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PhxGwen added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Nov 4, 2011
I forgot to say Moria's ghost cleans.. and while she ages in the eyes of women/herself she is still trying to prove that all men are cads and will cheat on their wives which is why men see her as a young temptress.
So AHS's ratings slipped a teeny bit last night....
So AHS's ratings slipped a teeny bit last night. Some people feel that Halloween gone may take some viewers away. I wondered about everyone going back to the house too. I must have missed who the two in white were? The group of kids was obviously a gaggle of ghosts but wouldn't Tate know them, if...
My theory is that Charles created the evil that began the houses history with what he did in the basement combined with what he did to his own child.. and if you die on the property the house can call on your spirit when needed. If you were killed and buried on the property then you are trapped there all the time. Whatever you are consumed with or obsessed over the house magnifies.. and if you die that obsession transfers to your state of mind as a ghost. Moira cleans, Chad is obsessed with the style of the house, Patrick with sex, Hayden is obsessed with Ben and telling Viv about her baby. I think Charles might be the most evil ghost in the house and the one who drives the obsession over children. More then likely we haven't seen Charles yet as a ghost.. maybe rubber man but more then likely something not yet seen.
Tate is obviously dead. He comes and goes from the house without the alarm going off but other then Halloween we never saw him off of the grounds of the house. He is obsessed with the 90's which is when he died.. whistles Kill Bill theme while in his high school rampage flashbacks, refers to Nirvana and Kurt Cobain, doesn't know what Violet's ipod was, said there were too many coffee flavors when off with Ben on Halloween. He doesn't remember what he did.. he had mental issues to begin with and the high school rampage must have been too traumatic combined with his death so sudden afterwards he didn't have time to accept the reality of it (even alive Larry said after he killed his family and burned himself it all felt a dream). I think that is also why Tate appears without wounds. I think once his memory comes back his wounds will show. Some of his memory is already slipping back in and during one therapy session with Ben he saw himself standing behind Ben with blood streaming down his face. I think he will look like again when his memory returns. I think Constance told him the house was a safe place so he hasn't left it until this Halloween.. that is why the victims said they had been searching for him all these years.. one made a remark about him hiding in his mommy's safe house. Constance wants Tate's soul to be at peace which is why she wants him to get therapy with Ben. She wants to heal him and his relationship to her and she is afraid of the damage he might do to people even as a ghost. Which is why she wants Violet to keep Addie's death a secret from him.
So AHS's ratings slipped a teeny bit last night....
So AHS's ratings slipped a teeny bit last night. Some people feel that Halloween gone may take some viewers away. I wondered about everyone going back to the house too. I must have missed who the two in white were? The group of kids was obviously a gaggle of ghosts but wouldn't Tate know them, if...
Ah thanks for the bday wishes! Woke up to presents from the lil ones and the hubby and I might do dinner tonight. Other then that I might sneak in another viewing of Quinto as Chad on AHS. :)
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I loved IT! I want to be poor Chad's friend. And have a glass of wine with him. When ZQ said Chad loved his wine.. do you think he meant whine too?
Watching the first couple of minutes of American...
Watching the first couple of minutes of American Horror Story on Hulu. Lord JEEZUS, that man is beautiful!
You are in inspiration and deeply admired. Much love, happiness and success to you now and always.
Now somehow speed time up so that we can see the next Star Trek sooner.. please.. somehow. AHS will have to tide the fans over..
i have spent the day in awe of this outpouring of...
i have spent the day in awe of this outpouring of support and resonance. we. are. in. this. together. NEVER FORGET! i am deeply moved.
ZQ will be in a few episodes which will be fun to try and spot him after his initial epsiode. They already mentioned that the previous owners were a gay couple that died of murder/suicide. And ZQ said he plays a gay interior designer that lived in the home.. and he even hinted with a twitter as to his mode of death. It could perhaps include the mysterious man in the rubber suit. Too creepy for words!! The show has me on the fence but knowing that Quinto's role in the houses history is coming really soon has me hanging on....
Some new ZQ American Horror Interview *!Some...
Some new ZQ American Horror Interview *!Some Spoilers!! Be warned.
PhxGwen added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Oct 18, 2011
PhxGwen added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Oct 18, 2011
PhxGwen added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Oct 17, 2011
I haven't been here in over a year. To say I have been busy and going through Heroes withdrawal would be an understatement.. but of course this news got me back to post. Missed all of you!
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PhxGwen added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Oct 17, 2011
Savage garden - I want you.. I know I love the song that's what caught my eye. Sad when you have to admit you have pretty much exhausted all the fan video for Quinto in the you tube library.. fan girl walk of shame :)
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PhxGwen shared a video on YouTube
at Zachary Quinto
Sep 22, 2010
PhxGwen added a photo at Zachary Quinto
May 15, 2010
I agree.. I never liked Adam. Everyone seems to love him and I was ehhhh (shrugs)
"HEROES" SURVEY I will try but can only answer...
"HEROES" SURVEY I will try but can only answer till season 3 (haven't seen season 4 yet-accept the last episode *LOL*) 1)How did you discover "Heroes"? -through the fact that Zach played Spock-found this page here and the rest is obvious^^ 2)What is your favorite episode from each season? -no fav...
Thanks.. I just randomly found it while searching for a cast pic.
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Also Elle was so heartrendingly needy and broken. She wanted approval and love and to be needed and valued. She was so betrayed and just a giant ball of hurt and need and at time hope. Loved that character.
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PhxGwen added a photo at Zachary Quinto
May 15, 2010
PhxGwen added a photo at Zachary Quinto
May 15, 2010
PhxGwen added a photo at Zachary Quinto
May 15, 2010
PhxGwen added a photo at Zachary Quinto
May 15, 2010
PhxGwen added a photo at Zachary Quinto
May 15, 2010
PhxGwen added a photo at Zachary Quinto
May 15, 2010
PhxGwen added a photo at Zachary Quinto
May 15, 2010
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