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Kamloops, BC Canada
Single mom of one daughter, two dogs and two rabbits. And now she wants frogs!
Interests: the moon, the sun, landscapes, rainfall, seascapes, i have fascination with the sky and am constantly taking photos of clouds, snowfall, etc. bbc has used three of my photos, the most recent one of the sun obscured by wildfire smoke.
Recent Activity
arcticrose added a link at Zachary Quinto
Even LOST fans from the Dharma Bear Initiative can't stop their, ahem, obsession with ZQ!
Mar 9, 2010
arcticrose is now following JorgeGarciaFan
Feb 7, 2010
Okay, that's bloody horrid of the nun and I wouldn't have given her such a dressing down she'd have thought it from God!
I'm sorry. That just angered me like you would never believe to read the prejudice you are facing and have faced. Your son is a gift with a gift. What I mean by that is, Autisitc children have many challenges (as do their parents and caretakers), but when they hit their stride it's amazing. Whatever it takes to find that gift, go for it.
I have a friend who's son is autistic. He could become aggressive and violent when provoked. He had a serious problem coping with any outside loud noise. It was almost as if his ears were super sensitive. He wanted very much to ba a member of the school band, but could you imagine all that noise?
His father bought him an electric bass guitar (cheap, at a garage sale) and someone volunteered to teach him how to play. As he learned to play, he also learned to cope with the noise and soon he was playing with the band. He's in highschool now and still plays with the band, but what's amazing is the fact that his GPA is better than most "normal" students!
Sorry for this long reply. I hoping to offer encouragement. I hope I did.
Looking for a cool special needs school. If you...
Looking for a cool special needs school. If you know of one, recommend it. Places I'll consider moving to: Chicago, LA, Seattle, MAYBE San Franciso MAYBE (so EXPENSIVE), Denver, Dallas. I'm researching also. I'm so pissed off at my son's school. He's in Pre-K at a public school. They're teaching ...
arcticrose added a favorite at
Oct 9, 2009
Happy Friday night, peoples! It's cold cold cold...
Happy Friday night, peoples! It's cold cold cold here, but at least no snow yet. I just finished watching all seasons of Heroes and now I understand that seriouly evil, yet tanitlizingly delish character that is Sylar! Gabriel is a... Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2009 at
arcticrose is now following PhoenixFire
Oct 2, 2009
Just popped in to say hi. Hi! Just finished season...
Just popped in to say hi. Hi! Just finished season 2 of Heroes and about to start season 3. I am a late arrival. Interesting. Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2009 at
Hello folks! It's been so long since I dropped in....
Hello folks! It's been so long since I dropped in. I've just started watching Heroes and I must say that Sylar is the most drop dead, make my knees turn to jelly villain I have ever seen. Is that wrong? Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2009 at
Wow, that's so caring.
I didn't know this until a few months ago, but did you know a cat can have as many as 200 off spring in a year?
I am allergic to cats and was attacked whenI was very small (I knid of have a phobia of them) but I can't understand why anyone would have a pet and then abandon it to fend for itself.
I respect how you care so much for them.
So off the topic of our wonderful Zachary, to date...
So off the topic of our wonderful Zachary, to date I have rescued and found good homes for 9 kittens that come from three full grown females that live outside my house and I have had them fixed so I shouldn't have anymore kittens thank god... I'm just really proud of myself for saving them and I ...
arcticrose added a favorite at
Sep 27, 2009
arcticrose is now following Bill Van Loan
Sep 12, 2009
arcticrose added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 22, 2009
Wants to see Sylar Deconstructed but, alas, I am...
Wants to see Sylar Deconstructed but, alas, I am not in the US. :( Continue reading
Posted Aug 11, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
Storm is playing havoc with my network, so I'm...
Storm is playing havoc with my network, so I'm going to shut it all down for the night. Have a good one, peoples. *waves* Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
It's no picnic, but necessary.
I hope you find a job soon.
Job hunting is not fun. That is all.
Job hunting is not fun. That is all.
arcticrose added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Tee hee, When I was in Vulcan last month I spotted this. I was going to Photoshop ZQ's face onto it, but sadly I do not know how. :(
Aug 10, 2009
Ooo, I like that!
No title
arcticrose added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 8, 2009
arcticrose added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 8, 2009
arcticrose added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 8, 2009
arcticrose added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Good Evening Zach Fans!
For several weeks we have been trying to survive a heat wave coupled with wildfires. None too close to my home, but the smoke today has been unbearable. It's clearing now, see?
Aug 8, 2009
That looks like a prety happening place.
No title
arcticrose added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 6, 2009
arcticrose added a photo at Zachary Quinto
This is my Border Collie, Cinder. She was born in 2003, in a barn surrounded by three wildfires. We were all evacuated and the mother had run away. When my friend came home she found a litter of puppies in the barn. Hence the name, Cinder.
Aug 6, 2009
I'm here, but I'm a habitual lurker :-}
I'm here, but I'm a habitual lurker :-} Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
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