009
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